Where is the baby at 8 weeks? Eighth obstetric week of pregnancy: what happens in the body of the mother and fetus

At the 8th week of pregnancy, most of the symptoms of an “interesting” situation are evident: delayed menstruation, hCG level 23100-151000 mIU/ml, toxicosis, drowsiness, engorgement of the mammary glands and low-grade fever 37-37.5 degrees. The first two are objective signs of pregnancy. The rest are auxiliary. But they are the ones who determine the well-being of the expectant mother in the first months of gestation.

What's happening to the baby

The embryo develops by leaps and bounds. During these 7 days he will have a lot to do:

  • the tongue will form in the mouth, the inner ear in the skull, and the nostrils in the nose;
  • the bones of the limbs will take shape, including joint bends;
  • the brain and spinal cord differentiate;
  • the hole between the ventricles of the heart will close;
  • the thymus gland will form, which a little later will begin to produce thymosin, thymulin, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and other hormones;
  • The sexual differentiation that has begun will continue - the baby’s cells with the sexual characteristics of a boy begin to produce testosterone.

At the same time, the placenta will continue to develop and the volume of amniotic fluid will increase.

In general, the embryo has already formed all the main organ systems. All that remains is to configure, debug and launch them. At this stage, the embryonic period of development ends. Starting next week, a new one will begin - fertile. The little man will no longer be called a fetus. From the 9th week he is a fetus!

Fruit length and weight

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus does not exceed 3.5-4 mm, and it weighs only 2.5-3 grams. Over the next 7 days, the baby will gain 1 gram.

If an adult gained weight at the same rate, then in one week his weight would increase from 60 kg to 80 kg.

What's happening to mom

Toxicosis and drowsiness, if they have not yet been noticed, may begin right now. But not necessarily! Contrary to stereotypes, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and other characteristic signs of this trimester are not always observed in all expectant mothers. Feeling great is the same variant of the norm as vomiting 4-5 times a day, morning sickness and increased heart rate to 80-90 beats per minute at rest. Every body reacts to pregnancy differently!

What happens to your appearance? Almost nothing! The uterus is still too small for the belly to be visible, but by this time the breasts may increase by 0.5-1 size. It’s worth taking care of a more comfortable bra now, since the mammary glands will gradually enlarge during pregnancy. Weight gain is also invisible. On the contrary, many expectant mothers notice the disappearance of 2-4 kg. There is nothing wrong with this - in the second or third trimester the lost kilograms will return.

Analyzes and examinations

The 8th week of pregnancy will allow you, slowly and without fuss, to pass the tests required before the end of the first trimester:

  • general urine analysis;
  • flora smear;
  • blood for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis;
  • test to determine blood group and Rh factor.

These tests are prescribed at your first visit to the doctor. Most of them will have to be repeated in the second and third trimesters. Based on the woman’s medical history and well-being, the obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe additional tests.

You will have to wait until the scheduled ultrasound. It is prescribed for a period of 10-13 weeks. If you really want to look at the baby, you can do an ultrasound outside the plan.

Dangers and complications

8 weeks is another critical period in the first trimester of pregnancy. The first three months are a difficult stage for both mother and child, but in the period from 8 to 12 weeks the placenta is actively forming, and the next 7 months of intrauterine development depend on how well it is formed and how it functions. Infection or viral disease of the mother, severe toxicosis, smoking, alcohol consumption - all these are factors predisposing to disruption of placental functions in the second half of gestation.

The main reason for spontaneous abortion at this stage is hormonal disorders. Very often they are blurred and asymptomatic. Until spontaneous abortion begins, a woman may not be aware of her progesterone deficiency or elevated androgen levels.

How to prevent miscarriage? Be attentive to yourself and take care of your child, monitor the discharge, do not ignore pain and remember what signs indicate an urgent need to consult a doctor:

  1. Cramping pain in the lower abdomen;
  2. Recurrent aching or nagging pain in the lower back;
  3. Bloody spots or spotting.

The complex of these symptoms are signs of an incipient miscarriage. It can still be stopped by maintaining the pregnancy.

Do not wait for it to go away on its own, do not wait for heavy bleeding - at this stage the embryo has already died, and it is impossible to save the pregnancy.

In the second month, there are still no visual signs of an “interesting” position, and the baby’s movements are not felt, so the expectant mother may not feel pregnant. Hence a lot of questions and doubts. We selected the most common ones and tried to answer them.

Is it possible to have sex at 8 weeks pregnant?

It's possible, but not necessary. Still, the second month is a critical period, even if there are no symptoms of a threat. Wait a little, or better yet, wait until the second trimester.

When will the belly appear?

Most expectant mothers notice a pronounced increase in the tummy by 16 weeks, but everything is individual. Women with a narrow pelvis and underweight may notice a belly earlier. In overweight or trained ladies, with a muscular anterior abdominal wall, the stomach will be compact even at 6-7 months.

What to do if you have a cold?

For colds in the early stages of pregnancy, all medications, from mustard plasters and nasal drops to antibiotics, are only prescribed by a doctor!

The baby does not yet have a complete placental barrier, so the active and auxiliary substances of the drugs, as well as plant toxins that are harmless to adults, will reach the embryo unchanged. What this will mean for the subsequent development of the fetus is unknown.

Is cervical erosion dangerous at this stage?

Postpone treatment of erosion until the postpartum period. This disease, if not accompanied by infection, is not dangerous to the fetus.

Take care of yourself, take care of your baby and welcome to the next, third month of pregnancy!

Pregnancy, is undeniably one of the most magical moments of any woman. In order for the baby to be born healthy, it is important to understand what happens at any stage, including at 8 weeks of pregnancy. This is necessary so that the expectant mother behaves correctly, because another life now completely depends on her actions.

So, The 8th week of obstetrics is already the end of the second month, this means the obstetric period, calculated from the date of the beginning of the last menstruation. It is important to emphasize that this is the method of calculation that all gynecologists use. The embryonic period will be 2 weeks longer, since it is calculated from the moment of conception. It is almost impossible to find out the exact date of this event, so it is customary to use only calculations using the obstetric method. Therefore, the 8th week according to the obstetric period is the 10th according to the embryonic calculation method.

Distinctive features of the 8th obstetric week

At the 8th obstetric week, fetal development occurs rapidly.

The unborn child is actively growing, every day he becomes bigger, all the main organs are formed. Now it can no longer be called an embryo, it is a fetus.

In general, the period is quite exciting for the mother; if possible, she needs to rest more.

Internally, the woman already feels fully pregnant. Outwardly, most often, it is still invisible. There is no belly; it can only be seen in very thin girls. The only thing that appears is a slight tightness at the waist. But you can’t call it a tummy.

The fetus in the eighth week of pregnancy is exposed to external factors and is vulnerable. This happens because all systems are now being formed and laid down simultaneously. In the future, this will not happen; individual organs will grow and develop, and the rate of development in the second and third trimesters will slow down a little.

It is now important for the expectant mother to be especially careful. Avoid UV rays, pesticides, nicotine, alcohol, infections, etc. Now all harmful factors, even in small doses, can have the most detrimental effect on the formation of the vital organs of the fetus, leading to fading, miscarriage, and developmental defects.

The placenta, designed to nourish and protect the baby throughout pregnancy, has just begun to form. It is important that this process occurs correctly and that blood circulation is complete. This is why it is important to take special care during the 8th week of pregnancy. It is the placenta that will produce the hormones and enzymes necessary for pregnancy and nourish the fetus. Since the process of placenta formation at the 8th week of pregnancy is only at the very beginning, the vital activity of the fetus at this stage is still supported by the yolk sac.

The future baby is actively gaining weight and becoming about 2-3 grams. His height, of course, varies from person to person, but on average it is 1.5 – 2 centimeters.

You can compare it with cherries.

Already at 8 weeks on ultrasound examination you can notice slight baby movements.

Of course, the woman is unable to feel them, but the fetus has begun to move in the uterine cavity - a great achievement.

At week 8 the following changes occur:

  • A tiny heart turns from a two-chambered one into a four-chambered one, as nature intended.
  • The brain is actively growing and is now divided into sections.
  • The stomach penetrates into the abdominal cavity (previously it was outside).
  • The laying of future ovaries in girls occurs, the testicles of boys begin to develop.
  • The salivary glands, ears, kidneys, and optic nerve mature.
  • The intestines grow in length.
  • Small branches appear in the fetal lungs - future bronchi.

The body of the future person changes completely. It becomes straighter, the arched shape disappears. Now the limbs are forming quite quickly. The knee and elbow joints are emerging, the skin is thin and transparent, however, you can already see small fingers on the arms and legs of the unborn child. Fetal development at 8 weeks occurs in huge steps.

At week 8, the embryonic stage of fetal development is already completed. It's the turn of the fetal one. This is no longer a complex set of cells, it is a tiny person with actively developing organs and systems. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the development of the brain, heart, limbs, internal organs occurs, in a word, everything at the same time.

Eight week woman

Each expectant mother experiences and feels the end of the second month of pregnancy in her own way. There are only general recommendations and the most common scenarios. The 8th week has arrived, what happens to the expectant mother?

Physical sensations at 8 weeks

Along with changes in emotional sensations and mood changes from the very beginning of pregnancy, physical changes. At first they are invisible, occurring only in the mother’s body, but then they become obvious.

This applies not only to a growing belly, which, by the way, does not happen immediately after the start of pregnancy. If the stomach was not flat, pregnancy will be noticeable even later.

But there are also changes in the body, hair, skin, and gait that occur already in the first months of pregnancy. This can easily be explained by the hormonal changes that occur immediately after successful conception.

The main physical changes include:

  • toxicosis;
  • enlarged uterus;
  • skin changes;
  • breast growth;
  • volume of vaginal discharge;
  • general malaise.

Typically, signs of toxicosis appear much earlier, already in the first month of pregnancy. Now, at 8 weeks of pregnancy, they may persist or even intensify. Toxicosis means that the expectant mother has a difficult time with pregnancy and is often tormented by certain unpleasant symptoms. These include, for example, severe nausea that does not stop during the day or evening, migraines, and severe sweating. Toxicosis can also manifest itself in the digestive system, for example, severe belching, indigestion, bloating, heartburn. Possible constipation, general weakness and stomach pain.

At week 8, the uterus continues to grow. This happens for a long time and can be expressed as slight pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen. It is important that the pain does not increase and is not accompanied by discharge mixed with blood. You should be prepared that visits to the toilet will now be more frequent. The enlarging uterus begins to put pressure on nearby organs, the bladder is no exception.

The breasts change not only in size, but also take on a different shape. It fills up, becomes more sensitive, and you can see visible veins on it. This is an inevitable process intended by nature. Under the influence of hormones, the breasts prepare for the process of lactation.

Hormones also affect the skin condition of the expectant mother. The result is always individual. Some women experience healthy-looking skin, elasticity increases, and unevenness and blemishes disappear. For others, on the contrary, the skin becomes oily, dry, or covered with pimples and blackheads.

Attentive girls note that during the first trimester the color of the vagina changes. It takes on a darker shade. Sometimes there is even a tint of blue. There is no need to be afraid, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon. The blood in the pelvis begins to move at a faster speed, this is necessary to provide the unborn child with all the nutrients. The consequence of increased secretion work is an increase in the number of secretions. It is important to monitor their character. They should not have an unnatural color or smell.

Almost every woman suffers from mood swings during pregnancy. This is due to progesterone. There is much more of it in the body than before pregnancy, which is why a woman can be depressed. The usual restructuring of the entire body, which begins from the first weeks of pregnancy, is also important.

Emotional state at 8 obstetric weeks

During the period of bearing a child, not only a woman’s body, skin, hair, etc., but also her well-being and sensations undergo changes. Under the influence of hormones, her character, habits, and food preferences can completely change.

At the same time, if at the very beginning of pregnancy the expectant mother has any unpleasant sensations or toxicosis, at 8 weeks, most likely, there will be no significant improvements in her condition.

Feelings are always individual, it is important to listen to the gynecologist, tell the doctor about all suspicions and generally be attentive to the smallest details. Very often, pregnant girls notice that they have become very moody and irritable. They are capable of getting upset over little things and crying over trifles.

At week 8, the woman already realizes that a new life is developing inside her. And this is her continuation, her beautiful son or daughter. Now may be the time for fear. Thoughts appear about whether she is able to cope with the role of a mother, bear a healthy child, give birth to him without complications and on time. The mood changes abruptly, and the next minute the woman is already in an optimistic mood, all for the same reasons.

The main thing is not to be afraid of such changes. You just need to be ready for them. Explain to your companion that you now need special support, let him understand what is happening with his wife, support and reassure.

The expectant mother must take care not only of herself, but also of her unborn baby. And for this, first of all, you need to register with the antenatal clinic on time and visit the doctor regularly. Now everything that a woman drinks or eats directly goes to the baby. The fetus is completely dependent on you, and how correctly it will develop and grow in the tummy depends on many factors, most of which are completely under the control of a pregnant girl.

  • tell the doctor monitoring the pregnancy about everything;
  • Healthy food;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • take vitamins and, first of all, folic acid;
  • protect yourself from viral and infectious diseases;
  • limit experiences and physical activity, etc.

The course of pregnancy is greatly influenced by a woman's chronic diseases. The doctor is able to adjust the medications taken and manage the pregnancy, taking into account the patient’s condition.

Even at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is important to start including vegetables, fruits and, of course, dairy products in your diet. It is advisable that it is not whole milk, but fermented milk yoghurts, curds, etc. Water is very important during pregnancy.

Now some experts have begun to speak less categorically about taking small doses of weak alcohol. However, this area is still insufficiently studied, so the risk that even half a glass of red wine at any period of pregnancy will be fatal and cause fetal underdevelopment and other adverse consequences is quite high.

Vitamins are almost always prescribed today. Some doctors recommend drinking them throughout pregnancy, while others advise taking breaks. The issue of taking folic acid is always decided unequivocally by gynecologists: it is extremely important for the formation and development of the nervous system, and in the body of modern girls, as a rule, it is lacking.

Any cold, and especially an infectious disease at 8 weeks is very dangerous for the fetus. From the first trimester, you should avoid jumping, vibration, cycling, and lifting heavy objects.

The belly at the 8th week of pregnancy is not yet visible, however, throughout the entire 9 months, it is useful for the expectant mother to remember that, despite all the inconveniences and difficulties of this time, it is wonderful. A new life grows and develops inside, which you were able to give. Love your future baby from the first day, remember that it is the mother who is the whole world for him for a whole year after birth.

The eighth month of pregnancy or the 6th obstetric week from the last menstruation is a difficult and sometimes critical period. At this stage, there remains a risk of spontaneous miscarriage, so a woman who is looking forward to the birth of a child should pay maximum attention to her health, create all the conditions for full growth and. During this period, the expectant mother needs to be extremely careful, since any negative effect on her body can cause irreparable harm to the fetus. With each new day, the intrauterine life of the fetus changes, new vital processes are laid down. The well-being of the woman herself changes. All signs of pregnancy become more distinct. At the 8th week, the woman should already be registered with the antenatal clinic, periodically undergo laboratory tests, visit a doctor who can assess the condition of the fetus, and give the woman useful recommendations.

The first weeks and months of pregnancy are always exciting for a woman, since it is during this period that all the organs of the child are formed, there are risks, and the woman feels visible sensations in her well-being. The 8th week of pregnancy or the 2nd month is no exception for such excitement. At this stage, active development of the fetus occurs. He already resembles a tiny man. Pronounced changes also occur in the body of the expectant mother. A woman experiences a surge of hormonal changes that significantly affect her well-being.

What's happening to the baby

The fetus at the 8th week is still very small, but it already resembles a person. With the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the expectant mother has the opportunity to clearly see his small arms, legs, and head. At this stage, the size of the fetus does not exceed 15-20 mm, and its weight is only 3 – 5 grams. Despite its tiny size, almost all vital organs are actively forming, the rudiments of fingers and toes appear, and internal organs are rapidly forming. At the 8th week, the intestines are formed in the fetal body, the peripheral nervous system is rapidly developing, and a four-chambered heart is formed, which is capable of pumping blood into large vessels. The rudiments of the genital organs begin to form, but it is not yet possible to recognize the gender. In addition, the kidneys, liver, endocrine glands, brain and nervous system are formed.

At the 8th week, the fetus has almost formed facial features. He has eyes, which are still tightly closed with eyelids, he has ears, lips, and a nose. The wall of the oral cavity has muscle tissue, the first salivary glands are formed, as well as the papilla of the tongue. At this stage, joints are quickly formed. The fetus has the ability to bend and unbend them.

Starting from the second month of pregnancy, the placenta develops, which in the future will fully provide the fetus with all the necessary substances for its life. In the lungs, branching of the bronchi occurs. The fetus is constantly moving in the mother's womb, but these movements are not noticeable to her, since the expectant mother will feel the first movements no earlier than in the 4th month. Despite the rapid development of the fetus, all its organs are not fully formed, so it is very important to monitor your health so as not to disrupt this process.

What's happening to mom

At the 2nd month of pregnancy, the woman already knows about her interesting situation. By that time, she already has the first signs and sensations. For full growth and a good course of the pregnancy itself, the expectant mother must reconsider her lifestyle, give up bad habits, and realize responsibility for the health of her child.

By 8 weeks, a woman’s body undergoes pronounced hormonal changes with varying intensities.

Some women do not experience any changes at all, while others begin to experience early toxicosis, frequent mood swings, increased irritability and other pronounced symptoms.

All the changes that a woman experiences in the 8th week are associated with hormonal imbalance. Under the influence of hormones, a woman’s body prepares for gestation and birth of a fetus, which cannot go unnoticed.

At the 8th week, the uterus increases in size; spasms may appear, which will cause discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Normally, pain is insignificant and should not be a cause for concern. Some women also experience external changes. Women's skin reacts differently to pregnancy. For some, it takes on a healthy appearance, becomes smooth and tender, while for others, acne and pimples appear, the skin loses its natural color, becomes dull and ugly. The same changes can occur in the hair and nails of the expectant mother.

Pronounced changes also occur in the mammary glands, which are preparing for upcoming breastfeeding. One of the most unpleasant sensations of this period is toxicosis, which is also the result of hormonal changes.

At the 8th week, the woman’s uterus begins to enlarge, putting pressure on the bladder and intestines.

Such changes cause frequent urge to urinate, and heartburn is often tormented. Some women do not feel any changes at all in the 8th week, but in the vast majority of women they are still present and cause the woman many unpleasant symptoms.

Symptoms of 8 weeks of pregnancy

Hormone levels rise rapidly in the 8th week, which cannot go unnoticed by a woman. Against the background of hormonal changes, a woman experiences the first visible symptoms, including:

  1. Constant mood swings, tearfulness, drowsiness, irritability.
  2. Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  3. Stool disorders not related to food intake.
  4. Toxicosis, most often appears in the morning.
  5. Change in taste preferences.

At this stage of pregnancy, due to increased growth hormones and enlargement of the uterus, vaginal discharge is present. Normally, they are light or transparent in color and have no distinct odor.

Among all the signs and symptoms of pregnancy at this stage, toxicosis is considered the most pronounced.

It often prevents a woman from eating, especially in the morning. The urge to eat is often disturbing, and taste preferences change. Many women begin to eat foods that they avoided before pregnancy.

Against the background of reduced immunity, some diseases of infectious or non-infectious origin may appear or worsen, so it is very important to consult a doctor at the first signs. It is important to understand that when a woman has chronic diseases in her body, she must inform her doctor about it.

Analyzes and examinations

From the moment a woman registers with the antenatal clinic, she periodically undergoes examinations, takes laboratory tests, and visits a doctor. At 8 weeks, a woman must undergo the following tests:

  1. urine protein test;
  2. general smear;
  3. stool analysis;
  4. analysis on .

The results of laboratory tests will allow the doctor to assess the course of pregnancy, recognize visible deviations and disturbances in the development of the fetus and the health of the woman herself. An elevated level of protein in the urine may indicate a kidney problem.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe an unscheduled ultrasound examination, which allows:

  1. Find out the exact place of attachment of the fertilized egg.
  2. Detect possible obstetric pathologies.
  3. Assess fetal size and gestational age.
  4. Recognize multiple pregnancy.
  5. Confirm the normal course of pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination is performed transvaginally. It is completely safe for the health of the fetus and the pregnant woman.

If necessary or suspected of pathology, a blood test is prescribed, which makes it possible to assess the presence or absence of fetal pathologies with 98% accuracy.

In addition to laboratory and instrumental studies, the doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat every month and measures the abdominal circumference.

Possible dangers at 8 weeks of pregnancy

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of abortion is quite high, so a woman needs to listen very carefully to her body and monitor the nature of vaginal discharge. At this stage, the fetus is actively developing, so any deviations can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. Its signs can be recognized by bloody or brown discharge, severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. If you contact medical specialists in a timely manner, there is every chance of saving the pregnancy.

At this time, and may be detected, which poses a great threat to a woman’s life. Symptoms appear as the fetus grows. Pathology can be recognized using ultrasound diagnostics, the results of which will accurately determine the pathology.

In the second month of pregnancy, as well as in any other period, it is very important for a woman to monitor her health and understand that she is responsible for her unborn child.

In order to reduce all risks, a woman needs to follow the following recommendations, which the doctor will definitely give:

  1. Balanced, fortified and proper nutrition.
  2. Lack of heavy physical activity.
  3. Fresh air and daily walks.
  4. Avoid contact with sick people.
  5. Do not contact with pets.
  6. Maintain personal hygiene.
  7. Do not take medications without first consulting your doctor.
  8. Avoid hypothermia.
  9. Healthy sleep and good rest.
  10. No stressful situations.
  11. Visit your doctor regularly and undergo all necessary tests and examinations.

During pregnancy at any stage, a woman should spare her body and understand that any negative impact can provoke complications, and sometimes irreversible consequences. By following all the doctor’s recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of various complications and carry and give birth to a strong and healthy baby.

The 8th week of pregnancy in the life of the expectant mother differs little from the previous, 7th week. But for the baby, every day is still important. That's how it should be. After all, a child literally repeats the evolutionary path from a single cell to a complex organism.

What happens to mother and baby

At the eighth week, the unborn child is no longer considered an embryo. Now it is a fetus with all its internal organs. Of course, all systems of the tiny organism still have a long way to go to develop and improve.

The expectant mother may change in appearance, or she may remain the same. Everything here is very individual. Although there are some common features. For example, at the 8th week, a pregnant woman’s uterus reaches the size of a large apple or grapefruit. And in the blood there is an active production of three hormones: estrogen, progesterone and prolactin. All these hormones do serious work:

  • They prepare the woman’s circulatory system to increase the amount of blood. Therefore, the main arteries increase slightly in diameter;
  • Weakens the pelvic ligaments. Otherwise, the belly of the expectant mother will not be able to increase in size;
  • Prepare the breasts for future milk production.

Fetal development

What does the future baby look like now?

Now it is about the size of a grape. The length of the tiny body is 14-20 mm, and the weight is about 3 g.

The fetus looks more and more like a tiny person. This is facilitated by many processes:

Video: 8 Week of intrauterine life:


An ultrasound at the 8th obstetric week can give very different “pictures”. It all depends on the baby’s position, which is constantly changing, and on the equipment itself. Against the black background of the uterine cavity, an oblong body of the baby may be visible. Or just a white, almost round spot - which means the fetus has turned its head towards the scanner.

By the end of the 8th week, all the main internal organs of the fetus are formed. Now they need to be further developed and improved.

Feelings of the expectant mother

The delay in menstruation has lasted for more than two weeks. At the eighth obstetric week, pregnancy is already confirmed. Sometimes even in several ways. If the expectant mother has already had toxicosis, then it will probably continue. Or it may begin if the woman has not felt anything like this before. The main components of toxicosis:

  • nausea (usually in the morning, but also throughout the day);
  • heartburn and belching;
  • vomit;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • increased or, conversely, loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

If there is still no obvious toxicosis, there is no need to think about something bad. The happiest mothers may not even know what it is!

But even without any toxicosis, some changes are quite noticeable:

  • The breasts may increase significantly (by one size or even more). The blood vessels on each breast become more visible, and the skin on the nipples may darken.
  • Even in a short period of time, the uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, so visits to the toilet become more frequent.
  • Increased activity of the mucous membranes causes increased salivation. A runny nose during pregnancy may appear: a feeling of nasal congestion without obvious signs of a cold.
  • Emotional instability: mood swings, sensitivity.
  • Constant fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Pimples or blackheads may pop out. But it also happens the other way around - the skin becomes soft, smooth and incredibly pleasant to the touch.
  • An enlarged uterus can affect the sciatic nerve, causing pain in the pelvis and hips.

And the expectant mother may well begin to secrete colostrum. If this happens, gaskets will be required. Under no circumstances should you express colostrum! Another completely normal phenomenon is false (training) contractions. They manifest themselves as short-term tension in the lower abdomen. If there is no bleeding or pain, there is nothing to worry about.

Problems and complications


  • At the 8th obstetric week, normal vaginal discharge is considered mucous, transparent or white.
  • Minor brown discharge is acceptable, but you must report it to your doctor.
  • Spotting or bleeding is a signal of a possible threat of miscarriage. This condition requires immediate medical attention.

Fading pregnancy:

If toxicosis suddenly, abruptly stops, perhaps we are talking about fading pregnancy. In this case, the fetus dies, but is not rejected by the uterus. If the pregnancy has really stopped, a diagnosis will be made and measures will be taken in the antenatal clinic and in the hospital.

Severe toxicosis:

Severe toxicosis can deplete the strength of the expectant mother. In addition, vomiting can lead to severe dehydration. You need to see a doctor if:

Note to moms!

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  • vomiting occurs more than twice a day;
  • food is not digested for more than a day;
  • constant weakness is felt;
  • weight loss was noted.

Abdominal and lower back pain:

Mild pain in the abdomen and lower back is explained by hormonal and physical changes. But if the lower back and/or stomach hurt intensely, this may mean a threat of miscarriage.

Ectopic pregnancy:

Ectopic pregnancy manifests itself at an earlier stage. Therefore, at the 8th obstetrics, this condition is no longer discussed.

Why do pregnancy complications occur? Main reasons

  • genetic abnormalities;
  • radiation (for example, x-rays);
  • nicotine and/or alcohol;
  • some bacterial and viral infections;
  • a number of medications;
  • lifting and carrying heavy objects;
  • severe overheating (for example, when tanning or in a sauna).

In the first trimester of pregnancy, any negative impact affects the entire fetus, all its internal organs and systems.

If the pregnancy is unwanted, this is also a complication. True, not the pregnancy itself, but the entire existence of a woman. There are circumstances in which she has the right to say “no” to a small life. But if the baby is not destined to be born, termination of pregnancy must be carried out as early as possible. And only in a medical facility. Abortion is a simple procedure, but difficult for the female body. Therefore, the decision to terminate a pregnancy must be extremely responsible and conscious.

Visit doctor

If the expectant mother has not yet begun her examination, then at the 8th week it is time to go to the doctor. There are many diseases in the world that last a long time without external manifestations. The examination will help to detect possible problems in time and prevent complications.

The woman will have blood and urine tests, and a vaginal smear will be checked. What will be checked?

  • general condition of the body (level of hemoglobin, various blood cells, sugar);
  • blood type and Rh factor;
  • presence/absence of HIV, AIDS, syphilis, sexually transmitted infections.

The gynecologist will measure the expectant mother’s pelvis, height and weight, and give a preliminary conclusion about the health status of the woman and the unborn baby. In addition, he will refer the patient to other specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, a venereologist and an ENT specialist.

It is necessary to be examined by these doctors. Each of them will check the condition of the expectant mother according to their parameters and indicate possible complications. For example, if a woman suffers from periodontal disease, the disease may worsen during pregnancy and after childbirth. And very poor vision or high intraocular pressure may be indications for a planned cesarean section.

Prevention of possible Rh conflict is especially important. If future parents have different Rh factors, this may negatively affect the future baby due to the accumulation of special antibodies. This is another reason not to delay going to the doctors.

An expectant mother needs to be prepared for a lot of questions. Now doctors are obliged not only to examine a woman, but also to find out in what conditions she lives and works. For example, if working conditions are harmful, the expectant mother must be transferred to another position. And if a woman has seriously ill people at home, this is also a cause for concern. The doctor may ask all members of the expectant mother’s household to undergo fluorography or bring certificates of the last study performed.

What else will doctors ask?

  • Which is pregnancy.
  • Which are expected to give birth.
  • Time of last menstruation.
  • What was the menstrual cycle like before pregnancy?
  • Have there been any abortions, miscarriages, or ectopic pregnancies?

The expectant mother definitely needs to make arrangements for regular visits to doctors.

  1. Proper nutrition. Fried, spicy foods, canned food and smoked foods should be excluded. Baking will have to be limited. You need to steam (or bake) food. Vegetables and fruits should make up at least a third of the diet. Sweets – only natural (for example, marshmallows). To improve digestion - porridge and fermented milk products.
  2. Vitamins and medicines - only as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Alcohol and cigarettes should already be a thing of the past. It is very important to avoid passive smoking.
  4. What is the expectant mother wearing? All kinds of “hairpins” will have to be postponed until better times. Shoes should have minimal and stable heels. It is very important that the soles do not slip. You need to be careful not only on snowy paths, but also on tiled floors - they can be quite slippery.
  5. Sexual life does not need to be limited if it brings pleasure. In this case, there are three contraindications: the threat of miscarriage, multiple pregnancies and the reluctance of the expectant mother herself.
  6. For unilateral pain in the pelvic area and lower back, you need to lie on the opposite side. Here we are talking about pinching of the sciatic nerve; in a supine position it is released faster.
  7. Emotions are only positive. There is no need to watch frightening and/or dramatic films or read books with heavy content. If something unfavorable does happen in life, you need to think first of all about the baby. Now the mother’s anxiety is causing the baby to suffer physically.

Superstitions and prejudices

What a expectant mother doesn’t hear during nine months of pregnancy! There are so many advisors around! You can literally get lost in the recommendations of others. Who to believe and who not to listen? Let's try to understand the basic “tips”.

A smoking mother should not suddenly give up cigarettes. The child is already accustomed to nicotine and will feel bad.

The expectant mother is accustomed to nicotine. And she has already caused herself considerable harm. And with the onset of pregnancy, each new cigarette causes irreparable damage to the baby. If pregnancy is planned, giving up bad habits should take place long before conception. If you have an unplanned but ongoing pregnancy, you should quit smoking immediately, preferably forever.

A glass of good natural wine won't hurt.

Even natural alcoholic drinks are still alcohol. Its harm to the fetus has long been firmly proven.

Your husband should not show his weakness, poor health, or lack of interest in sex. A wife should always be beautiful, cheerful and friendly.

Another statement from the depths of patriarchy. Sincerity is important between spouses. A good future father will not grimace with disgust if the woman he loves vomits in front of him. And the fear of intimate life will only become stronger and turn into a problem if you remain silent about it.

Pregnant women should not cut their hair - the child will be missing something (fingers, for example).

Superstition in its purest form. Hair is formed by the same type of cells as nails. Pregnant women have had their hair cut at all times. Therefore, if the expectant mother wants to change her image and get a haircut, there are no obstacles to this. But regarding hair coloring, it is better to consult your doctor first.

We also read:

The happiness and well-being of the expectant mother is the health and proper development of the baby.

Video guide: 8th week of pregnancy: fetal development, what is happening, pulling in the lower abdomen, fatigue, nausea, vomiting

Physical education during pregnancy

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

During the 8th week of pregnancy, many changes occur with the baby and mother. They relate to both the psychological side and the physiological aspect. The risk of miscarriage is still quite high, so a pregnant woman should be careful about her health, eat right and visit a gynecologist in a timely manner. We will talk about what happens to the mother and the fetus in this article.

Embryo development

The 8-9th obstetric period is the 6-7th embryonic week. This period is very exciting for a woman. She begins to gradually realize that a new life has arisen inside her and is rapidly developing. The range of sensations in girls depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the course of pregnancy. Some mothers suffer from toxicosis, lose weight, and become irritable. Others, on the contrary, blossom before our eyes.

The fetus at 8 weeks already resembles a human being. The head becomes more proportional to the body, the baby gradually straightens. At this stage, a woman may well see tiny limbs during an ultrasound examination. The child's height is approximately 18-20 mm, and weight is from 3 to 5 grams.

Articles written

Changes in the fetal body:

  • at week 8, the rudiments of the fingers are formed on the upper and lower extremities;
  • the intestines are improved;
  • the peripheral nervous system is actively developing;
  • the heart becomes four-chambered, it can already be heard on ultrasound;
  • blood is pumped through the vessels to the entire organ;
  • genitals begin to form, although it is not yet possible to determine the sex of the baby;
  • The nervous and endocrine systems, brain, kidneys, and liver develop.

During an ultrasound examination, facial features can be seen quite clearly. The baby already has ears, a nose, and lips. The eyes at this stage are clearly visible, but are still tightly closed with eyelids. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the tongue bud appears and the salivary glands are formed.

At the end of the second month, the baby can bend and straighten his joints. On the part of the respiratory system, changes are observed in the form of branching in the lungs. The baby moves all the time in the womb, but for the woman these movements are still imperceptible, since the child is still very small.

All the baby’s internal organs are now actively forming. In this regard, a woman is advised to closely monitor her health so as not to disrupt this process.

Changes in the mother's body

Few women at 8 weeks of pregnancy are unaware of their interesting situation. There are no periods, toxicosis, drowsiness and other symptoms appear, indicating the development of a new life. During this stage, many hormonal changes occur in the body. In some girls they are less pronounced, in others they manifest themselves with greater intensity.

Many lucky women are lucky enough to avoid toxicosis altogether. Other mothers experience nausea, vomiting, indigestion, mood swings, irritability and other “delights” of pregnancy. This is explained by a surge of hormones during the 8th week of pregnancy, which have different effects on the body.

What happens at the physiological level? The changes are as follows:

  • The uterus increases in diameter; girls often complain that their lower abdomen is tight. Such sensations are considered normal if they are not accompanied by bleeding, fever and other negative symptoms. The belly is not yet visible.
  • The condition of the skin changes, age spots, acne, and inflammation appear. This doesn't happen to everyone. For some women, their appearance is transformed, the dermis becomes radiant, smooth and more attractive.
  • Changes are also observed in hair and nails. For some, they become weaker and more brittle, while for others, positive changes are noted.
  • It is difficult not to notice changes in the mammary glands. The breasts increase in size, the nipples darken, and sensitivity increases. Some pregnant women describe these sensations as pain during menstruation. This is a natural process indicating the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation.

The growth of the uterus at 8 weeks provokes an increase in pressure on the intestines and bladder. In this regard, urination becomes more frequent, especially at night. Defecation may also become more frequent, but this usually happens at a later date.

Many mothers do not feel any changes at all at the end of the second month of pregnancy. Don't worry, this condition is not considered a deviation.

Signs at 8 weeks

During the 8th week of pregnancy, hormone levels continue to increase rapidly. In this regard, the woman feels many changes. The most common of them include:

  • Emotional swing. Mood swings, irritability, tearfulness, sensitivity to little things, touchiness and other emotional disorders are becoming the norm for many mothers. These are not whims, as many people think. This condition occurs due to the influence of progesterone on the female body.
  • Frequent urination. Frequent trips to the toilet are associated with the growth of the uterus and its pressure on the bladder. This condition is considered completely natural and goes away without medical intervention after childbirth.
  • Digestive system disorders. Constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, heartburn, belching and other disorders during the 8th week of pregnancy occur due to the effect of the hormone progesterone on the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines. It relaxes the peristalsis of the digestive organs, which leads to dyspeptic disorders.
  • Toxicosis. Nausea, vomiting and dizziness occur more often after sleep. There are many methods to combat toxicosis, the most reliable of which is proper nutrition in small portions and drinking enough liquid.
  • Changes in taste and increased sense of smell. These signs at 8 weeks of pregnancy also occur due to an increase in certain hormones in the body.