An effective plot for hemorrhoids. Strong conspiracy for hemorrhoids

Many people who suffer from such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids are often embarrassed to see a doctor, which leads to the development of complications. , which help get rid of hemorrhoids, are recommended to be used only as an adjuvant during normal treatment. In this case, the healing process will accelerate and the disease will go away.

Spells and prayers for hemorrhoids

There are many different rituals that anyone can use. It is important to turn to magic only if you have faith in a positive result.

Water spell for hemorrhoids. When you wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom and wash yourself. Then take warm water into your hands and say these words:

“Saint Nicholas, you help all those who suffer, you heal all the sick, help me too, heal my physical weakness, remove spiritual illness from the servant of God (name). So be it, Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then you should carefully wash the hemorrhoids with the same water.

There is another effective ancient spell using water. You need to ask for some water in seven different houses. An important note - these should be houses, not apartments. For extracted water, you should read the following plot three times:

“The demonic blood was raging, human blood was shed, calm down and be healed according to the word and deeds of Christ, according to the holy bodies, through suffering, the cross and the crown of thorns of Christ, through Ivan the Baptist, Panteleimon the Healer, forty saints, help the servant of God (name). Amen!"

You need to drink some of the water and wash the rest.

Conspiracies of a Siberian healer for hemorrhoids. After sunset, before going to bed, you need to sit on your bed and say the following conspiracy:

“Sick radish, prickly radish, loose radish, interior radish, windy radish, perish, perish, do not walk on the servant of God (name). Amen".

Spell for hemorrhoids using fir cones. This simple ritual should be performed every evening for two weeks between the full moon and the new moon. For it, prepare a handful of pine cones, a wax church candle and a clay container. Place the cones in the prepared bowl and light the candle. Use a flame from it to set fire to the cones, and then place the candle next to the container. Until all the cones burn, read this plot:

“Fir cone into pine cone. Pine cone into alder cone. Into a hot fire on a hot stove, a cone into smoke and ashes. Smoke to the sky, ashes to the wind, purity to purity. All purity to me, God's servant Mary. Amen".

The next step is to take the container with the ashes to the intersection and scatter it in the wind. Bring the bowl home and hide it from prying eyes.

Evening conspiracy against hemorrhoids. For the ritual to give the desired result, faith in recovery is necessary. It should be carried out on the waning Moon at sunset. Read the plot in a whisper three times:

“The sickly radish, the prickly radish, perish, perish, do not go after the servant of God - name (servant of God's name). Amen".

Repeat the ritual until the disease passes.

Morning plot for hemorrhoids. At dawn, you can say this three times right in bed:

“My guardian angel, save me, the Servant of God (my own name) from a nasty and painful illness. Wave your wings over me, Slave (-) of God (own name), quench the unbearable pain and calm the secret scarlet blood. Drive away the nasty bitch. Amen".

Then cross yourself and drink some holy water.

Healing infusion for hemorrhoids. To prepare the infusion, you should combine the leaves of strawberries and blueberries, and then pour boiling water over them and leave for a while. When the liquid has cooled completely, soak a piece of red cloth in it and read the following plot:

“I conjure with holy water, I command forest grass, I predict with red color. You soften the lump, you soften the flesh, you don’t ooze blood. Black to black, white to white, dead to dead, and living to living. Everything that I said, I didn’t say, go to your places and get to work!”

Wash hemorrhoidal cones with a charmed cloth.

    I’ve never tried such methods, but you know, it’s somehow easier for a girl to go to the hospital or run into the pharmacy and scream that they urgently need something for hemorrhoids. I decided to try something from traditional medicine. I found this plot, chose the first method, the plot for Sunday. After two days there was already an effect, the butt caused almost no discomfort, which was very beneficial in my circumstances. Thanks for the info.

    I never thought that I would have hemorrhoids, and even THERE. Thank you very much to my ex, who went there with his hemorrhoid-infected lip. I got almost no pleasure, but a lot of problems + discomfort. But thank you very much that there are such sites with such recommendations. The plot really helped me.

    I am one of those people who is part of the 44% who suffer from this disease. And this is very sad, because no one can understand you as much as a person who has the same illness. But finally the solution to my problem came, because I no longer hoped for traditional medicine. The conspiracy helped me 100%!! I hope this helps and changes your life for the better! Good luck to everyone!

    Finally, a reasonable idea that you can read conspiracies and at the same time GO TO THE DOCTOR. Not everything can be solved with the help of magic, but you can use it to speed up some processes. Thanks to the site for a completely adequate description and generally for help. Many people do not know about such conspiracies and end up with a lot of problems in life, including health problems. I really help with conspiracies, the main thing is to believe

    A very unpleasant and embarrassing disease. I still didn’t dare to go to the doctor because it was very uncomfortable for me. I can’t imagine how it could manifest itself at such a young age, I’m only 23, but I was very depressed. I decided to try all the ways I could, just to avoid going to the proctologist. And this spell is truly a very powerful tool... I am very grateful to your site. Now I will try to get rid of acne.

An alternative to drug therapy is treatment through prayers and magical rituals. A spell for hemorrhoids allows you to get rid of the problem, reduce acute symptoms and prevent severe discomfort in the future. For an effective ceremony, proper preparation is necessary.

Treatment with spells

Before reading a prayer or performing a ceremony, it is advisable to go to church. Like any other disease, hemorrhoids are caused by an imbalance in the internal balance and the accumulation of negativity. Some rituals act instantly, but their effect does not last long, others help gradually, but heal completely.


Conspiracies and prayers are words charged with a certain energy that help get rid of the disease. Effective rituals are carried out:

  • at dawn;
  • when the sun is at its zenith;
  • On the Sunset.

Additionally, for the ritual you will need attributes - objects that will store the energy of the spoken words. Pagan rituals are addressed to the forces of nature, addressed to God or saints.

Morning rituals

Morning rituals are effective against hemorrhoids, which should be performed alone, without distractions. It is better to read the plot at dawn.

Before the ritual, you need to take a glass of clean water and go outside with it. With the first rays of the sun say:

“Guardian Angel, save the servant of God (name of the patient). Wave your wing to him, quench his pain, calm down the secret bad blood. Scratch it, go away and disappear. Amen".

You need to say the text three times, taking a sip of water after each time. To consolidate the effect, the words of the spell can be pronounced during the day and in the evening (before bed).

Morning rituals are carried out not only with water, but also with products from which healing tinctures can be prepared in the future.

This is how a ritual with radish helps against chronic inflammation: you need to read the words of the spell over the radish, pour water on it, and in the evening grate it and place it in a glass vessel. The radish should be infused with alcohol or in its own juice, after which it can be used during the period of relapse of the disease.

Day rituals

In order for the treatment to help and the hemorrhoids to go away, the plot must be read several times a day. During the day, the morning spell should be repeated over an ordinary red rag or piece of cloth, which must first be moistened with water. Then read the words:

“The forces that destroyed me are leaving, washed away, cleansed. The forces that treated me come and enter the house. Let it be so. Amen".

You need to carry out the ritual without witnesses, and then wipe all corners in the house, floor and walls with a damp cloth.

Evening rituals

Evening rituals are among the most powerful and difficult. Spells of Vanga or another strong healer are read only in the evening, when the sun has completely set. Night strengthens the work of the morning and lunch rituals.

For the evening ritual you will need a spruce or pine cone. You need to go outside, stand facing the sunset and say the words:

“Get lost, disappear, disappear like this useless lump. Amen".

You need to repeat the words three times, throw the charmed cone over your left shoulder and return home without looking back.

To enhance the effect, the ritual with the cone is performed 2 more times.

Rituals for food and water

Food will help you talk about hemorrhoids. It is better to perform rituals with food on Sunday after church service. The day before, the patient needs to visit the temple, repent of his sins and ask for mercy from higher powers. In order for the plot to work faster, you need to light a candle for health or order a magpie.

The advantage of such rituals:

  • do not cause consequences;
  • do not affect general well-being;
  • give instant results.

A strong conspiracy against hemorrhoids can be carried out using milk or linden bark. Often water (holy or ordinary) and vegetables are used for the ritual. An onion or radish is useful for preparing tinctures that can be stored for a year.

Prayers and conspiracies for hemorrhoids are read by heart - this is an important condition for the ritual.

For the ritual you will need 1 tbsp. l. soda, a glass of water and one part vinegar. While reading the prayer, you need to mix soda and vinegar and quickly pour the sizzling mixture into water. This is a strong conspiracy that is read to help oneself:

“As water boils, disease boils away. Just as the water boils, so does the servant of God have more than enough stomachs. Amen".

Immediately after reading the prayer, you need to pour the liquid from the glass under the threshold of the patient’s house or outside the gate. The ritual should be repeated no more than once a week.

A conspiracy helps if the patient has been treated for a long period, but the therapy did not help.

Spell for warm water

Another conspiracy against hemorrhoids, which is read in the early morning over warm water, will help get rid of an attack. Before dawn, the patient needs to wash his face with warm water, wash his hands and feet. Afterwards, take warm water into your open palms and read the words of the healing prayer over it -

“Saint Nicholas, you help all the sick and suffering, you heal everyone, help me too. Whatever I do, lead me with you. Heal my weakness, take away physical pain and all illness. Let it be so. Amen".

If the spell for advanced hemorrhoids does not help the first time, the ritual is repeated after 2 weeks.

Rituals for the Moon

Rituals for hemorrhoids and for cleansing the house are performed on the days of the waning moon. You need to read conspiracies at night, when the Moon is visible in the sky.

During the waxing moon, rituals are performed to strengthen the immune system. During this period, it is dangerous to read conspiracies for hemorrhoids.

Conspiracy for the waning moon

  • herbal tinctures;
  • attributes that were used in morning conspiracies;
  • drug therapy.

For the ritual itself, no additional attributes are needed. The words of the prayer are said three times:

“Just as a radish rots, just as a radish disappears, so the servant of God gets rid of illness. Trouble no longer follows him, no longer seeks him. Amen".

Rituals of Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova is a famous Siberian healer. Her book contains recipes for homemade remedies and spells to enhance their work. A spell for severe hemorrhoids using water from Stepanova helps during an exacerbation of the disease or in its initial stages. The right time for healing rituals is Sunday morning.

You should definitely visit church this morning. According to the instructions of Natalia Stepanova, spiritual cleansing entails physical cleansing. For hemorrhoids, the spells of the Siberian healer are read only after ordering the magpie, which will facilitate the healing process. The ritual helps those experiencing the consequences of difficult childbirth. In such cases, you can simply pray in front of the icon or Stepanova’s Plot for hemorrhoids is combined with conventional treatment or taking traditional medicine.

Stepanova’s most effective prayers are the water spell and the nine-day prayer.

Water is used in spells as a universal tool that stores energy. After reading the plot, the water turns into healing. For an effective ritual of the Siberian healer, water taken from 7 different houses (the houses of friends or acquaintances) is used. Seven different liquids are poured into one vessel. The water is prepared during the week, and the ceremony is performed on Sunday. The following words are read on the water:

“Demon blood rages and human blood is shed. Calm down and be healed according to the word of Jesus. Through the torment of Jesus, through the Cross and through the crown of thorns, in the name of John the Baptist, in the name of Panteleimon the healer, help, 40 angels, help the servant of God (name of the patient). Amen".

The charmed water should be drunk in small sips, and its remains should be used for evening washing. You cannot give or pour out water. The ritual must be repeated once a month until the patient’s condition improves.

Nine-day conspiracy

Stepanova’s effective ritual lasts exactly 9 days. This is a multi-stage ritual that completely eliminates the disease. Before the ceremony, you need to attend church for several days: pray, ask for help and deliverance. The patient needs what he did and what led him to the disease. It would be useful to reduce the influence of negativity.

For the ritual you will need consecrated water taken for a major Orthodox holiday. This water can be stored in case hemorrhoids become inflamed. The prepared liquid must be poured into a transparent vessel and spoken over it:

“Christ was born. Christ died, Christ rose again, Christ commanded:

Magic abilities

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

A spell for hemorrhoids is an excellent solution for those who are embarrassed to go to the hospital with such an ambiguous diagnosis. Both men and women are ashamed of him. But this disease is dangerous to health. Burning sensation, bleeding, pain - just the tip of the iceberg. If the problem is not addressed in a timely manner, the consequences may be rectal cancer, thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins, paraproctitis and other equally dangerous diseases. Therefore, if you do not want to go to the hospital, use the methods suggested below.

If you decide to take treatment into your own hands, we recommend starting with the following rituals:

A strong spell for hemorrhoids in the morning

We wake up at dawn and pour blessed water into a cup. We take the dish in our left palm, raise it so that the sun’s rays touch the water, and say the phrase three times:

“Heavenly Guardian, I turn to you, I trust in your help.

Save the servant of God/servant of God (name of the ritual performer),

Quench the fierce pain, calm the flowing blood.

Drive away kidneys and other ailments. Amen."

We cross ourselves with our right hand and drink water in three sips. We flush the remaining drops down the toilet.

Daily ritual for vinegar and soda

Closer to noon, we take three cups. We pour regular tap water into one (if you have blessed water, use it), vinegar into the other, and a couple of teaspoons of soda into the third. Mix the ingredients, repeating the spell words:

“Boil-boil, clean water, remove-take away from the servant of God/servant of God (your name).”

Say this phrase three times over the bubbling mixture, then throw it outside (or flush it down the toilet). Wash the cups thoroughly: the one containing the mixture with blessed water, the other two with ordinary water.

Reading the spruce cone spell at sunset

The day should end with a ritual with a fir cone stored in advance. We go to some open, uncrowded place (park, field, square), from where the sunset can be clearly seen. We turn to face the setting sun and, holding the pine cone in our right hand, pronounce the ritual phrase three times:

“Goddammit, you have no place in my body. Like this forest cone, disappear, disappear from my life. Amen."

To complete the ritual, we throw away the fir cone, placing our right hand behind our left shoulder, after which we leave the place of the ritual and, until we come home, we do not look back or turn around.

All three rituals described are performed on the same day. Repeat them once a week, and after 3-4 sessions your well-being will significantly improve.

Spells on things

Rituals that require ordinary, everyday things are no less popular. So, the following will help fight hemorrhoids:

Reading on the water

Many healers prefer to read a spell for hemorrhoids on water during the waning moon. Waking up in the morning, we go to the bathroom and get up under a warm shower. We thoroughly wash the body from sweat and dirt, take water into the right palm and say the words three times:

“In the ocean-sea, on a distant island, on Buyan

The old tree is growing. The Erra bird has been living on it for a long time.

Get up, Erra, spread your mighty wings,

Fly to the servant of God/servant of God (your name).

Peck mercilessly and pick it out.

Take him beyond the stormy rivers, dense forests, and sharp mountains.

Place it on a rotten stump and leave it there for eternity.


When you’re finished, we wash the anus with this enchanted water, saying “Go away, you’re not welcome here,” we dry ourselves with a towel and leave the bathroom. We repeat the ritual twice (at lunch and before bed). Improvement in well-being should begin within 2-3 days.

Spell on alder cones

Since ancient times, alder has been known as a plant that absorbs negative energy, human pain and suffering. It is no coincidence that modern healers systematically advise, as soon as you feel unwell, to press yourself against a tree and stand with it in an embrace for 10-15 minutes. It is believed that this way you give the plant its own ailments.

But hugging is more suitable for preventing diseases. To cure hemorrhoids, you need to act precisely. We collect 12 alder cones and put them in a clay bowl. Getting ready for bed, we take a church candle, light it, bring it to the bowl with the collected pine cones and read the text three times:

Fir cone - pine,

Pine - alder.

Alder - holy fire.

Let the heavenly heat burn that cone,

Drives out illnesses and illnesses with smoke.

Smoke in the sky, ash in the wind,

And the body of the servant of God/servant of God (your name) is health and cleanliness.


When the burning is over, we leave the house and scatter the ashes at the crossroads of several roads. While we are on the street, we do not say a word, otherwise the healing effect of the ritual will disappear. We put out the candle, when we return home, we break the dishes and throw away the shards.

Spell on a red rag

We prepare a scrap of unworn, previously unused red fabric. When the moon wanes, at night (before going to bed) we take a rag with our right hand, stroke the back hole with it, saying the words:

“Two brothers live in this white world:

External and internal kidneys.

They bite fiercely, fiercely, pinch fiercely,

They attack God's people indiscriminately.

I’ll wake up in the morning, put on the cross, cross myself.

I will drive out the brothers with a red rag.

I will destroy them forever.

For my deed is true, and my word is strong.


After reading the plot three times, we remove the fabric to a dark place inaccessible to other residents of the house. We carry out the ritual for three days in a row. On the third day, we burn the rag and scatter its ashes in a secluded place far from the house.

Conspiracies from Natalia Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova repeatedly mentions how to talk about hemorrhoids in her works. Those familiar with the activities of the Siberian healer note that the rites and rituals described by her not only work, but are also extremely easy to use. There is no need to buy any expensive “miracle powders” or “jump around on one leg at midnight with a virgin who has started menstruating for the first time.” Most of the items needed for rituals can be easily found in the refrigerator or among household items. So, for those who want to read the plot for hemorrhoids on their own, she offers the following options:

  • Women who have given birth

On Sunday morning we go to church and buy 2 candles. We put one there for our health, and take the other home. Before going to bed, light a candle, take it in your left hand, stand facing the door and read the plot:

“I treat myself, I say the words myself.

I drive the kidneys out of my body and start talking.

Perish, be lost, this stormy illness, go away from the red body.

God, help your servant (your name), save her from inevitable illness.

Give your soul peace and your body health.


We put out the candle, clean up, and go to bed. We repeat the ritual three times throughout the week.

  • Suffering from external hemorrhoids

This method of talking about hemorrhoids should be used in the evening. When preparing for bed, we read “Our Father” nine times. Then we slobber on the index finger on our left hand and perform stroking circular movements on the hemorrhoids 9 times, whispering:

“Get out, you nasty illness. In the name of the Lord, honor you, I expel you. There is no place for you either on my body or in the world. Get lost, get lost, get lost!”

Then wash your hands thoroughly and go to bed. We repeat the ritual for 9 days. Each time we reduce the number of prayers and strokes by one.

  • For all

We collect water from 7 different sources and pour it into one bowl or cup. We speak to her by saying three times:

“The blood of demons is rampant, calm down!

By the word of God, be healed.

In the names of Panteleimon the healer, John the Baptist, I conjure.

I call forty angels to me.

Do not leave in trouble, save from illness, heal from illness.


We cross ourselves and wash the anus with enchanted water. We pour the rest out the window or flush it down the toilet. Break the cup and throw it away.

Features of conspiracies and prayers for hemorrhoids or “Why it is important to follow the rules for performing” rituals

Although the times when people were burned at the stake for performing home rituals are over, many are still skeptical about this type of treatment and those who made conspiracies for themselves or others. But if you think about it, our ancestors had neither hospitals with modern equipment nor powerful pills. In their arsenal there were only herbs and prayers, which dealt with ailments much better than many modern doctors.

Moreover, to perform most rituals you do not need to be a hereditary healer or sorcerer in the third generation. The success of treatment directly depends on:

  • How closely a person follows instructions. Gaps in this matter are unacceptable, otherwise you can get the opposite effect. If the description of the ritual says “take a raw egg,” then a hard-boiled one will not work at all. However, you shouldn’t drive yourself to insanity, if it is indicated that 2 liters of water are required, but you poured 1.99 liters, this will not affect the result;
  • How confident are you in the result? The fundamental force of any religion is faith. It is thanks to her that inexplicable miracles happen on the planet. The same principle works here, if you sincerely believe in success, you will be able to recover from hemorrhoids quite quickly;
  • How afraid of the consequences. Along with information on how to conjure up hemorrhoids, people also search in search engines for articles about the consequences of conspiracies, God's punishment and other negative phenomena. Experiences are stress, stress is the basis of most diseases. Therefore, if, while reading your next prayer, you think about the negative consequences, the positive effect of the treatment will quickly fade away.

Another undoubted advantage of conspiracies is that they are opposed to traditional medicine. If you are undergoing treatment and simultaneously drink blessed water or rub your skin with a red rag, there will be no harm.