Traditional doll amulet share. Dolyushka - amulet doll

Tatyana Shaposhnikova

Traditional doll amulet Share - the personification of fate. It appears in every person at birth and accompanies him throughout his life, determining his happiness, well-being, as well as the nature of the activities that bring a person wealth. Often only a happy fate is referred to as “share”. All Slavic amulets are made only from natural materials. The most ancient female Deity Makosh endowed everyone with a share, and her assistants spun the threads of fate for everyone. They asked Mokosh for a good share, a good fate, and for the girl this Certainly: good groom, successful marriage, prosperous life. Dolls-amulets used to be in almost every home. As a rule, the most "security" were dolls, made without a needle and scissors. Fabric for making dolls It is not cut with scissors, but torn. The sound of tearing fabric scares away the evil spirit, creating a clean environment around. Hence the name.


Cotton fabric white (2 pcs) and red size 13/13

Red threads, natural threads (linen, wool)

embroidery, beads, cotton wool,

glue gun

Tear the white fabric to the required square size. Fold in half so that the edges are hidden inside

Wrap the edges and in the middle with red thread an odd number of times

For the arms, take a second square of white fabric and fold the sides inward

Also wrap the corners of the hands with red thread an odd number of times. The upper part of the legs must be wrapped with cotton wool to form a head.

insert legs

hands and body must be tied with a cross with a red thread an odd number of times. We put shoes on our feet and wrap red circles with thread.

From the next red square we sew a skirt. Here you can already use a needle. Sew embroidery to the skirt.

We put on a skirt. We also “Sew it on” - we also wind it with red thread an odd number of times.

Woolen (or flaxseed) carefully wind the threads onto a 30cm ruler. cut on both sides

We tie it in the middle with thread.

We also tie it to the head with thread an odd number of times.

We braid a tight braid. Let's decorate. Beads and clothes. Counts: the more decorations, the more happiness

There is an important rule when working on a talisman

do not trim anything or trim directly onto doll.

If you need to cut or cut something, do it separately on the workpiece and then attach the finished part to doll.

And of course, a good mood is important.

It is important to create the amulet in a bright and joyful state.

Publications on the topic:

It was believed that amulets dolls had a certain strength and family energy, helped their owners in times of adversity, and brought happiness.

The early period of a child’s life largely depends on the adults raising the child. It’s great if parents fill their child’s life with light.

Winter holidays are approaching: New Year, Christmas, Christmas holidays. I wish you all to joyfully meet and spend these winter days.

This doll is unusual, it was made with the best intentions and feelings. A doll-amulet is often found in our lives; it helps us overcome.

Doll – amulet “Lovebirds”. Description: the master class is intended for educators, children of senior school age, and additional teachers.

I'm getting ready for a long journey. I’m going to Western Siberia to visit my mother and sisters. I saw the Podorozhnitsa doll on the Internet, so small and pretty.

Traditional doll amulet Share - the personification of fate.

The most ancient female Deity Makosh endowed everyone with a share, and her assistants (Dolya and Nedolya, or Srecha and Nesrecha) spun the threads of fate for everyone. When fate was unsuccessful, they said: “Non-srecha spins finely”...

They asked Mokosh for a good share, a good fate, and for the girl this is of course: a good groom, a successful marriage, a prosperous life.

When making Doli's amulet doll, it is more appropriate than ever to adhere to the traditional approach: do not pick up needles, do not cut anything from Doli herself. This is not difficult to achieve. The doll consists of two parts: body and arms. Both parts can be made by winding threads on an object of suitable size and removing them without cutting.

For the body, white threads are usually used. After separating from the skein, do not cut the winding. We fix the neck, palms, and a protective cross without knots. (According to experience, woolen threads come undone no matter how much they are wound, it is better to fix them with a drop of glue.)
The skirt can be cut, there is no other way, but the body of Doli herself is without a cut and without a knot. Definitely with a protective cross.
We make the braid long and not thin (like mine), but we also remember the measure. Measure is harmony, harmony, beauty, balance, the golden mean. Of course, we listen to ourselves, who else but you yourself knows your share and knows what you would like from your Share. Love and thank your Share, whatever it may be, create with your thoughts and hands! Look, gratitude and love will be answered in kind!

1 Woolen or half-woolen threads, red ribbon.

2 We wind the threads for the braid (usually the length of the elbow, and the thickness according to your feeling) and white threads for the body. We don’t cut the winding for the body like I did. (It’s too late that the body, like the arms, can’t be cut). We thread the braid into the head.

3 Prepare winding for hands. Remove without cutting.

4 We fix the neck with a red thread, place our hands under the neck and apply a protective cross, fixing the palms.

5 We select the threads and the item for winding the skirt at our discretion.

6 We cut the winding of the skirt from the bottom, and pass a thread through the upper bend and tie it around the waist. We braid the braid and tie a red bow.

7 We put on a belt and decorate our head with a red ribbon.

May your Share be happy!

In the Happiness doll, the main thing is the hair, it contains feminine power. The braid twists upward and serves as a support for the doll, making it stable. Few traditional folk dolls can stand on their own. The doll for luck has peculiar little paws that help her on the path to finding your happiness, because the path can be long.

She touches and touches everyone who sees her for the first time. You can play with it without fear that it will unwind, as in the version of folk spin dolls, which should only stand in a place of honor. You can wear such a doll for good luck as a talisman as keychains on bags and mobile phones. It can be placed on your desktop or bedside table.

A doll for good luck is a funny cute doll, a talisman, your assistant on the way to achieving your goal, and hope for the most wonderful future. The “For Happiness” doll is a folk doll - a talisman. This little girl with a very long braid and arms raised towards the Sun. The braid, as a symbol of femininity and feminine strength, symbolizes health, prosperity, beauty and long life. It is best if the braid is directed upward and forward - to new achievements and new successes. In Russian folk tales, where heroes seek their happiness, this doll is mentioned as a helper doll. Even now it is believed that if you carry such a doll with you, you will be successful and you will find your Happiness.
The “For Happiness” doll is convenient because you can always take it with you, put it in your purse or pocket, put it on your desktop or on a shelf with books. Wherever you go and wherever you are, communicate with your doll and then the Happiness and Joy that you were looking for will find you!!! When communicating with a doll, you express your desires or sorrows, dreams and secrets, and everything said out loud can come true or go away forever, the main thing is to accurately formulate your wish for the doll. Such communication always brings Joy, Warmth and Harmony. In the person of this little baby you will find a Friend, Helper and Bereginya, and most importantly, you will find Yourself. After all, while you are talking to the doll, you involuntarily associate yourself with a little girl who needs to be Loved, Cherished, Praised, Supported, Guided or Showed, and as soon as you Realize this, you immediately imagine who you would like to see next to you. And the more often you look at your doll, the more often you will remember the Image of a Man that you want to see in Life. This is where Miracles happen!!!))) Once you thought, thought twice, and on the fifteenth - a Man appeared!!!
Dolls are very “popular” because they are an Assistant to their Mistress.

ATTENTION! Fabric may differ from that shown in the picture.

A doll for good luck is an ancient Slavic amulet that helps attract joy and luck. It gained popularity due to its interesting features and simple manufacturing method. Made of fabric, the motanka was lightweight, and its small size made it possible to carry it in a bag or directly in a pocket.

Today we will tell you how to make this one yourself. You will learn how to properly make a doll, adhering to the beliefs of the Slavs, how to charge it and use it. After which you can please your loved ones with this talisman.

One of the most common amulets in Rus' was. The Slavs made soft dolls from natural fabrics, decorating them with ribbons-pebbles, embroidered protective signs on them, and also hid a special filling inside - herbs or grain.

Each of the dolls was special, unlike the others neither in appearance nor in its properties. One of them was especially often used as a personal amulet - this is a doll for good luck. In those days, people believed that everyone had their own destiny. They feared that evil forces or envious people would interfere with the achievement of all the blessings prepared from above.

The doll for good luck symbolizes the goddess of fate and luck, Dolya. This rag figurine was born to help achieve life goals and attract happiness.

To prevent this from happening, our ancestors came up with a doll that helps to attract good luck and stick to the right path in life. Most often, this amulet is simply called a doll for good luck, but it has another name - Share. That was the name of the goddess of fate and luck. This is what is symbolized by a small rag figurine with a long braid. It was believed that its presence clears a person’s life path and helps him achieve his goals.

The meaning of a doll for luck

The lucky charm doll occupied a special place in the niche of ritual dolls. This little talisman did a great job of attracting positive energy for its owner. The amulet is valid in any area of ​​life. And, most importantly, the person himself chooses what the Happiness doll should give him.

It could be:

  • luck in various endeavors - favorite activities or new business;
  • cash flow leading to wealth in the family and its well-being;
  • improved health, as well as subsequent longevity;
  • attracting a partner, developing harmonious relationships with him.

Don't worry that the doll is small. This does not at all make its magical properties weak. The Slavs believed that this baby contained unprecedented strength and agility. A correctly made doll will go around the whole world, but will bring you the desired happiness. Wearable talismans are quite often small in size, for example, and also tiny - just a few centimeters.

Make sure that the Slavic traditions of making Doli are respected, and it will change your life for the better.

Appearance of the doll Happiness

Many protective dolls made by our ancestors were made of fabric. At first glance, all these reels may seem the same. But in reality, each of them has its own differences. It is by these special features that one doll can be distinguished from another. They will also help you understand what functions the winder performs, and even find out who it belongs to.

The distinctive features of the lucky doll are a long braid, small stature and arms pointing upward.

What does a doll look like for good luck:

  • Fortunately, the doll did not stay in the house, but followed its owner. Therefore it is very compact in size. According to the rules, her height should not exceed 5-6 cm.
  • It is not customary for motankas to make a face. Quite often they are left without legs, replacing them with a pouch-stand. But a doll that brings happiness cannot do without them. They made her legs, putting them in good bast shoes - the Slavs believed that this girl had to run a lot for happiness in order to bring it to a person.
  • Another distinctive detail is the arms raised up. This important nuance is often overlooked when paying attention only to hair. Raised hands invite good luck and happiness.
  • A long braid should similarly be raised up. The braid should be 3-4 times longer than the figure itself and must be twisted towards the sun.

Traditionally, the Dolya doll was made female. But there were also male versions. It is not at all difficult to distinguish one variation from another. The man's also had a long braid, but the figurine's braid, like her hands, was directed towards the ground. This symbolized support, connection with ancestors.

Rules for creating a Doli kula

A lucky charm doll made by a needlewoman with her own hands will be a good gift. It can be given to relatives or friends. Made with soul, the motanka will definitely bring good luck and joy.

In order for the amulet to work as expected, you need to know the rules for its manufacture. By adhering to these customs that came to us from ancient times, you will create a very powerful talisman:

  • In body amulets, restrictions on the master's gender were rarely encountered. Only women are allowed to make motanki. Even young girls should not take it on. Only experienced women can fill the talisman with the energy and knowledge of their ancestors.
  • The lucky doll, like other fabric dolls, was made without the use of sharp objects. Everything that needed to be cut, sewn or embroidered was done in advance. And when they began to work on the figurine itself, the needle-scissors were put aside.
  • It is very important to monitor your health. Any illness is a reason to put off work until you feel better. Don't forget to keep an eye on the moon phases. Amulets are made only for the waxing moon.

Failure to follow these rules will not entail any dire consequences. But if you do not follow the advice of the ancient Slavs, the magical attribute will not work, which means you wasted your time making it.

Master class on making a doll for good luck

A doll for luck is easy to make with your own hands. The most important thing is to remember to stock up on all the necessary materials. And also know how to make this talisman correctly.

You will need:

  • two squares of white fabric measuring 10x10 cm;
  • two pieces of colored fabric – 3x3 cm (shoes);
  • multi-colored fabric, possible with patterns 20x3.5 (dress);
  • a pair of ribbons (for a belt and a pigtail) – about 25-30 cm long;
  • colored lace (can match the color of the ribbons or another shade, but so that they match);
  • flax (this will be hair);
  • threads of white or other colors.

You can choose any colors of ribbons and fabrics. The main thing is that these are bright and light shades - no gray or black, because this is a talisman for good luck!

Check if you forgot anything and get to work.

Step-by-step instruction:

The amulet is ready! All you have to do is charge it and you can use it.

Activation and use of the amulet

Among the dolls created by the Slavs, there were many that bestowed prosperity on the entire house. They attracted all good things to him and his residents - joyful events, lucky breaks, money and the like.

But a doll for good luck is not a family amulet, but a personal one. And it works a little differently. Its main task is to bring concrete happiness to its owner, not abstract happiness. She will not guess what is required of her until you convey this idea to her in words.

This request will be a kind of activation, a trigger that will help the pocket amulet recharge with energy and begin to move in the right direction.

To activate the talisman for good luck, formulate your wish very clearly and whisper it in the doll’s ear.

Tell the amulet what your goal is. Is this wealth? If yes, then how much would you like to receive and how soon? Or maybe you want to win some kind of competition, get the main prize? Or perhaps you dream of finding love? Formulate your request very clearly and whisper it in the doll’s ear.

To give the little figurine some extra energy, let it stand in a sunny place for a few hours. It was not for nothing that the Slavs made her a pigtail and her arms up - they believed that in this way the amulet received power from the heavenly body.

When to say goodbye to a doll

The Happiness doll is not used after it has completed its task. When what you dreamed of has come true, you need to part with the talisman. After that, you can make a new one for a different purpose.

You can’t just throw a doll away for luck, just like you can’t bury it in the ground. They usually bury protective objects, which does not apply to this motanka, because it does not protect, but acts as an amulet - it attracts something good to a person.

When what you dreamed of has come true, you need to thank the Dolya doll and then say goodbye to it.

Thank Dolya for helping you. Gratitude can be expressed in words or you can add a treat to it - place sweets near the doll for several days. After this, unwind the figurine, burn all the scraps and accessories. In this case, the fire can be lit even right next to the house - there is nothing wrong with that. But other protective amulets should be burned away from your home so that the remnants of harmful energy do not fall on you.

According to legend, the supreme goddess Makosh was helped by two younger goddesses Dolya and Nedolya (Srecha and Nesrecha, who, like the goddess Makosh, her assistants Dolya and Nedolya, came to our time in the form of dolls.

The goddess Dolya, a bright, beautiful, eternally young spinner, sits at an emerald spinning wheel and securely holds in her gentle and gentle hands the strong golden thread of human life, tying knots of meetings and successes on it. The heavenly goddess Dolya herself, a needlewoman and skilled craftswoman, loves to be friends with those who know how to work well and live according to their conscience.

The goddess Nedolya is a dark and sad old woman who spins a special part of human life. From its granite spindle comes a fragile and crooked thread - the fate of people who do not follow the lessons of the Gods. Its entire thread is covered with “non-meetings” and failures. Sometimes Nedolya breaks this thread and weaves into it the golden thread of the goddess Doli, and when she doesn’t weave it, the person goes into the world of the Ancestors.

Like the goddess Makosh, her assistants Dolya and Nedolya came to our time in the form of dolls.

The Dolya doll is made from protective flowers - yellow and red (bordeaux is possible). The goddess Dolya herself is connected with threads, she is an assistant to the goddess of fate. Makosh spins the thread of fate, and Dolya ties knots on it. The main feature is a cheerful braid sticking up. The doll hangs from it. This means “to catch fate by the tail.” The Share doll is “responsible” for good luck and meeting your betrothed.

The DOLL doll is a doll that every woman needs. You can make it for yourself, or as a gift, or you can buy it.

Unlike the Doli doll, the Nedolya doll must be made with your own hands and only for yourself. The methods for making this doll can be very different, that is, convenient for you, but when making a Nedoli doll, you need to know several mandatory rules and strictly follow them.

1. Red thread is never used in this work!

2. The Nedola doll does not have a belt.

3. The Nedolya doll is not decorated

4. When making dolls, they do not talk, but mentally put all the sorrows, failures and problems into the dolls.

5. After production it is burned. When the Nedol doll is on fire, you need to mentally turn to the fire, burn all the accumulated Nedols and thank the doll. As a rule, it burns poorly, but it should burn completely.

1. We will make the base of the Nedole doll from paper rolled into a tube (it will burn better). 2-3 sheets of A4 format are ideal. We write on a piece of paper all our sorrows, all the bad and worthless things we have accumulated over the year and what we would like to get rid of. Roll the paper into a tube.

One of the simplest ways to make a Nedolya doll, I don’t give the exact dimensions, the Nedolya doll, in my opinion, should be made according to a personal inner prompt.

2. Take your (!) worn item that you were going to throw away or that is associated with some kind of negativity in your life. Let's take a shirt as an example. We tear off the collar, sleeves, front shelves. We still have a piece of fabric from the back. We wind this fabric onto a paper column, i.e. we get the base like a regular twisted doll

3. Tear off a narrow strip of fabric from the same thing. We tie the twist somewhere 1/3 lower from the top, thus highlighting the head of the Nedola doll.

4. From the same fabric we make a skirt for the Nedola doll (sleeves will do). From another piece of fabric we make a scarf, again of any shape.

5. Your Nedolya doll is ready. I repeat once again that any other options are suitable for this doll. The Nedolya doll is not put on display, it is made alone, and after production it is burned. The idea of ​​the Nedoli doll is to first visually, and then, as a result, actually get rid of the bad in your life.

Once on the forum we discussed the topic of the Nedola doll. Very interesting information about such dolls was written by one dollmaker, who was lucky to learn this puppetry skill from the original source - her grandmother, who lived first in Siberia and then in the Ryazan province. I quote this quote in full, without modification:

“A useful doll (at least for self-hypnosis). Maybe no one shows it out of a sense of self-preservation? After all, it was made with your own hands, and it must be burned without prying eyes. My grandmother, I remember, made some dolls on the sly and didn’t show it to me, no matter how much I asked. She went with them to the wasteland. And she returned empty-handed.”