Horoscopes. Conspiracies. Predictions. Affirmations

Timur, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys

The male name Timur is of ancient Turkic origin and means “iron”. It is known in different forms, for example, Temir and Damir, but in the territory of our country it spread precisely in the sound of Timur. To many...

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Compatibility of Svetlana Horoscope for Svetlana

Svetlana and Dmitry become a good couple. At the beginning of the relationship, passion arises between them, which develops into a serious feeling. A woman sees a caring and gentle man in this partner. He never...

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How to choose an Orthodox name for a girl

The tradition of naming a child in honor of a saint goes back centuries - in Rus' it appeared after the adoption of Orthodoxy. It was believed that a person who bears the name of a saint has a close connection with him and even adopts...

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How to attract attention, fall in love with yourself, seduce and keep an Aries girl and woman?

If you want to attract the attention of an Aries woman, surprise her! Yes, so that not only she, but everyone around her would gasp! She will definitely fall in love with the hero, at least for a minute, so a beautiful and noble act...

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How to please a Leo girl or woman?

If anyone looks at the expensive outfits of the lioness and thinks that it is money that she likes, he will be deeply disappointed. In fact, she is of little interest to money, especially since she does not like to put it aside for a rainy day. And here...

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We choose unusual and original names that are suitable for girls born in May

Reading time: 6 minutes The birth of a child is a significant event in the life of any family. The birth of a baby is inextricably linked with the important task of choosing a suitable name. If you were born...

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What hobby can you come up with?

Every person should have a corner in their life that helps them relax, find peace of mind, and takes them away from life’s problems. And many people find such a corner in various hobbies. If you don't already have...

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In your opinion, the influence of the zodiac sign is noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day

Those born on this day are firmly convinced of the strength and reliability of the material world. Cool, absorbed in the practical realities of life, you are ready for any surprises. Accumulation of money and property -...

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Relationships between Aries and other zodiac signs and advice from experienced lovers and mistresses

This is a hurricane, a container of pure energy. If you are looking for calmness, reliability, cold logic in a man, then your horoscope sign is Aries because he is not able to give you what you are looking for. Aries is a generator of ideas, with...

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Cancer men in relationships with women of other zodiac signs Mistakes in communicating with a Cancer man

It is believed that a Cancer man, regardless of his living conditions, social circle, upbringing and education, has one fairly recognizable character quality - emotionality. And the mood can change...

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