The day was not going well in the morning. What to do if the day is not going well? You start with the least important tasks

How you spend the first few minutes of your day can make or break your success. Try to always spend your morning correctly, then your day is guaranteed to become better. What morning habits should you say goodbye to?

You set your alarm clock forward

A few extra minutes of sleep doesn't help at all, and it only makes you feel more tired. The problem is that you disrupt your sleep cycles by starting a new one and breaking it after just a few minutes. This disorder causes increased sleepiness, you are irritable after waking up and cannot regain your vigor for several hours. This can negatively impact your ability to make decisions, memory, and overall productivity. Try to give up this habit so as not to ruin your entire day.

You start your morning with coffee

Try not to start your morning with coffee. The caffeine-rich drink interferes with cortisol production, disrupting normal circadian rhythms and causing discomfort and then fatigue. The body produces large amounts of cortisol, which increases energy levels, between six and ten in the morning. If you drink coffee, your body will produce less cortisol, resulting in a caffeine addiction. After ten in the morning, you can drink an invigorating drink without fear; by this point, cortisol levels naturally decrease.

You make your bed as soon as you get up.

How can such a habit even be a source of problems? The reason is dust mites! These microscopic creatures can cause coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes, and aggravate asthma symptoms. Dust mites love the warm, humid atmosphere that occurs under the covers at night. If you make your bed right away, you are prolonging these conditions. Do this a little later, when the bed has cooled down. Then the ticks may die from lack of moisture.

You check social networks in bed

You might think it's just a matter of catching up on the news and finding out what happened while you were sleeping. What's really affecting you is the fear that you'll miss something. This puts you in the wrong mood and can cause you to focus on things that don't really matter. Additionally, research shows that social media use can lead to increased anxiety. This is not where you should start your day.

You don't drink water

Caffeine and breakfast are the first things that come to mind, but water should be a priority. When your body is dehydrated after sleep, it functions more slowly. This can cause a bad mood. Drinking regular drinking water helps improve digestion, reduce stomach acidity and prevent heartburn, as well as protect against constipation. Studies have shown that drinking water helps boost your metabolism, reduce the number of calories in your diet, and ultimately help you lose weight.

You leave the curtains drawn

Try to let sunlight into the room. If the room is dim, you feel a decrease in vigor and lack of strength. Sunlight naturally awakens the body and helps it stop producing the sleep hormone melatonin. The morning sun can brighten the whole day.

Do you prefer a breakfast full of carbohydrates?

Research shows that breakfast can boost your metabolism and even reduce your risk of diabetes or heart disease. However, eating simple carbohydrates causes spikes in glucose levels and increased appetite. This is not the effect you want. Complex carbohydrates are appropriate for breakfast, but protein should be the main thing. It helps you eat fewer calories throughout the day, keeps you feeling full for longer, helps you lose belly fat and lose weight.

You start with the least important tasks

It's nice to cross small things off your to-do list, but it can derail your path to accomplishing more important tasks. Researchers have found that people lose self-control as the day goes on - their stamina decreases for both psychological and physical reasons. Productivity drops, and you decide to put off an important task until tomorrow.

You don't leave time for training

Science shows that working out in the morning can be extremely beneficial - not only will it help you burn more fat and eat less, but it will also stabilize your blood pressure and reduce your risk of diabetes. According to researchers, morning exercise improves people's ability to cope with challenging tasks throughout the day. Even if you don’t have time to exercise, you can be more active - for example, walk to work.

You make an extensive to-do list

When you see an extensive list of tasks, you undermine your productivity. Experts believe that it is much smarter to divide your time into blocks during which you will work on certain tasks, rather than just making a list.

You are in a hurry in the morning

It is clear that you have things to do and time is very valuable, however, it is important to find a few minutes for yourself. This way, your day will be less stressful.

You carry on conversations out of politeness.

Talking about the weather can be depressing. Researchers have found that people are happiest when they talk about important topics and truly feel connected to another person.

Unfortunate incidents that fill the morning news can ruin your entire day. According to research, watching just three minutes of negative news in the morning increases stress levels by twenty-seven percent.

Days when work doesn’t go well, everything falls out of hand, and those around you seem to piss you off on purpose, happen. And the likelihood that Monday is just such a day is quite high. Therefore, today we will tell you how to survive a difficult day.

Surely you have such days when everything in this world gathered strength and took up arms against you. The coffee maker is broken, the printer is out of toner, the mail is slow, as if letters were delivered to your email inbox by a real postman (blind, deaf and lame on both legs). In short, it was some kind of ambush, not a day. And how to work here?

In fact, such days are quite normal, and we will now offer you several ways to survive them with minimal damage to yourself and others.

Admit it's a so-so day

The first step towards solving any problem, as any self-respecting psychotherapist would tell you, is recognizing it. If the day has not gone well since the very morning and does not even think about getting better, then no psychotherapist, of course, will help you with this, but it is still worth admitting that things are going somehow, to put it mildly, not great. Otherwise, you will spend more energy convincing yourself that everything is normal. But you still need strength to get through this day. So just admit it: it's a stupid day, and that's okay. Everyone has bad and good days. What can you do?

Tell everyone around you

You admitted to yourself that your day is bad, now it’s time to admit it to everyone else. This will clarify a lot for your colleagues: for example, why have you been swearing and throwing trash cans at them for 2 hours? If they know it's nothing personal, just a bad day, they'll immediately feel better. And instead of holding a grudge and then throwing buckets back at you, they can sympathize and offer help. And if they don’t offer it, then you ask yourself. By the way, the IT company Umbarco even came up with a special system of symbols signaling that an employee is having a terrible day, or, conversely, reporting that everything is fine. When employees come to work, they can place a green or red magnet next to their name on a special list. A green magnet means that the employee is doing well or at least normal. Well, the red one warns that the shot is not having a good day. So it immediately becomes clear to everyone who is better not to touch today. By the way, the authorities also adhere to this position and make concessions for people with a red magnet. Well, what can we take from a person who is already doing badly today?

Start over again

Yes, bad days come from time to time and ruin everything. And the next morning you wake up and continue to lead a completely normal life. That is, you just need to endure a nasty day and wait for the next one. But why wait if you can stop the torment now? You can always start again. Leave the office as if you were going home. And then come back, turn on the computer again, pour some tea (you already know that the coffee machine doesn’t work) and don’t try to print anything on a broken printer. There is a possibility that you will deceive yourself and fate (or whatever is responsible for bad and good days in this world) and everything will go as it should.

Hug the cat

Or a dog (just not a very angry one, otherwise the day could get much worse). Or a hamster. As a last resort, hug a very hairy co-worker. Surely the fact that everything is going awry really infuriates you. This means you are stressed. And the easiest way to remove it is to cuddle an animal. Scientists have proven that all kinds of animals are the best natural antidepressants. Thanks to interaction with them, the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, decreases in the body and you slowly calm down. If you are still not allowed to bring cats and dogs into the office, regular aquarium fish will do. You just don’t need to squeeze them, just look at them.

Have a drink

You can, of course, take a sedative to reduce your stress levels. But we wouldn’t be us if we advised you this. Better drink some cocktail, for example. Yes, yes, alcoholic. Why not. Alcohol will reduce your anxiety caused by stimuli in the outside world and make you ignore the harsh reality. In addition, thanks to alcohol, a brilliant idea may come to you. Just be sure to follow. Otherwise, you will be fired; this will definitely not be the best way to end the day.

Stay at home

If you realized right in the morning that you are not at all in the mood to work today, then you better not work. Think about it, there the destructive effect of a bad day will not be so noticeable. Well, if you’ve already dragged yourself to work, don’t be discouraged either, you can still find yourself in the peaceful and safe embrace of your favorite home sofa. Just use one of the methods and run away from the office.

In general, you understand that such days happen from time to time and this is normal, you can live with it by putting into practice some (or all) of the tricks described above. The main thing is not every day. Otherwise, this is a reason to think about it and look for a job that will infuriate you a little less.

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It’s 7 am on a certain Thursday, I’m standing in the shower, sleepy and angry. And I had a revelation, for which I immediately wanted to give myself a medal and applaud.

I didn’t get enough sleep, woke up at night and couldn’t fall asleep for a long time. I'm on my period (sorry for the details). In short, the “put me back in bed and don’t touch me until the weekend” state. And the usual record plays automatically: “I’m not ready for the new day. I don’t want to go anywhere, especially to work. I don’t want to work today. I want a flexible job so I can work when I want, when I’m in good shape. And In general, a woman should not work..." Blah blah. At the same time, thoughts are connected that try to somehow compensate for this negativity: “Well, think about it, everything is not so bad, it was worse before. Previously, on Thursdays, at 8 in the morning, you started a physical education lesson with sixth graders, from which you simply had a short circuit.” brain from stress. And now you go - on foot, without the stress of transport - by 7.30, open the kindergarten, make coffee and wait for the children, who are brought in closer to 8, you can play with them quietly, and a cup of coffee can stand next to you on the shelf. In general, you are already at a new stage: you are moving towards what you want. This movement does not go in leaps, from 1 to 100, but through stages. And these changes indicate that you are on the right path.” These thoughts fly in a split second, but in the text it seems that they are large and thorough. And they scurry around like cockroaches, almost elusive.
And here, amidst all this cockroach running, a clear voice (my own) is heard in my head: “No, I just don’t want to think about this record. I’ve already been in this place, I’ve already thought about this negativity, and from it I just went down in a spiral . I just don't want to go to this place again." And at that moment something seemed to freeze, and all the cockroaches froze in their places: my head became quiet, quiet, and empty, and clear. And even the thoughts that wanted to compensate for the negative or cover it up dissolved and disappeared. Maybe because they are no longer needed? I was simply surprised that at such an early time, in such bad shape, I had enough presence and awareness not to indulge in mindless self-destruction - but to see the beginning of a negative spiral and say “no” to this path.

And I thought. The other day I was just reading some popular post on the topic “I’m angry today because my day wasn’t going well.” There are days, people say, that start out “wrong” and then the whole day goes wrong. And I claim that there are no such days. That we ourselves, after two or three sweats, announce out loud: “That’s it, today will be hell, because I’m in terrible shape” (I did this for a very long time until I began to catch myself with this thought and rewrite the program: “despite my bad shape today It will be a normal, calm day." Or - “I got up on the wrong foot, that’s why it was a bad day.” Only on the legs it is not written where she is and where she is not. Maybe we ourselves determine: “ah, this is one of those days...”?
But why? Why derail the trains of your future day? It seems to me that this is somehow unmature and irresponsible. If we decide in the morning that the day has not gone well and now everything will go crooked and askew (as if we are giving the go-ahead to all failures: “Forward!”) - then what do we expect from the Universe? Amazing intervention, some kind of universal bun? It seems to me that to think like that, and then blame the heavenly office for your troubles, is somehow childish and immature.

What to do when it seems like the day is starting badly? Change your settings. Change the vibration. Some may sing mantras, for some this is too much, but you can just slow down, see your thoughts and rewrite them. Without judging, without suppressing your negativity (in the style of self-hypnosis “I don’t think this, I don’t think that, this is not me, this is not me”). Stop, take a deep breath and tell yourself: “Nothing bad has happened - and will not happen. But it will happen the way I want. And how do I want it? And I want it like this: good and calm.” And imagine a good day, tuning into its wave. Or come up with another thought that is easier for you to believe (good examples can be found in alisa_running . For example, here Park bad thoughts and train the habits of thinking in new ways. There is so much power in our thoughts, it’s time to learn to use it!

P.S. By the way, that Thursday turned out to be wonderful. I finished work at 2, went into town to do some shopping, then settled down at Creperie de Marie, eating French pancakes and writing a post about dancing in the rain. Then Carles came running, bought us a cup of hot chocolate, and we flirted and kissed over them like lovers. It was raining outside, but inside it was warm and cozy. So much for your “not having a good day this morning.”

The day had not gone well since early morning. While leaving my room, I stepped straight into a puddle. The culprit was sitting on the table in front of the mirror and, seeing me, widened his wild eyes. The desire to move his mustachioed muzzle through the puddle he had made immediately disappeared. Nothing, but next time for sure. It’s a pity that the new socks, only yesterday given by my mother-in-law for the twenty-third of February, will have to be changed. I return to my room and feel only the touch of the kitten’s tail, which flew like a bullet into our room. All. The wife's peaceful morning sleep is over. And in confirmation of this, a woman’s cry:
- Shoot, you naughty boy! Who let him in here again?
But I don’t have time to deal with them, especially since she herself caught the little robber, grabbed it with both hands, and brought it to her face:
-You won't let me sleep again? – with your nose tickling his furry belly.
“Be careful, he’ll scratch your face again,” I pull on other socks and carefully step out into the minefield of the corridor, “wipe up after your pet.”

My bus did not arrive at the scheduled time, and it was minus twenty-eight Celsius. And this is another five minutes with already freezing feet. An old dog sits in the middle of a bus stop and barks kindly, complaining to someone about his fate. Passengers, some with caution, some with sympathy, look at him.
My companions, who are also traveling together to my factory, have all gathered, are intensely peering at the numbers of the approaching buses, trampling around, warming their feet.
The bus arrived with seats already filled. Well, now I’ve been standing for forty minutes. I look around the interior, it’s boring, there’s nothing to catch my eye on. Gloomy, sleep-deprived faces, or sleeping, looking through the remains of dreams, or maybe just closed eyes, so as not to give way to the elderly and old. Outside the window is the same landscape that has been familiar for fifteen years.
What if there is sunshine? No, not on the street. Right here on the bus. Beautiful woman's face. In the morning he smiles at someone far away, maybe at work, maybe at home, or at someone who stayed there yesterday. I glance occasionally, so as not to attract attention, and frankly recharge for the whole day.
But today there is gloomy bad weather, the sun has not set, there is nothing to recharge.

Approaching the office, I hear the sound of a ringing telephone. There are still fifteen minutes before work starts, and this is already a harbinger of a hectic working day. As one would expect, the most capricious of the machines decided to remind themselves today...

I return home in the evening. The morning misunderstanding sits on the table by the mirror, greets.
-Well, you ruined my whole day, and now you’re sitting there and not blowing your mind?
I squat down in front of him, he bows his head, his wide-open eyes look at me with angelic simplicity. He stretches out his outstretched paw, trying to reach my nose.
-Yeah, also scratch your nose to complete the feeling. So, all my hands are scratched, it hurts to wash.
And the day is not over yet. More evening races on the carpet on the wall, son's laughter with his wife's squeals and his bulging funny eyes to the point of hilariousness.
Tomorrow will be better, the gray streak will end today...

March 2011


It seems like an ordinary day for an ordinary working person, but the presence of these wonderful living creatures immediately warms the soul....and also, this woman’s smiling face is also a good sign...People, without even noticing it, can have a very positive influence on each other's mood, and even no words are needed... When I'm on the road: on a train or in a bus, I always carefully study faces and think out the story of each person the way I see it... this is a very interesting activity and helps to plunge into the world of another person... I read it with pleasure. Thanks Vladimir.
With warmth Sophie_Ya.

How positive! Having caught one ray of sunshine on the bus, you sprinkle several at work, they are reflected, forming the sun of good mood for the whole day for everyone.
And to come up with the story of the bus meeting... we need to think about it.
Thanks Sophie.

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