Human material well-being. Creative energy of money

Are you looking for a gift for friends or relatives? Do you want to express sincere emotions and good wishes? Flowers will speak loudest for you! Not only fragrant buds can be a wonderful gift or addition to the main present. Indoor plants add coziness and comfort to the home atmosphere. They are able to bring good luck, happiness, and material well-being to the home. What creations of nature should you choose as a gift to express your sincere wishes? Read more about this.

Living representatives of the beautiful world of flora not only decorate the interior of the room, but also provide oxygen synthesis and give aesthetic pleasure to housewives and guests.

There are a number of plants and flowers that, according to popular belief, promise family happiness. These are:

  • spathiphyllum. This plant is characterized by unpretentiousness. The flower is also known as "women's happiness". If you believe the signs, this creation of nature helps you quickly find your soul mate, become a mother, and gain mutual understanding in the family;
  • Saintpaulia. A beautifully flowering plant, common under the name “Uzambara violet”, is very picky. It needs a lot of light and only accepts soft water for watering. But this doesn't make it any less popular. Saintpaulia thanks for the labor-intensive care with family happiness. She is a sign of eternal love;
  • Chinese rose, or hibiscus. Charming large flowers need warmth. According to popular belief, they promise passionate, all-consuming love;
  • hoya. Wax ivy, or indoor vine, has many varieties. It is customary to give some varieties to your significant other on Valentine's Day. Hoya brings family happiness. To receive her gift, it is recommended to place a flower in the bedroom;
  • aichrizon. The traditional names of the plant are “tree of love” or “happiness”. These are the kind of jewels that a flower gives to its owner;
  • chlorophytum. An unpretentious plant that does not require labor-intensive care and easily takes root in the house. Its special feature is its delicate inflorescences. It is common to believe that with chlorophytum, family life will be carefree and calm.

Interesting! In addition to the listed creations of nature, there are flowers that bring happiness to girls and men. Representatives of the fair sex who suffer from loneliness are best presented with oxalis. It will help not only find love, but also create a family. And anthurium will give men strength, success and happiness.

Plants for material well-being

Just as widespread is the belief in protective talismans and amulets that protect against the evil eye and damage, so popular are the beliefs that some indoor plants can provide material wealth. If you want to replenish your piggy bank, make sure that you have the following on the windowsill:

  • Crassula, or Crassula. The more intensively the “money tree” grows, the more profit it brings. And if you believe the signs, a stronger effect can be achieved if you plant the plant in a green or red pot;
  • geranium is a “gold mine”, which is characterized by unpretentiousness. It works like a money magnet. And its effect can be enhanced if an azalea is placed nearby;
  • The cactus protects against financial surprises, increases and protects material well-being.

Indoor bamboo and fern are also creations of nature that can bring not only comfort to the house, but also promise wealth.

Symbols of luck and love

Many representatives of the beautiful world of flora have a number of magical properties. These unique abilities make such flowers an excellent gift for a married couple, colleagues, friends or relatives. According to omens, flowering plants help you achieve success in life. Such flowers are azalea, begonia, geranium. They promise longevity and happiness, material well-being and prosperity.

A charming and delicate orchid looks great in various interior designs and gives incredible aesthetic pleasure. This flower is also a symbol of well-being. Everyone's favorite and popular ficus attracts good luck to the house. He gives happiness to girls who are waiting for their love, and “guarantees” the desired replenishment to couples in love.

Important! The meaning and symbolism of flowers should be taken into account not only when choosing a fragrant compliment in the form of a floral arrangement. By revealing the secret meaning of indoor plants, you can not only present a wonderful gift to create coziness in the room, but also ensure the fulfillment of the recipient’s wishes, family happiness, longevity or inexhaustible material wealth.

Material well-being is more than just having enough money. It is a flow of energy that descends on us from some common life-giving source of the Universe in the form of spiritual and material prosperity. Material well-being is love and wisdom, the presence of talents and other virtues, money and material values ​​- the presence of everything that is necessary to fulfill our life's purpose.

Energy must flow and pass through us unhindered in order to be realized in our lives in the form of any material values. If we do not see the arrival of material well-being, we should ask ourselves why this is happening.

What is going on in ourselves or in our environment that is preventing prosperity from emerging?

What is the barrier to the flow of divine energy to us?

Here you will find answers to these questions and receive the keys necessary to attract into your life the spiritual and material well-being that is so necessary for you.

What is abundance? This is prosperity, prosperity. But abundance cannot only be material. Monetary and material abundance acquires its true meaning only when the INNER SPIRITUAL WORLD of a person corresponds to it.

Just like everything in this world is subject to its own laws, money is no exception.

1. A person has as much money as his soul can bear.

Each of us has our own money channel, which we developed in past lives. One in this life can afford to be rich and this wealth does not destroy him, while the other tries his best, but receives pennies for his work and is considered a loser in life. And the person becomes despondent, drags out his miserable existence and CONDENSES the rich.

At certain moments of evolution, the Hierarchs of the Higher World notice that most people who have money and material wealth FORGET GOD. And if money becomes a person’s God, then the person is removed from it.

Since the goal of religion is to lead us to God, the belief has spread that it is more difficult for a rich person to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. But because we are all deeply spiritual at our core, we seek God. And to find it you need to distance yourself from the material.

Of course, it is very difficult not to think about money and live detached from it when someone nearby is thriving. But being detached does not mean depriving yourself of them. It is rather the ability, having money, not to live for it and not worry about losing it. Prosperity means the confidence that if you lose something, you can always get it back. Thus, we need to live in material wealth, but at the same time remain detached from it.

And if a person believes that being rich is bad, then what we believe in happens to us, which is why life is very difficult for many in this world.

I found something interesting to think about.

Money and bookmakers are the fulfillers of our desires, but they are different.

Money is a wish fulfiller.

Good Karma also fulfills wishes.

What is the fundamental difference between them?

Money is a cashed bookmaker. A cashed bookmaker fulfills wishes worse.

BC fulfills all wishes, both future and secret ones.

BC can work miracles, save you from a tsunami, in a plane crash, find a beautiful wife,

Fit a UFO and take us on it to better worlds...

But money fulfills only verbalized desires, and not all of them.

Therefore, it is more difficult to turn money back into BC than to cash out from BC.

People, don’t cash out your bookmaker entirely with loans!

People, don’t cash out your bookmakers with “well-deserved high salaries”

Because in some cases this is just a disguised loan, and not a payment for the bookmaker you have accumulated,

Which, in fact, you do not accumulate with your work as “office plankton”!

Ritual with Tarot cards for success and well-being

Moon phase: waxing moon Ritual: Select the following five cards from a deck of tarot cards: Ace of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, Ten of Pentacles and Wheel of Fortune.

Pentacles symbolize money and material well-being. The Ace symbolizes new beginnings and new opportunities, the three is a symbol of your talent, which will help you achieve your desired goal (in this case, financial gain), the nine symbolizes success, it guarantees the successful completion of your financial enterprise. Ten is a symbol of success, fulfillment of desires, and the wheel of fortune is a kind of indicator that you are in the right place at the right time.

Lay the cards out on the floor in a star shape. Close your eyes and imagine how the success, wealth and prosperity symbolized by these five cards fill your life.

It is also good to charge water with the energy of Tarot cards. Prepare a glass of water before going to bed, take the Empress card (for men - the Emperor) or the Three of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles or Ten of Pentacles, because all these cards symbolize financial well-being. Hold the card in your hands, feel it. Transfer this energy to the water. Leave the card next to the glass. Drink charged water in the morning. Do this more than once.

I staged the Empress, a kind of fullness appeared, a feeling that energies were filling me from the inside.

If you store cash in the house (collect for something), then it is best to place it in the eastern or south-eastern sector of the house, and store it in red envelopes or bags (you can make it yourself). They will be preserved and multiplied. As for jewelry, their storage location is northwest. When you get yourself a red envelope, clearly decide what you want to raise money for - for a vacation, for equipment, clothes, etc. But don’t tell yourself that this money will go to funerals, hospitals, treatment, of course it can be spent on these needs, but the initial goal should be positive. Jewelry is best in the northwestern area of ​​the house.

2. It has been verified that documents related to monthly payments (books and various receipts for utility bills, telephone, gas, credit, etc.), both paid and not, are best stored in one red folder. In this case, there will be no problems with timely payment; moreover, money will be attracted to pay off the debt, if any.

3. Growing a “money” tree in the southeastern sector of the home (office) contributes to increased well-being and income growth. 4. In order to attract subtle monetary energy, it is very good to keep a few mint leaves and a pinch of cinnamon in your wallet, as well as wherever you keep your money savings. It has been proven that these plants are good at attracting money.

5. Money comes into your hands if you make it a rule that every new moon (on one of the first three days, ideally if it is Wednesday or Thursday) you carry out the following simple manipulation: the night before going to bed, collect all the money in the house (not counting) brush with a drop of cinnamon or rosemary oil and place under your pillow; and in the morning, immediately after waking up, count them three or seven times without getting out of bed. You can recite your favorite money spell. In this way, you charge the bills with your energy, and the money spent during the month will return multiplied.

Bills, services, etc.) you are forced to pay at this particular time, then immediately before handing over, place them on the floor, and let the person for whom they are intended pick them up. 7. It is categorically unacceptable to count and discuss other people’s money and income - you won’t have your own money! Not many people know that envy of others' success, condemnation and negative attitude towards the rich only brings them closer to poverty. By exploring negative energy in relation to money and material wealth (even other people's), you subconsciously signal to the Universe that wealth is bad and you don't need it.

8. Get rid of the habit of stuffing crumpled bills into your pockets or throwing them anywhere. Money must be kept in a certain place or in a wallet.

9. When paying or accepting debts or paying for purchases, do not pass banknotes from hand to hand: the bad energy of another person can be transferred along with them. Of course, one can consider all this bullshit, but it’s not for nothing that there is a special saucer for money on store shelves? Perhaps sellers, through whose hands many other people’s pieces of paper and coins pass every day, intuitively feel the truth of this statement. 10. If you receive guests at home, then never finish the remaining liquor in your guests’ glasses and pour it back into your bottle; the same applies to finishing food from other people’s plates.

11. They say a nickel on the waxing moon on an even number at noon: “As there is a lot of dirt in the swamp, fish in the water, so there is a lot of wealth for me. The month, grow, grow, and give me wealth to the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen." They put it in the corner of the room for 7 days and spend it. And this is repeated three times.

12. On the new moon, pour a glass of water and leave it behind the curtain on the window until the moon becomes full, then wash with this water, saying: “Just as you, month, were thin and became full, so I have every good thing, so that it's full."

13. Buy a money tree, or better yet, take a money tree seedling and grow your own tree. On the waxing moon, purchase green or black ceramic dishes. Transplant day is Wednesday. When replanting the plant, place 8 coins of the same denomination on the bottom with the coat of arms facing up, reciting any money plot you know on them. When you plant a tree, take pity on it, reading the spell three times: “You grow, and I bloom in wealth. Such is my will. So be it!” The money tree should be located in the southeast direction of your home. Make sure that the plant is always healthy and well-groomed. Water it on Wednesdays while reading the above plot.

Good luck and prosperity to you my dears!

Everything in the world is energy. Money is also energy. Like everything manifested in the world, it is reflected on the subtle plane, money also has physical, etheric and mental shells.

Look how we keep our money, in beautiful wallets or lying crumpled in our pockets. Here is your physical shell, which immediately emphasizes your either dismissive or respectful attitude. Money loves to be stored correctly.

What emotions do you have when you see money? Are you happy or embarrassed that you have so much money in your hands? You respect them, you know their value.

What do you think? Money is evil, or money is peace and joy.

Let’s think through these issues together, maybe it’s worth changing our attitudes on this issue. And who knows, suddenly money will begin to respect us and...

Material well-being is not only about money. This is also the help, the services that the people around you provide you. But this is not one-way help - you also have a responsibility to help other people on their path to achieving economic well-being.

Agree that an entrepreneur who has a huge amount of money, but no good partners whom he can trust, can hardly be called successful. If a leader respects his employees and provides them with good work, then, consequently, he also helps their families, that is, he does good and brings benefits to a huge number of people. This is a law that any entrepreneur, any leader must follow if he really wants to earn even more money and achieve economic stability.

But before I tell you about the principles that allow a person to achieve economic stability, you must be specially prepared to fully accept and comprehend this knowledge. Set your brain to “absorb” information, just as the earth opens its bosom to the seeds falling into it.

If you are truly ready for something, then you won't have to wait long for it:

But you should not assure yourself that it (what you expect) will arise by itself. Look at the huge difference between two seemingly synonymous phrases: “I need this” and “I’m ready for this.”

Do not identify these expressions under any circumstances, since all the knowledge that I want to share with you will be completely useless.

Try to be more patient, and before revealing the truth I already know, I will prepare you to perceive it. For it is so valuable, and you are so eager to know it, that it would be a shame if you misunderstood it.

I will lead you on my own path, along which I myself came to this truth. At first it may seem to you that this path is too scary and confusing, but do not attach much importance to this first impression. This path will be something new for you, which is why it will be difficult for you to accept it right away. I want to immediately reassure you if you have any doubts about the correctness of the chosen direction: I have already tried this path and it was through it that I gained all the earthly riches that I had only dreamed of.

The only reason that slows down the progress of humanity is that people are too hard and reluctant to accept everything new. Just remember the case of Samuel Morse, who developed the telegraph code (Morse code). When he proposed his invention to humanity, everyone just laughed at him. And this is only because it was new, and therefore incomprehensible to everyone else. Unfortunately, everything new is perceived in the same way: it causes completely incomprehensible and inexplicable fears and doubts.

How everyone made fun of Marconi, who proposed to improve Morse code and invented radio communication!

Both the inventor of the incandescent light bulb, Thomas Edison, and the designers of the new car became a laughing stock. People could not imagine how a cart without horse traction could move.

When brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright invented an airplane powered by an internal combustion engine, no one was interested because hardly anyone took it seriously. The journalists invited to the first demonstration of the aircraft did not even show up.

Radio, without which we can now hardly imagine our lives, which unites millions of people in one space, was at first perceived as nothing more than some kind of funny contraption, not suitable for anything.

It is not without reason that I mention these facts from the history of inventors: I would not want our readers, who have chosen a new path in life to achieve wealth, to be afraid of its novelty and unusualness. Feel free to follow me and try to understand my philosophy. And drive away all groundless doubts - my philosophy helped me, and I’m sure it will help you too.

I am also helping you for the simple reason that for my “work” as a guide, a mentor, I expect a worthy reward. I'm sure I'll get as much as you do. Maybe I will get my share from you, my readers and students. But it is quite possible that it will not be you who will reward me, but someone else, but this will happen, I am sure of it, since the Eternal Law of Retribution operates throughout the world. The Great Eternal Law says: “Not a single good deed goes unrewarded or unnoticed.” Emerson said: “Do what you must, and then the Almighty will give you strength.”

But I am going to do good not only because it will definitely be credited to me and I will receive my “share” for it. I also think about my responsibilities to humanity - life has so generously rewarded me with all kinds of riches. After all, I myself became rich not only thanks to my abilities and knowledge, but also with the help of the support of my neighbors.

For many years now I have been faithful to one simple truth: only the person who achieves much in life is the one who moves up the ladder of wealth with his arms wide open. One hand goes up to receive help from those on a higher rung, and the other goes down to help those moving up. And I want you, my readers, who are eager to receive all the treasures of life, to do the same, so that you are always ready to both accept and provide help. I think you should be familiar with this rule: it is impossible to ride the wave of success in life if you do not support those people who are less fortunate. Before you can receive something, you need to give something!

Now I will try to help you climb the next rung of the ladder leading to wealth. I think that the time has come for this, because I hope you and I have already figured out what actually represents true value in our lives.

I have already said that I achieved all the benefits on my own thanks to the support of the people around me.

Don’t be surprised, but you are already familiar with some of them - these are leaders, leaders, our guides on that great path that I called the “American way of life.”

But among these names known to all of you, there are several that you have yet to meet. Among them there are eight of the most valuable and irreplaceable - they were the ones who helped me in finding and acquiring my wonderful wealth. I call them the "eight princes." They are always with me - day and night - and are always ready to help me.

I admit, I never saw my assistants. And, despite this, they tirelessly take care of me, protect the treasures I have obtained, protect me from envy, fears, greed, uncertainty, timidity and pessimism. It is their job to awaken my activity, excite my imagination, replenish my creative energy, outline a goal in my path and convince me of its achievability.

They became real guides, teachers, assistants, creators of my positive psychological attitude.

My task is to introduce you to these “princes”, and they will help you just as they once helped me.

Related information.

Well-being is considered to be a calm and happy state of a person. Indeed, we call people happy if they are satisfied with themselves and the world that surrounds them. The most difficult question is how to achieve such a state, and scientists and philosophers have been arguing over it from ancient times to this day.

Many people believe that the path to prosperity is a large amount of money in their wallet. Often people with limited means believe that wealth will open the door to a happy life. However, this is not always the case, and money can only make a person happier for a while. According to numerous studies by scientists, there is no direct correlation between wealth and well-being, and often residents of poor countries such as Cuba or India feel happier than much wealthier citizens of Japan or Norway.

Many people believe that the main component of well-being is health. But this issue also remains controversial. Indeed, there are many completely healthy people around who cannot self-realize, find themselves and feel their lives are meaningless. At the same time, there are many examples of disabled people living full lives, being creative, raising children and enjoying their fate.

American psychologists have summarized existing knowledge about the factors of human well-being. They presented them in the form of a pie, each piece of which is a certain group of factors. So, the first piece is external. This is the state where a person lives, his social environment and natural conditions, the degree of financial well-being of the individual. The second piece is the psychological traits of the individual, such as temperament, character, heredity. The third piece is the results of a person’s choice: the goals he sets for himself, his occupation and lifestyle. The first group of factors has the least weight in the result - only 10%, while the second and third are very significant (50 and 40%, respectively).

Thus, our happiness is at least half dependent on ourselves. Of course, it is difficult to change what is set by genetics, but everyone can change jobs, take up their hobbies, or move to another city. But even such significant steps are not always required. Sometimes it is enough to look at your life from a different angle. For example, if you broke up with your loved one, it means that you will soon meet someone with whom you will have a happy relationship. At the most important moment, the computer freezes - which means you need to rest, take a short walk. They didn’t give you a vacation at work, which means it’s not time, and your best rest is ahead.

Different people look at the same life situations differently. There is no stability in the country, there is no professional and material growth at work, and no one gets married? You can be sad and cry over this, or you can try to change something: your job, your country of residence, the way you behave as men, etc. After all, our well-being is, first of all, in our hands.


Material well-being is an important factor influencing the formation of family well-being. It provides an opportunity to get an education, implement interesting projects, improve and strengthen your health, make your life more comfortable and safe, etc. Each family has its own ideas about what material well-being is, how much money you need to have and how it is advisable to spend it. But nevertheless, material well-being has a significant impact on the moral and psychological climate in the family, the distribution of roles and the assignment of responsibilities for performing family functions. The article, based on the results of a survey of the population and experts, analyzes the factors of strengthening the modern family. Particular attention is paid to the material factor, namely: the level of income of modern families is revealed; basic expenses in families are analyzed; the optimal level of income necessary for the effective socialization of the child in the family is determined.

family institute

family functions

socialization of personality

1. Osipova L.B. The younger generation as a bearer of family values ​​[Text] / L.B. Osipova. / Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference “Oil and Gas of Western Siberia”. Tyumen: Publishing house TyumGNGU, 2009. T. 2. P. 78-81.

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3. Ustinova O.V., Osipova L.B. The family is the main institution of population reproduction (using the example of the south of the Tyumen region). [Text] / O.V. Ustinova, L.B. Osipova // Bulletin of the Kazan State Technical University. A.N. Tupolev. 2013. No. 2. P. 204-206.

4. Ustinova O.V., Pivovarova I.V. Overcoming the crisis of the family institution in Russia. [Text] / O. V. Ustinova, I.V. Pivovarova // News of higher educational institutions. Sociology. Economy. Policy. 2014. No. 1. P.78-82.

5. Ustinova O.V., Pivovarova I.V. The role of public policy in the revival of the family institution. // Modern problems of science and education. 2015. No. 2. [Electronic resource]. Access mode:

6. Khairullina N.G., Moskatova A.K., Nedosekina A.G. Obidina Yu.S. and others. Social and humanitarian problems of our time. [Text] / N.G. Khairullina // Personality and Society / Saint-Louis, MO, USA, 2013.

7. Shagifullina I.E. Features of social support for large families in Russia. [Electronic resource] // Access mode:

8. Ustinova O.V. Deformation of values ​​system as a reason of demographic crisis in Russia. Scopus. // Life Sci J. 2014. 11(8s). p.465-468.

9. Ustinova O.V. An Investigation into the Motives Behind the Reproductive Conduct of the Ural Federal District Scopus. // World Applied Sciences Journal. 2014. 31(5), pp. 910-914.

The crisis, which affected all life support systems of society, directly affected the institution of the family, which at the same time acts as the most important social factor determining the viability of the nation, society and state.

If in the past the family was united by formal factors (laws, traditions, public opinion), now a new type of family is being formed, the unity of which increasingly depends on the mutual understanding of its members, love, affection, mutual participation, respect, etc. It is these feelings that contribute to the strength of the family hearth. Material wealth plays an important role in the well-being of a modern family, which is due to the following factors. Firstly, in the context of socio-economic transformations in the country, the family is forced to adapt to new economic conditions. Secondly, in the absence of the necessary social and economic support, the family needs enhanced government policy in this direction. Thirdly, the existing system of benefits, benefits and compensation payments to the family shows that their role in the level of material well-being of the family is small. These measures do not provide significant support to families with low financial standing, and in families with high incomes they do not play any role in their material standard of living.

In order to identify the role of the material factor in the socialization of the individual in the family, in 2010 I.V. Pivovarova, O.V. Ustinova conducted a survey of the population of Tyumen (384 respondents) and an expert survey of specialists in the field of family life and family education (94 experts).

Analysis of the distribution of respondents' opinions regarding factors that largely strengthen the family: 62.2% named mutual understanding, warm relationships, 55.7% - love, 53.1% - the presence of children, 44.8% - sincerity, honesty in relationships. It is noteworthy that the majority of respondents chose the presence of children as one of the factors that strengthens the family, that is, they think about children and feel responsible for them. Material wealth, restraint, control, and independence of all family members were noted by a small number of respondents (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Distribution of respondents’ opinions on the degree of importance of family strengthening factors, depending on age, %

Studying the opinions of respondents depending on their age made it possible to clarify the preferences of different groups of the population (Fig. 2).

In general, the trends are the same as for all age groups of the population, but 30.6% of respondents aged 30-44 years named material wealth as a factor influencing the strengthening of the family, and 20.2% of respondents aged 45-59 years - restraint, reasonable control, restrictions, which is quite typical for these ages: 30-44 years - the initial accumulation of family capital, and 45-59 years - wisdom and restrictions.

The opinion of experts in some aspects of the problem under study confirms the opinion of the respondents: the presence and number of children has a positive effect on the socialization of the individual, and therefore on the strengthening of the family, since successfully socialized children understand the importance of a strong family for the development of society. A high level of income and the presence of one’s own living space indicate high material wealth, and this, according to experts, positively contributes to the socialization of children in the family. A similar opinion is shared by 30% of the younger generation of respondents, who expressed the view that material wealth helps strengthen the family, while the older generation does not consider it a significant factor. 57% of experts noted the positive impact of children having a job as a factor in their successful socialization (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Distribution of expert opinions on the influence of material factors on the socialization of the individual in the family, %

Almost 40% of experts emphasized the fact that the presence of non-working family members (father, mother, grandfather or grandmother) does not in any way affect socialization in the family, 23.4% has a negative impact on this factor versus 24.5% of those who spoke for its positive impact. Most likely, this discrepancy occurred due to the vagueness in the answer proposed in this question: a non-working father has a negative impact on the socialization process due to the fact that he has not found his place in life, while a non-working grandfather, grandmother, or mother can take care of children and fully realize educational functions.

Most of the respondents have an average income (56.5%), 18.5% are above average and 20.6% are below average. In general, based on available income, it is logical to assume that working family members have the opportunity to actively influence the socialization of children in the family.

Rice. 3. Income level of respondents, %

In Fig. Figure 4 presents the results of an analysis of expert opinion regarding the most optimal level of family income for the successful implementation of the socialization function.

Rice. 4. Distribution of expert opinions on the optimal level of income for the effective socialization of a child in a family, %

The majority of experts (48.9%) consider the most optimal level of family income for the successful socialization of children to be above average (costs for comfortable living, leisure and recreation, education are feasible, but large purchases (real estate, cars, etc.) are difficult). It is noteworthy that 10.6% of experts believe that income level does not matter in the process of socialization of a child.

The study showed that even with alimony, single-parent families, especially those without a father, have a lower income compared to two-parent families, and this affects educational processes (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Income level in two-parent and single-parent families, %

Food, clothing

Costs for children

Health costs

Items for comfort (household appliances, computers, cars, etc.)

Education costs

Vacation expenses (travel, etc.)

Buying books, magazines

Costs of entertainment events

Buying a property

Other (utilities, mortgage, loans)

Considering the data presented in Fig. 5 and table. 1, it can be assumed that most families experience financial difficulties, which determine the process of socialization of children in the family. This is evidenced by the data from the answers to the question about the family’s release of its functions. In fact, the majority of respondents admit that at present the family does not fully realize its inherent functions, except for economic (household support and care for family members) and emotional, for which the majority (more than 55%) said that they are being implemented effectively . 10.6% of respondents noted that the function of social control (regulation of the behavior of family members) is not implemented, 12.1% - the leisure function of the family, 13.1% - the economic function (providing material resources), 18.9% - the social status function (providing social status to family members), 19.4% - spiritual (spiritual development of the individual).

According to experts, all functions of the family are not fully realized. Only 41.5% of experts noted the effective implementation of the household function, and 30.8% - the economic one. On the other hand, 24.5% believe that the spiritual function is not realized at all, coinciding in opinion with the same part of respondents (19%).

In drawing a conclusion, it should be noted that the process of socialization in the family is a fundamental first life experience for an individual, fundamental in its content and significance. This process, in addition to the moral and psychological atmosphere in the family, the distribution of role functions, etc., is significantly influenced by material wealth. Considering that a quarter of respondents have an income below average, enhanced government policy is required aimed at creating favorable conditions for the functioning of a modern family.


Belonozhko M.L., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen;

Khairullina N.G., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Tyumen.

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Suvorova N.V., Pivovarova I.V., Pilipenko L.M. MATERIAL WELCOME AS A FACTOR OF THE WELFARE OF A MODERN FAMILY // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 2-2.;
URL: (access date: 12/21/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"