Dress code: rules for official events. Men's business dress code

Following Western fashion today, the concept of a dress code is increasingly popularized in post-Soviet countries. But many have no idea that there are certain types and rules that must be followed. European companies quite often hold corporate events with a mandatory dress code and indicate in it, for example, the type “White Tie”, and there are often cases when mid-level employees actually come to a company holiday in a white tie. In reality, everything is much more complicated.

So, today 7 types of dress codes are quite often used, namely White Tie, Black Tie, Creative Black Tie, Cocktail, Business Formal, Business Casual, Smart Casual. Of course, if you are a respected person in the company and come in an ordinary walking jacket to a festive event with a strict dress code, you will not be kicked out, but they will look at you as a “black sheep,” that’s for sure.

White Tie

It is the strictest and most formal of all dress codes. If you see this inscription, then be kind enough to look for a tailcoat or tuxedo. In this case, the men's blouse should be snow-white, since the upcoming event is apparently of utmost importance. Women, in this case, should wear a long evening dress with open shoulders and without unnecessary details. An appropriate addition to female beauty with expensive jewelry, preferably diamonds, is mandatory. For accessories, you can take a minadiere or a solid clutch; long gloves will also not hurt if they are appropriate for the dress.

Black Tie

A simplified and less conservative version of the “White Tie” dress code. It is quite often used at corporate events and holidays in our region. In the “black” dress code, women can relax a little and get creative. Despite the fact that the length of the dress still remains “floor-length,” it can now be decorated with lace, crystals or embroidery. The most important thing here is to stick to soft colors: black, brown, blue. Well, if you have something to say, then for such cases the color red is sometimes allowed. Jewelry can already be without “sparkling” stones, limiting itself only to products made of precious metals.

Creative Black Tie

The mistake of many is that when they see the word “Creative”, they come up with some kind of creative outfit. Actually this is not true. In this case, at your event, the strict “Black Tie” framework is simply removed, and instead of a long floor-length dress, you are allowed to choose something extraordinary, but at the same time conservative. For example: dresses entirely made of lace and embroidery, dresses with prints or tuxedo dresses. You can also look at suits or overalls. But accessories can be given a certain touch of creativity, for example: bright shoes, unusual clutches or fancy jewelry will be in place. Overall it should still represent elegance rather than casual.


When people talk about a "Cocktail" dress code, it means that men can relax a little and wear fitted suits that flatter their figure. Women can also move away from long dresses and opt for a mid-length or slightly above-the-knee length outfit. Colors can be dark, bright or pastel. Jewelry is encouraged here. Large watches, jewelry and even unusual shoes will only complement the look. The outfit looks less festive, but more comfortable and great for dates.

Business Formal

The very word “Business” already indicates that they adhere to a business style of clothing. This is true! This dress code is often established at prestigious conferences or serious business meetings. The black and white style is not essential, but it is the most successful and distracts from the important thoughts of the interlocutor. Women can choose not only business suits with trousers or a skirt, but also medium-length dresses, which should be strictly tailored to their figure. The best accessory in this case would be an expensive bag with a minimum of parts, but if you don’t have one, then you can get by with a document folder. Mid-heeled pumps, as well as vintage earrings or a brooch, will complement the look well.

Business Casual

This is a simplified version of business clothing, which is often installed in the offices of prestigious companies. Of course, jeans are out of the question. The key word here is “business”, which means that the image should still remain strict, these are: fitted business suits and dresses of medium length, but the colors can be different and even white, the main thing is that they do not distract from work and do not go out of style ensemble. Blouses can also be either short or long sleeved, and the print is allowed not only in a single color, but also in patterns or stripes. For footwear, both open-toed shoes and ankle boots are allowed, and for accessories, you can even experiment with bright jewelry.

Smart Casual

This dress code is perfect for meeting friends in a cafe, shopping, or even business meetings in a relaxed atmosphere. This is a kind of collective image of French women, so it personifies both elegance and freedom. In this version, it will be easier to name what cannot be worn with such a dress code. So, these are: torn or distressed jeans, short shorts, loose T-shirts with frivolous slogans. The image is convenient because it can easily be made unique, thanks to jewelry or costume jewelry.

What to do if you receive an invitation to an important event marked “dress code”? How to choose a successful image and not fall flat on your face? What types of dress code are there and do they all require strict adherence to the rules? Let's figure it out and look at the different clothing options in the photo.

Dress code is a form of clothing that must be observed when attending certain events. Such strictness receives a lot of negative feedback from those who like to wear jeans always and everywhere, but there are situations where you really need to “fit into the crowd.” There are several types of dress code for all occasions.

White tie

White Tie is the most strict and formal of all types of dress code. It is practiced extremely rarely, however, if your invitation contains the designation “White Tie”, then you are about to have an incredibly important and sophisticated reception where the cream of society will gather. This could be some kind of official ceremony, presentation of an award or diplomatic reception. The rules of this dress code are quite strict; men's and women's clothing must strictly comply with the rules.

  • black tailcoat, other colors are prohibited;
  • a white vest, which is fastened with three buttons, and all three must be buttoned;
  • A must-have accessory is a white bow tie and a white scarf;
  • black patent leather shoes;
  • It is advisable to have white gloves or a pocket watch with you.
  • may expect difficulties in choosing the color and style of a dress, because this is not regulated in any way in the rules;
  • the dress should not be higher than the ankle, preferably to the floor;
  • It is better to cover your shoulders with a cape, for example, a fur one;
  • Beige stockings must be worn under the dress;
  • the heel height can be any, it is only necessary that the shoes do not reveal the toes;
  • Accessories include the longest gloves that the dress allows and a small clutch bag;
  • costume jewelry is not allowed under any circumstances, only real stones that can be rented for one evening;
  • hair should be tied up in an elegant hairstyle.

Black Tie

The Black Tie dress code is slightly less strict than the White Tie dress code. It is much more common and suitable for wedding ceremonies, theater premieres and important receptions (however, not so formal as to require White Tie).

  • black tuxedo;
  • a black bow tie that ties at the neck;
  • cufflinks;
  • Oxfords or Derby shoes are allowed.
  • long dresses are welcome, but no one will look at you askance if your choice falls on a cocktail dress below the knee;
  • precious stones can be replaced with jewelry suitable for the occasion;
  • You can cover your shoulders with a coat or stole, but this is not a necessary condition;
  • Shoes must be exclusively heeled.


This dress code would be appropriate for corporate events, exhibitions, parties or premieres. It is less conservative than the previous two, but provides certain rules that you need to know and follow.

  • a classic suit in dark colors, the last button of the jacket should be left undone;
  • butterfly color of your choice, you can wear a tie;
  • It is better to give preference to a white shirt.
  • designers created cocktail dresses especially for lovely ladies;
  • you are free to choose the color yourself, it can be either strict or bright;
  • shoes must be high-heeled; sandals are allowed in the summer;
  • Accessories include a clutch bag and fashionable jewelry;
  • If you are not in the mood to show off in a dress, you can dress up in a suit, with trousers or a skirt.

Smart/Business Casual

Smart or business casual is a type of Business Attire code and is usually reserved for meetings with business partners.

  • classic shoes;
  • a good quality jacket and classic jeans;
  • classic business suit in dark colors, almost invisible stripes are allowed;
  • a two-piece suit in light colors if you have a morning meeting.

  • classic elegant style;
  • a trouser or skirt suit, which goes well with a plain blouse;
  • a strict dress of restrained color with a jacket;
  • try to choose the colors of your main clothes from strict black and white, beige or dark blue;
  • You can experiment a little with the color of shoes and jewelry;


This type of dress code is suitable for less formal daytime or evening events.

  • classic suit;
  • classic shoes;
  • tie.

  • Cocktail Dress;
  • skirt or trousers with a blouse;
  • Neat low-top shoes are permissible;
  • try not to show off your décolleté too much;
  • The preferred skirt length is midi.

A5/After five

Don't be alarmed, A5 just means After five, that is, it means meetings that will take place after five in the evening, for example, birthday celebrations or a bachelorette party. This dress code allows even more freedom than Cocktail.

  • suit, dark colors are preferred;
  • If you wish, wear a tie, but this is not a requirement;
  • Jeans or corduroy trousers are allowed;
  • classic shoes or moccasins.
  • a beautiful evening or cocktail dress;
  • top combined with properly selected trousers or skirt;
  • heels.


Everything seems to be clear here. Casual style is suitable for everyday use and meetings with friends. Representatives of both sexes can easily afford comfortable jeans, combined with T-shirts, shirts or sweaters. Men are allowed to wear sports shoes, women - flat shoes. In summer, women can wear bright dresses and sandals, while men can wear shorts.

Here are the main types of dress codes. You can get more detailed instructions by watching thematic videos:

Knowing without fail what to wear to a party or a business banquet, you will always look appropriate and can gain a reputation as a woman not only with first-class business skills, but also as a lady with amazing taste and knowledge of etiquette.

In the second half of the 20th century, parties became commonplace. Business, entertainment, themed, flower, New Year and other events imply lighter options for a semi-formal evening dress code.

Business events organized by business partners or corporate parties are held under dress codes such as Formal, Semi-formal, Festive. In these situations, it is necessary to show your professional side, so it is better to be careful. Choose something calm, strict, but bright and elegant.

Dress codes Formal and Semi-formal

Dress code Formal (“business formal”) implies formal social business events with a large number of people. It is usually indicated on invitations to business awards ceremonies and political forums.

For a formal dress code, a classic, moderately smart suit in muted colors, trouser or with a skirt, is suitable. Blouses with frills are acceptable. Another option is a classic one, no higher than the knee length, with a jacket and pearl jewelry. Choose conservative style shoes with heels, always with a closed toe and heel, and a classic small bag in a dark color. Soften the conservative style with sparkling jewelry.

At an official reception, avoid anything excessive and sexy - deep necklines and slits, bare legs, too tight a silhouette. Sandals, boots, flashy jewelry, loose hair are excluded: classics are the main thing in this case.

The Semi-formal dress code (“business semi-formal”) refers to large semi-formal social business events: a dinner party in a posh restaurant, a corporate banquet, etc. If we are talking about a cocktail, then we usually mean an evening one, but not too much a formal reception, usually with drinks and a buffet.

This is a very tricky dress code, usually causing great difficulty in interpretation. It seems to allow freedom, but at the same time is strictly regulated in accordance with the event.

During the daytime, a short elegant dress of any color is recommended, a smart suit or light trouser suit is acceptable, but after six o'clock in the evening different rules apply and either a cocktail attire should be preferred - a dress or top with a skirt, or a little black dress.

Choose stilettos and sandals, small evening bags and expensive jewelry or moderate jewelry that emphasizes status. Avoid conservative jewelry, long dresses, trousers (in the evening), shoes without heels, and boots.

What to wear to a party (with photo)

Festive business is a “holiday in business”, a rather elegant and democratic dress code. If you don’t know what is fashionable to wear to a party with a similar dress code, give preference to suits with skirts combined with festive and bright tops, high-heeled pumps, and moderately open sandals. The dress code for the Festive business party does not allow bare legs, short skirts, low necklines, or luxurious jewelry.

The format of an entertaining party allows you to take a more free approach to the choice of dress and accessories. Three basic rules: short, sexy and brilliant. Think in advance about how your clothes, jewelry and makeup will look in dim lighting or candlelight.

The dress code for theme parties may indicate themes from historical periods, famous films, national and calendar holidays, etc. The main thing is that the costume must correspond to a given theme, for example, “colonial and ethnic” or “60s.” When choosing a suit, it is important to maintain a sense of tact and proportion.

The dress code for color parties indicates that all guests must appear in a strictly specified color. It is better to be careful and prefer muted shades: olive instead of bright green, terracotta instead of red, dry orange peel color instead of orange. The safest color accessories are scarves, shoes, and not the entire suit.

The peak of carnival parties occurs on New Year's Eve. If the main element of the dress code is a wig, then the style of clothing should be selected in accordance with it. The beauty of a wig is that it liberates a person even more than a carnival costume and completely changes one’s appearance.

AFTER PARTY parties in a certain designer brand are held after the MTV awards ceremony. You can only attend parties wearing clothes from the specified designers.

For closed or open parties with a dress code of Urban chic, Casual chic - urban chic, casual chic - trousers, and even jeans of designer brands are welcome. If Funky chic, Boho chic is specified - at least one vintage item or accessory is required, items from designer collections are appropriate, ethnic accents are possible.

Parties with the EXTRAVAGANZA dress code are New Year's balls, carnivals and parties. They are often held with a special dress code, when the most extravagant clothes are worn. You can even choose a transparent dress, but this requires absolute self-confidence and a company of people who can appreciate your courage.

Look at the photo of what to wear to a party with each of these dress codes to choose the right outfit for the appropriate event:

The most strict dress code, requiring strict adherence to the rules. For men: black tailcoat, white shirt with a stand-up collar, white vest, white bow tie, black patent leather shoes. For women: long evening dress, gloves, clutch, high heels, jewelry.


Everyday, everyday uniform without any clear requirements. No serious jewelry is allowed in any Casual category.


Suitable for receptions where there is a formal part. For men: dark suit with tie. For women: dresses no higher than the knee, high-heeled shoes or sandals, jewelry or expensive jewelry.

Black Tie

It also requires compliance with the rules. For men: black tuxedo, white shirt with a stand-up collar, black bow tie, black patent leather shoes. For women: long evening dress, clutch, jewelry is allowed.

Smart Casual

Semi-business style. For men: a quality sweater or turtleneck, trousers, shirt with a blazer or vest. For women: dresses, skirts with blouses, bright accessories are allowed, tights and shoes are a must.

A5 (After Five)

Clothes for events after 5 pm. In principle, this is a fairly general concept that includes different styles: Dressy Casual, Cocktail etc. For men: suit of any color, tie optional. For women: cocktail dress, evening top with skirt, evening suit.


Formal business style. For men: dark suits and ties, club jackets are appropriate. For women: suits, closed sheath dresses, closed shoes.

Dressy Casual, or Fancy Casual

Catchy casual for festive occasions. Not only bright accessories are acceptable, but also bright elements of clothing: for women, a dress (not an evening cut) or a separate (skirt with a blouse), the men's version may include a spectacular shirt or sports jacket.

Bb (Business Best)

For men: an expensive dark-colored business suit, tie, white shirt, shoes, cufflinks. For women: a suit of neutral colors, a white blouse-shirt, a tie is possible, beige tights, low-heeled shoes.


Semi-formal, understated daytime style. For men: light suits and jumpers. For women: light dresses and trouser suits.

Business Casual

Casual business style is a comfortable, relaxed version of a traditional business suit, while still emphasizing the professional and financial advantages of its owner. Essentially, this is the same Smart Casual, only a little more strict and expensive. For men: trousers (often slacks), shirt, blazer, sports coat. For women: separat, dress without a deep neckline and knee-length, capri pants, fabric trousers. Shoes on bare feet are not allowed.

Btr (Business Traditional)

For men: business suit. For women: business suit, office dress.

Photos: Okssi, Yuri Arcurs(3)/Lori Photobank; GettyImages/Fotobank (7); WireImage/GettyImages/Fotobank

Mandatory clothing still causes a lot of negativity in us: those who disagree with the rules feel free to come to the ballet in jeans, in wedding dresses for prom, and in top-siders to events where Black Tie is prescribed. People who prescribe the dress code and relaxed rules also create confusion. The Village decided to figure out what to wear if the invitation says White Tie, Black Tie or, for example, Smart Casual.

White Tie

If the invitation says White Tie, it means there will be at least a reception with the ambassador, a ball or an award ceremony, and no lower than the Nobel Prize, because even at the Oscars ceremony they observe the less solemn Black Tie. It is difficult to remember a dress code that matches White Tie in terms of severity and formality, probably because there is simply no such thing.

Dressing a man seems to be a little simpler task compared to choosing a woman's toilet. The point is that there are strict regulations: almost every item of the outfit is prescribed, so you can only make a mistake on purpose. A man going to an event where White Tie is prescribed must wear a bow tie and a tailcoat. The tailcoat, in turn, must be black - other colors are not allowed. Under the tailcoat they wear a vest with three buttons, about which you need to remember two things: it must only be white and always fully buttoned. Mandatory accessories include a white bow tie and a white scarf, which gives the dress code its name; desirable accessories include a pocket watch, white gloves and, no matter how much of a joke it may seem, a thin cane.

For women, everything is a little more complicated, if only because the floor-length dress, without which it is better not to appear at a White Tie event, has more styles than the classic men's tailcoat. If the choice of this style is still left to the woman, then in other details amateur performance is excluded: the hair must certainly be styled, the eyes and lips must be made up, and the hands must be covered with gloves of maximum length, which, however, corresponds to the length of the sleeve of the dress. There may be, but is not required, a fur cape on the shoulders. It’s also better not to come without jewelry - you can rent them, as long as the stones are real. You can and should take a tiny handbag with you.

Black Tie

Black Tie is still formal and formal, but a more common and simpler dress code. This is the style of weddings, festive receptions or theater premieres.

Women at such events are expected to wear the same long evening dresses or, depending on the degree of solemnity of the event, cocktail dresses no higher than the knee. Jewelry is still welcome here, but now you can get by with expensive jewelry. You can also leave a fur cape at home, as well as trendy dresses from the latest collections of Japanese designers. Everything should look as noble and elegant as possible, so the only shoe option is high-heeled shoes.


An event with a Cocktail dress code does not imply such strictness as White Tie and Black Tie, but it is also full of nuances that should not be neglected.

Instead of a tuxedo, men can wear a classic dark suit, and replace the monochrome bow tie with a brighter one or abandon it altogether, perhaps in favor of a tie. It is also no longer necessary to tie yourself with a silk belt, the main thing is not to forget to keep the bottom button of the jacket undone, expose the starched snow-white cuffs from the sleeves no more than two centimeters and wear socks that, if you crossed your legs over your legs or onto a table, would not show even a millimeter naked body It seems that there is no need to mention that socks should be a couple of shades darker than trousers, and that the tie should touch the button on the trousers: these rules apply to any dress code at any event.

Smart and Business Casual

Quite often, in invitations to corporate events or business meetings, you can see the note “Dress code: Smart Casual or Business Casual.” In this case, the rules of how to look are somewhat blurred and depend on the time of day.

The only thing more complicated than the dress code for business meetings is, perhaps, the choice between Oxfords and Derbys for a tuxedo. However, the liberalization of recent decades has also affected the fashion for business suits. Today there is nothing wrong with a man appearing at a meeting in a jacket with soft or even natural shoulders and loose, rolled-up trousers. Classic shoes remain mandatory (deviations are allowed only in color and degree of varnish). A twinset - a turtleneck and a cardigan - is also quite appropriate when paired with the same trousers that seem to be too big, but slightly tapered at the bottom.

The most dangerous option is a tuxedo or a very high-quality jacket with jeans or even shorts: you can allow it if there are no doubts about your own taste and the adequacy of your partners. The most boring, but also the most win-win is a classic, moderately strict business suit of a dark color, plain or with almost imperceptible stripes. If you really want to, you can emphasize the formality with a tie, and not necessarily a narrow one, but it’s better to save the bow tie for entertainment events. If the meeting is scheduled for the morning or afternoon, a light two-piece suit will be successful. Again, the ability to experiment with color depends on the nature of the event and the sense of humor of your colleagues.

During negotiations with foreign partners or important business meetings, a Btr (Business Traditional) dress code may be established. This means that you are left with virtually no choice: men must wear a classic monochromatic or combined suit, women - a fitted trouser suit or a sheath dress with a jacket. However, with its severity, Btr still leaves room for imagination, unlike Bb (Business Best). Everything here is extremely simple: a man puts on a dark blue suit, a snow-white shirt, a tie of any shade of red, classic non-lacquered shoes and does not forget about cufflinks; women are better off abandoning separate skirts and jackets and wearing a gray, beige or dark blue suit with stockings and shoes with 3-5 cm heels.

Costume parties

Costume parties in Moscow are not that uncommon. Most often they coincide with club anniversaries, the arrival of unknown but still very cool bands and the release of nostalgic films about bygone days. Moreover, the invitation may only give a vague hint of how you should look, and you will have to come up with an outfit yourself. Sometimes organizers help you get into the right frame of mind with the help of moodboards, as Solyanka did last year, which celebrated its fourth birthday with a three-day circus party. If you are deathly afraid of clowns or are not ready to return home at night with a kilogram of makeup on your face, you can comply with the dress code with the help of several characteristic details (one may turn out to be unconvincing, especially if there is face control at the entrance). The biggest risk at such events is to use the most common interpretation of the proposed image and end up being one of hundreds of people wearing identical orange wigs.

Universal rules

Andrey Fomin

Organizer of the Bal des Fleurs and other social events

I organize a huge number of events, but the most striking and significant is the Bal des Fleurs. In the invitations we write “Riviera style” - this is the dress code of the Cote d'Azur: light trousers, bright jackets. And what are called balls in Moscow are not real balls. I consider the notorious Black Tie to be the most blasphemous dress code for a Russian person, because no matter how hard my colleagues try to impose this dress code in Moscow, it is not organic there. I personally saw a real Black Tie only in Great Britain at Mikhail Gorbachev’s ball. The dress code can be anything, but, as Kirill Semyonovich Serebrennikov said about our people in tailcoats, they look like a runaway orchestra. A Russian person is not accustomed to a tie or bow tie, he is uncomfortable in it, it suffocates him.

Whatever the dress code, a person does not have to look perfect: there must be something wrong. Let’s say, I saw Hugh Grant walking around in a perfect tailcoat, incredibly combed, but the bow tie hanging around his neck was untied. Rich people have a very simple option - go to Tretyakovsky Proezd and buy themselves a tailcoat, but they will most likely look more like a waiter or head waiter. The most universal dress code for most Moscow events for men is expensive jeans, Converse sneakers (Nike sneakers have become popular now, but they are more difficult) and always a jacket. I recently went to the Strelka ball and the people there looked absolutely gorgeous. I really liked the girls’ approach to choosing an outfit and was amazed at how organically many of them look vintage.

Gabriel Egiazarov

Event director

The events that I direct most often solve corporate, marketing or PR problems. Naturally, most of them have a dress code. The vowel and the unspoken. Especially when these are events with the participation of the government or just an official event with high leadership. At corporate meetings, a dress code is also often set, but only if there is some kind of conceptual idea.

If we are talking about official events at a high level, then invitations do not often contain a requirement: everything is clear. But when they want to emphasize that you can dress casually, they write “cocktail wear” or “smart casual.” For corporate events, the dress code is also indicated depending on the concept of the holiday: “Today is an evening of fairy tales, choose a fairy-tale look for yourself” or “A bright element of cyclamen color is welcome.” At corporate events, these items of clothing can simply be handed out to guests or rented and everyone can be dressed in advance.

At the events I work with, the audience is most often predictable, so there are no surprises in terms of appearance. Of course, there are those who might be wearing jeans or military fatigues at an official event with top officials. But more often than not, media representatives differ. Journalists are extremely dismissive of the dress code.

If the invitation does not say anything about the dress code, but we are talking about a reception, presentation or gala dinner, wear a suit, preferably not black - you can’t go wrong. I think girls don’t need any special advice: there will always be an evening dress.

If you are going to a corporate event with a certain theme, then do not be lazy and come up with some original element in clothing (but not the one that immediately comes to mind in connection with the proposed concept). If you come unprepared to a place where “everyone is in the know,” you yourself will regret that you didn’t take care of it in advance.