Olive color combination. Olive color in clothes: beneficial combinations for any occasion

When decorating the design of his home, the owner often wants to surprise and create a cozy atmosphere with the help of an unusual color. Which will always allow you to perceive the familiar environment in a fresh way, and at the same time - surprise your guests with its style. One of these possible options is olive color in the interior, which itself is a harmonious fusion of three shades. A successful combination of leading green, playing along with yellow and muting gray symbolizes mutual understanding. The psychological properties of olive are well studied and approved by most designers. But at the same time, there are several important nuances, without knowledge of which you should not start decorating the house. Next we will talk about them in more detail.

Introducing the Olive Color

It is no coincidence that the name of the color is associated with the type of olive tree. The noble shades of its fruits are valued all over the world, and their presence in interior decor fills the atmosphere with a certain mood. Since color belongs to plant tones, its light shades can bring a thirst for life and joy into the home. Dark ones will speak about the maturity of the owner, his experience and wisdom. It is the green tint that gives people a feeling of calm and self-confidence. Therefore, it is not surprising that older people who have already achieved, if not everything, then a lot, turn to its use more often. Some conservatism evokes associations with the classics, so it is successfully used in this style.

It is important to use aristocratic color purposefully and combine it with other natural shades. Because the overall atmosphere of the room will depend on the harmony of interaction with partner colors. When choosing a color scheme, you should take into account the purpose of the room. Depending on where you plan to change the decor - in the nursery or bedroom - the gradient will change: from yellow-green in combination with the color of the sky, to gray-green with withered leaves. The choice is made purely individually, but before finishing work it is worth studying the most optimal color combinations, as well as listening to the opinions of professional designers.

Nuances of lighting in an olive interior

If you have no experience working with complex colors, it is strongly recommended to seek help from professionals. Olive is quite difficult to decorate, as there are certain nuances. For example, decorating the interior with a gloomy olive color requires the use of some tricks. Lighting devices are selected according to the principle of white light, since a yellow tint can only aggravate the situation.

Attention! There should be many sources of lighting; spot or zonal lighting is welcome.

Several wall sconces, a large chandelier under the ceiling and other lighting fixtures neutralize natural darkening. Designers are well aware that olive is capable of absorbing light, and therefore advise using only light shades as a partner. The use of white is a universal option in any form, be it white patterns on wallpaper or snow-white textiles. White adds freshness to a solid decor without allowing it to overwhelm the person.

Features of choosing a furniture set

Before purchasing furniture products, you need to decide on the right combination of olive decor and the selected set.

  • Conservative monumentality is easily achieved with dark furniture pieces, which can provide the necessary contrast with olive walls. Adherents of such interaction are connoisseurs of strict classics and art deco style;
  • Freshness, youth and festive excitement involve the use of light-colored furniture. There are no restrictions in choosing a style. This type of set is good for small rooms where you want to visually expand the space;
  • An interesting option is light green olive furniture. The absence of any contrast with the surrounding interior contributes to the comfort and productivity of a person. Calming properties are successfully used in the kitchen, where an aggressive environment requires some balance for the psyche.

Olive textiles

It is not necessary to completely paint over all surfaces in order to have olive tones in the interior. It is enough to focus on such an important design component as textiles. Curtains of a given color will look very warm, since the spectrum of lighting will vary depending on the time of day. This is especially appropriate if the window faces south. The soft light that the curtain will let in will allow you to fully relax, so that you can then plunge into work with renewed vigor.

Attention! Olive curtains in the window opening perfectly eliminate excess light.

A good option for using olive color in the interior could be a large bedspread or blanket for the sofa. Lampshades for lamps have also been used, which is quite common in films. Their ability to disperse miraculously promotes intimacy and creates an enveloping environment.

What shades does it go with?

There are quite simple rules when composing color combinations. Let's give an example of the most popular destinations.

Combination with white color. Magical harmony is possible with soft olive tones. Both colors will highlight each other's strengths if mixed in equal proportions. It is the even use that is the winning code for accenting the decor. To clearly demonstrate a successful example of a palette, the following example can be given. Designers combine olive walls with a slight gradient with a glossy white floor. At the same time, professionals can make a neat insertion of red tones. It is necessary to be extremely scrupulous in its use, since red is essentially the opposite of green. This white and olive decor will look great in any room of the house.

With brown. Despite the fact that chefs try to avoid this combination of colors, experienced designers know the secrets of their successful harmony. One of these nuances is the emphasis on lighting, of which there should be a lot. After all, both of them actively absorb light. Another help can be the glossy surface of a particular plane, as well as snow-white inserts to reflect light. The following palette scheme can serve as a colorful example: a brown furniture set is decorated with white textile pillows, and olive walls set the overall tone. The combination of olive color in the interior with brown is recommended when the room faces south. Access to light creates an amazing effect when snow-white accessories begin to play with pleasant reflections. An orange accessory will look interesting, acting as a contrast to dark chocolate shades.

With beige. It is softer and fits in harmony with olives. It can be found on the ceiling surface and various accessories. Noble coffee with milk is a worthy alternative to rich brown. However, beige should not be allowed to predominate over the leading color. To do this, it is neutralized by various light sources. For example, light bulbs under a suspended ceiling will look beautiful. It is necessary to take advantage of daylight in every possible way, since the yellowness of artificial light can ruin everything. A delicate caramel palette needs smooth transitions.

With a green gradient. It is a favorite combination among adherents of a healthy lifestyle. It is called environmentally friendly, and is often used to decorate a private home. Olive green is strongly associated with the precious olive oil of the Italian fields. But here it should be remembered that green should be used in doses - as decorative inserts. It should not serve as a background.

With yellow. Using a carrot, hot orange or bright brick shade is extremely beneficial to highlight the calm olive color in the living room. The feeling of a bright holiday and unfading life will always accompany such an environment. It's simply impossible to get used to it.

If the owner of the house wants to stand out and seem original, then he can use the color blue. The sea wave with its tints of turquoise and light green will bring joy to all household members. Such decor will look especially attractive on curtains.

The use of olive depending on the purpose of the room

In the kitchen

An extremely popular design option is to use olive in the kitchen, since it is a non-staining color. This is important in conditions of high humidity and exposure to various gases. A common combination is a brown palette with shading inserts. If there are enough of them, then a calm environment can easily become energetic. This style is very fashionable today. If the kitchen room is relatively modest in size, then it is recommended to use light solutions. For example, with olive walls, a beige furniture set will look good. Or, on the contrary, combine light gray walls with olive furniture. In this case, inserts of orange textiles, fuchsia-colored accessories or carrot dishes will be very successful. Such inclusions add the necessary enthusiasm to a peaceful atmosphere.

In the living room

A living room in a classic style can safely count olive among its standard color options. At the same time, there are certain features: a muted range is maintained, there is no bright finish or provoking contrasts. There should be no flashy tones, since the elegance of the classics does not tolerate impudence. However, this does not mean that the room should be gloomy and tasteless. On the contrary, the three-dimensional structure of the wallpaper, patterned ornaments in the color of baked milk, and soft white accessories are welcome. Everything should be played as a team and not distract from the overall atmosphere. The aesthetic side of a classic living room confidently comes first.

In the bedroom

When decorating the interior of this room, you should also avoid bright color accents, since the bedroom is intended for relaxing rest. You can only complement the olive decor with small accessories in mustard shades. Otherwise, a light olive color scheme is used without bright flashes. The milk insert will look interesting. It puts you to sleep just as successfully as a glass of warm milk at night. An unusual setting can be brightened by a brick-colored floor lamp lampshade or a woolen oriental rug.

In the bathroom

Olive colors are used quite rarely to decorate bathrooms. But this is only due to the inexperience of beginners who cannot figure out the correct lighting. Contrasts should be avoided as they can visually reduce the volume of the room. The most interesting option is the decor, where the plumbing fixtures or furniture set are made in olive color. The background can be any warm tone that matches olive.

In the nursery

The use of olive colors in the interior of a nursery raises some controversy. The gray-green palette is considered adult, which is not associated with cheerful children. The noble, respectable background simply does not fit with games and young years. However, those who say this forget about yellow, one of the constituent colors. Strengthening its effect fills the space with youth and the desire for life. And some perseverance will never hurt children. In addition, it is not necessary to completely paint over the walls. It is enough to provide olive accessories.

In the hall

And here no one doubts the appropriateness of the color in question. The main thing is not to forget that the hallway is not always rich in light, which suggests a lighter tone for the presenter. The use of olive-colored Venetian plaster is encouraged. Its shine when exposed to light will appear like marble, and the walls will acquire a respectable appearance. The flooring can also be made in olive tones. This color hides dirt well, which saves the owner from having to run around with a rag every time.


Using olive color in the interior of your home can be an extremely successful solution. However, it should be remembered that there are certain nuances due to its characteristic properties. You will need a lot of lighting so that the apartment does not seem somewhat gloomy.

Being a derivative between green, yellow and gray, olive color in the interior of living space is not used as often as it could be.

And the reason for this is the intense absorption of light and, as a result, darkening of the room. If you are planning to use this shade of green in the design of a living room, hallway or bedroom, then you cannot do without a thorough study of the theme and techniques that will allow you to create a harmonious interior.

How to use olive color in your living space

Let us warn you right away that if you are not sure that you can use the color of olive in the interior without losing the quality of the “picture,” then it is better to abandon this idea at the initial stage and select shades that are easier to combine. If your decision is firm and cannot be appealed, then our advice will help give the room organicity and completeness.

  • First of all, it must be said that this color shades the room and makes it a little gloomy. To avoid this effect, you need to use two techniques:
  • saturate the room with a sufficient number of lighting sources - and the light should be white, not yellow;

use light shades in interior design, in particular, olive perfectly refreshes white.

In the first option, equip the room not only with a traditional chandelier in the middle of the ceiling, but also with spotlights and even directional spots and wall sconces. In the second option, use white inserts as accents - these can be white stripes on the walls, white curtains or snow-white bedspreads and tablecloths. Be that as it may, the white color will do its job and dispel the boredom of muted olive.

Like all plant colors, the combination of olive color in the interior is most successful with natural shades - the color of the sky, green grass, yellow leaves and bright flowers. In each individual case, companion colors are chosen individually, depending on the purpose of the room and its orientation in space.

For example, you should not include bright accents, for example, crimson, in the interior of your office - they will simply distract from your work. But this shade will make olive kitchen more cheerful. The same rule applies in other rooms - if the living room can be filled with fuchsia accents, then in the nursery this color will seem somewhat bright.

The olive color of the walls combines especially well with chocolate brown and white. You can use them alternately, or you can use them all together - then white inserts will perfectly dilute the “dry” interior.

If such a radical contrast does not suit you, then adopt a softer combination of muted olive with “delicious” colors of the caramel palette - gently creamy, milky or coffee with milk. In this case, the differences between colors will be smoothed out by pleasant light shades.

Brightness and ambiguity will be brought into the olive interior by colorful accents in the form of fuchsia chair covers or an orange shelf on the wall. Such cheerful colors go well with olive. Among the others, no less bright, we can note: carrot, red, brick, orange, bright yellow. Of the deep shades, it is good to combine olive with sea green, mustard, and burgundy. How to use them? It could be a mustard-colored sofa or sea-green curtains - in any case, such a combination will not disrupt the harmony of the interior.

Olive color in your kitchen

Let's see how to use olive color in the kitchen interior. Usually in the kitchen space there is one of two types of combining olive color with others (and in some cases they can even be combined in one room):

  • with a brown palette - chocolate, brown, light brown;
  • with contrasting colors - light gray, white, yellow, red, purple.

In the first case, we get a peaceful atmosphere, which is more typical of classic interiors; in the second, the olive kitchen turns out to be dynamic and “alive” and fits well into newfangled styles.

What is the best way to use these colors in your kitchen interior? You can install olive-colored furniture with a brown tabletop, and make the main background light gray. Or, on the contrary, you can paint the walls olive green, and the bright spot will be a kitchen set the color of baked milk. In this case, you can even add bright accents - an orange tablecloth, textile napkins of the same color and a wall picture or clock in a life-affirming orange color.

Living room in olive tones

The living room, decorated with a predominance of olive color and without bright flashes, is usually designed in a classic style. It is not characterized by pretentious, bright decoration and color contrast, so the olive color in the interior of the living room is not diluted with opposite shades, but is left in muted tones.

Striped sofas or olive wallpaper with a light milky pattern fit well into such interiors. Otherwise, he remains intelligently prim and unperturbed.

Olive bedroom: arrangement rules

In the bedroom interior, olive color is found in a lightweight format, i.e. in its light shades. As a rule, bright color accents are not used in this room. On the contrary, the color scheme remains calm and conducive to relaxation. The combination of light olive color with soft green and milky colors in the bedroom looks interesting - try combining these shades on curtains or furniture stickers to feel their originality. And to make the room at least a little more cheerful, you can use mustard and brick colors interspersed, for example, use them on a bedspread or on the lampshade of a floor lamp.

Olive color is one of the shades of green. The olive color in clothes attracts attention; it goes well with both neutral shades and bright and saturated ones. Olive is a natural color and is found in nature. And therefore gives a feeling of comfort and tranquility.

Olive suits girls with red and dark hair, but it can make a blonde look pale. In this case, you can choose some accessory of this color - a handbag, a scarf, or wear olive trousers - then this color will not be near the face and make the skin pale.

What to combine olive color with? Photos of olive-colored clothes and different sets made with them will help answer this question.

A few facts about olive color

  • Olive is good quality base shade, because it goes with many bright colors and prints.
  • Olive combined with fabrics such as silk and satin, looks luxurious and feminine.
  • Depending on the cut, olive looks in any style and is suitable for any thing - from frivolous shorts to an elegant dress.
  • Olive - enough calm color, but in combination with orange, purple, hot pink it looks bright and perky.

What to combine olive with?

Olive has many shades, and when choosing color combinations, this cannot be ignored.

  • Light olive looks good with mint and blue.
  • Olive green combines with gold, hazel and yellow-orange.
  • Dark olive looks luxurious paired with chocolate, rich green and purple.

If we talk about the olive color in general, what color it goes with, then you can use all neutral colors with it - black, white, beige. Burgundy, brown, yellow, red, pink, purple, blue colors look good with it. So, if you choose olive-colored clothes, you will have a lot of options for putting together a variety of outfits.

Combination options

You can make up monochrome set, for example, by wearing an olive-colored suit and adding beige shoes. You can use several shades of olive: wear an olive-colored sweater dress, and throw on an elongated olive-gray vest on top. Long boots in the same tone as the vest will complete this look.

For getting bright image Combine olive with red, orange or pink. For example, wear a red dress and an olive-colored coat on top. A short summer jumpsuit in an olive shade can be complemented with a pink T-shirt and accessories - a handbag and a scarf.

Beige color is neutral, so it goes well with many shades, including olive. The best shade would be a dark shade, or brown-olive. The combination of a beige blouse and an olive-toned skirt can be used for the office. A leather belt and heels or wedges will help complete the look. And for a date, you can choose a beige dress and complement it with olive shoes and a handbag.

White color and olive - a classic combination, it looks fresh and very summery. You can combine a white skirt or pants with an olive top, or vice versa. If you want to make the image more vibrant, you can complement the set with a bright item: a jacket, bag or shoes. But don’t overdo it - there should be few bright accents, just one or two.

Olive with black It always goes together, regardless of the shade of olive, but it looks a little gloomy and gloomy. To dilute such an olive-black set, add a “zest” to the image - something of a bright, rich color. Golden looks good; it adds elegance and sophistication to the outfit. A black and white striped sweater paired with olive pants will look bright and interesting.

Olive color is very interesting and beautiful. Depending on what you combine it with, it can look businesslike, elegant, or feminine and delicate. Or it may look rough or gloomy. Choose color combinations depending on the look you want to create.

What to wear with olive-colored clothes: photos of image ideas

Monochrome look

Add a feminine pink or red

Wear olive trousers instead of your usual jeans.

Add olive to your office look

Olive color is gaining more and more popularity in new fashion trends. Clothes of this color look very fresh, attractive, modern and harmonize perfectly with various colors and shades. Olive is a natural color that symbolizes calm, tranquility, youth and pristine existence. It suits people with red or dark hair best, but those with light-colored hair will look too pale in olive-colored clothes. In addition, in order to look stylish, you need to take into account many other factors besides hair color, which will be discussed below.

Color perception

Olive, like green, as well as its other shades, charge a person with positive energy and good mood throughout the day, since these colors are close to nature. Olive does not evoke negative or aggressive emotions, it is pleasant to admire, so clothes of this color will be ideal for everyday wear.

Olive also has its own mystery, since it is formed by mixing two colors - green and dark yellow. People who like this color are slow, measured, observant and responsive. In any life situation, they think everything over well and plan carefully, and only after drawing up a detailed plan do they begin to act.

Olive color is in fashion

For the first time, olive color began to be used for sewing army uniforms in some countries of the world, however, these days this color has become widespread far beyond the army. On store shelves you can see many wardrobe items and accessories made from various olive-colored materials.

The great popularity of olive is explained by the fact that it is neutral, so it is great for both women and men. In addition, this color is great not only for everyday wear at home, but also for business and conservative style. It allows you to merge with nature, feel younger and, at the same time, look very presentable. Olive gives rough textures and features a more graceful, elegant and confident style.

What color type is it suitable for?

This shade of green belongs to the neutral group of colors, so it looks great on absolutely all people, regardless of gender, appearance and age category. However, to look truly stylish and original, you need to learn how to properly combine it with other colors.

Olive is best suited for people with red hair, neutral skin tones and dark eyes. However, this does not mean that if you do not have these listed factors, then you cannot wear olive-colored clothes. This color focuses attention on the merits of a person's appearance, so it is ideal for everyone.

What colors does it harmonize with?

There are many shades of olive, so when choosing items of this color, you should consider the following factors:

  • shades of light tones look perfect with dark green and light blue;
  • olive neutral tones harmonize perfectly with golden, light brown, dark yellow and orange colors;
  • Shades of dark tones will look perfect with dark browns, greens and purples.

In addition to the options listed above, olive can be successfully combined with classic colors such as white and black, as well as red, beige, burgundy and many other colors. As mentioned earlier, olive is a very versatile color that goes well with almost all colors and their shades, which provides fashionistas with the opportunity to experiment with their style and express themselves.

Replenishing your wardrobe

Having replenished your wardrobe with olive-colored clothes, you can experiment in every possible way with your style and image. For example, many image makers and stylists claim that olive-colored outerwear intended for everyday wear will look very stylish and original. To complement the look, ankle boots or regular high boots with stiletto heels or thick soles would be an excellent option. In winter, an olive coat in dark colors or the same padded padding polyester jacket will look great.

In the off-season, when the weather is still warm, you can wear long dresses, knitted sweaters or olive turtlenecks. And in order to create an original image and emphasize your own “I”, these things can be complemented with other wardrobe elements, which will contain at least two more shades. It doesn’t matter at all what it will be, jeans, trousers or a skirt, since any item together with some accessory will create a multi-layered and interesting look.

Whether you prefer trousers or jeans, they can be used to create a versatile style. For example, if you choose tight-fitting models that favorably emphasize slender and beautiful legs, then you can safely go for a walk with friends, to a cafe or a nightclub in this form. And models with a loose fit will give your appearance a business style.

In the case of skirts, things are even simpler. Skirts of any length, made from light natural materials, such as cotton or denim, will go well with an olive sweater or turtleneck. These materials will add a festive touch to everyday clothes. When choosing dresses of this color, it is better to give preference to models. Made from chiffon or silk. These materials will fit the figure and flow over it, which will highlight its advantages and give the image a little elegance and grace.

When combining olive with any other colors, you don’t have to worry too much about the fact that any combination will look bad, since any combination will look moderate and interesting.

Despite the fact that olive color in clothing evokes associations with military style, it makes the image sophisticated and elegant. Deep or muted shades of olive are more pleasing to the eye than, for example, bright and acidic versions of green.

The olive color is neutral and natural, so it will suit all fashionistas. But different color types are recommended to have their own olive color options. The shade looks spectacular on tanned brunettes.

Girls of the “autumn” color type with red or brown hair and brown eyes prefer rich tones to create a contrast with their appearance.

“spring”, on the contrary, muted options are suitable. Spring girls do not have a contrasting appearance; they are distinguished by light skin and hair. Against the background of bright clothes, the face looks dull.

Blondes should be careful with green things, otherwise blond hair will visually take on a swampy tint. If you want to add rich olive accents to your look, choose a bag or shoes that are far from your face.

Combination with warm colors

The olive color scheme is warmer than classic green, so it is easier to combine with a warm palette. In nature, it exists next to various variants of brown, which is why the tandem looks harmonious in clothes. A light brown blouse with an olive-colored skirt or trousers looks stylish.

Associated with an olive wardrobe. But using beige or peach tones will help make the look soft and feminine.

The combination of olive color and yellow is reminiscent of lemons growing on a tree. The combination is considered bright, but looks natural. The situation is similar with the orange tone.

To create a romantic look, give the main role to pastel peach, dusty pink, and salmon colors. Use olive color in the form of shoes or accessories.

Combination with cool shades

It is more difficult to combine olive clothes with cold colors, so there are fewer possible options here.

The tandem with blue shades is reminiscent of a spring forest against a clear sky. The combination is suitable for a summer or spring outfit. Stylists advise fashionistas with blond hair to choose a blue blouse or jacket and a skirt or shorts in an olive shade. Accessories and shoes in neutral colors will complement the look.

It is difficult to combine correctly with olive, but if you succeed, you will get an elegant look with a touch of mystery. The basic rule is to combine a dark olive tone with a deep purple tint, and a light olive tone with a lilac color. In the second case, you will get a delicate and fresh look, reminiscent of a blooming bush of fragrant lilac. The combination is recommended for girls with a soft, non-contrasting appearance.

Monochrome look

To look stylish, create a total look in olive tones. Choose an olive jumpsuit or dress. Pair with accessories and shoes in a neutral tone, such as beige pumps.

Monochrome sets are gaining popularity. The outfits are simple and minimalistic, looking fashionable and elegant. A monochrome look is easy to adapt for everyday life - clothes and details of the same shade are easier to combine correctly.

To prevent a monochromatic outfit from looking boring, use:

  • dark and light, warm and cold shades;
  • various materials and textures;
  • loose, flowy blouses in tandem with tight trousers and skirts or, conversely, short, tight-fitting tops with or wide culottes.

A monochrome look is feminine, fresh, relaxed and sporty, depending on the type of clothing you choose.

Everyday look

The olive palette is considered neutral, so it is suitable for everyday wear. An option for every day is olive-colored trousers in combination with a beige or gray T-shirt. Pants will become not only a stylish wardrobe item, but also a practical item, as they can be combined with a wide palette of shades. In tandem with neutral colors, the image looks calm and confident. And with delicate ones, for example, lilac or salmon - it’s feminine and romantic.

Consider the style of clothing. The sporty trousers are reminiscent of a military uniform. In this case, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to turn into a soldier - choose a top and accessories that are more feminine or neutral.

Olive pants are preferred for summer and spring. Instead of trousers, you can choose a skirt - loose styles will smooth out the associations with military style. In combination with a blouse and lavender pumps, the outfit looks stylish and romantic.

Office wear

The olive color looks restrained and discreet, so it is suitable for an office wardrobe. The classic option is olive and white. The combination will refresh the image, but will not make it too bright and flashy. Combine dark trousers and skirts with white blouses or shirts. For shoes, beige, gray and black pumps are preferred.

A thin leather strap, matched to the tone of your shoes or handbag, will help make your look more formal. For those who do not wear white things, it is recommended to purchase beige or light gray options.

A popular set is black trousers, straight or slightly flared from the hip, and an olive fitted turtleneck. The outfit is suitable for girls with warm, golden skin color and dark or red hair. To complete the look, choose shoes in black or dark gray.

They do not lose their relevance. However, keep in mind that strict styles and rough fabrics in combination with an olive palette will make the look masculine and “military”. For a feminine touch, choose fitted jacket styles and fitted trousers. Tops in light pink, lilac and beige colors will serve as a complement.

Evening look

The olive shade is called restrained and strict, but on flowy or knitted fabrics it looks soft and cozy. This color can be easily adapted for an evening look if combined with deep shades, quality materials and feminine silhouettes. Suitable color combinations are wine, burgundy, dark purple.