Speech therapy game, print and play. Do-it-yourself speech therapy board games for kindergarten

Tamara Okhlopkova

1. "Guess the picture"

The game consists of boxes with replaceable pictures inside, filled with some kind of cereal. Children rake the cereal with their fingers and guess the whole image from the fragments of the picture that are released. As a help (in case of difficulties) On the table in front of the child we lay out several pictures, among which is the one we are looking for.

Use Cases games.

1. Activation of the dictionary on lexical topics.

2. Automation of sounds.

3. Find a match: There are several pictures on the table. The child, raking the cereal in the box, must recognize the picture and find the same one among those offered.

2. "Nimble fingers"

Small pictures are drawn on sheets of paper measuring 10 by 10 cm so that the child can place his fingers on them. The pictures relate to different lexical topics (you can draw pictures with attached sound).

Exercise: “hide” the bunnies (“collect” berries, mushrooms, leaves, vegetables, “catch” butterflies, etc., i.e., cover the drawings with our fingers. Add to the main task related: name the color, what tree the leaf is from, etc.

Publications on the topic:

Didactic game "Collect a bouquet"; Didactic game "Plant a beetle on a flower"; Didactic game "Dress up the Christmas tree"; Didactic game.

DIY didactic games. Tablet "Houses" The tablet includes houses of different colors, with different locks. Open the door, children.

An alternative to expensive educational games is homemade games. Every time I go through the old cubes, my hand does not rise.

1. Game "Domestic and wild animals". 2 pictures are pasted onto the cardboard: a forest and a village, holes are made and screw necks are inserted.

One of the leading aspects of a preschooler’s development is the development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements. It has been proven that development.

Correct speech breathing is necessary for the development of speech, since the respiratory system is nothing more than the energy base for speech.

After wandering around the Internet, I decided to make several board games for my kids. I printed out the pictures, colored them and glued them on.

Elena Zaitseva

In order for children to attend speech therapy classes with pleasure and complete the tasks assigned to them with interest, it is necessary to come up with new, interesting didactic games with different pictures, characters, plots and material. I bring to your attention didactic manuals for individual and subgroup speech therapy classes on the automation of different sounds, the formation of intonation expressiveness, the development of hand-eye coordination, and so on. These benefits help to diversify the lesson and increase the effectiveness of correctional work.

"Magic Cube"

Formation of phonetic-phonemic representations and syllabic structure of a word.

Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Formation of coherent speech.

Formation of cognitive processes.

"Colorful daisies"

Formation of phonetic-phonemic concepts;

syllabic structure of the word.

Formation of cognitive processes.

"Funny Caps"

Formation of sound analysis skills;

Formation of the syllabic structure of a word;

Development of fine motor skills.

Consolidating knowledge of primary colors

“Who lives in the house?”

Practice isolating a given sound in a word;

Learn to differentiate sounds;

Develop the ability to divide words into syllables;

Develop logical thinking and attention;

Reinforce generalizing concepts in speech;

Develop fine motor skills.


Development of phonemic hearing and perception;

Expanding children's knowledge, concepts: vowels - consonants; hard-soft.

Didactic game “Collect beads”

consolidate the ability to differentiate sounds [З]-[С] in words;

develop phonemic awareness,

fine motor skills.

This is only a small part of the game tasks that can be given to a child (children, using these aids. Depending on the goal and objectives set in the lesson, you can change the game tasks. Children enjoy studying with the aids, they arouse their interest, develop curiosity, memory, attention, and most importantly - speech.

Publications on the topic:

I bring to your attention a selection of didactic games and aids for classes with preschool children. These games were made for the final.

Do-it-yourself teaching aids Do-it-yourself teaching aids. What is socio-communicative development? This is a complex process during which the child learns.

Good evening colleagues! I present to your attention two didactic games made from waste materials that do not require a lot of material.

Using a do-it-yourself manual from scrap material in the development of a preschooler. We want our children to grow up healthy and happy.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky: The child’s mind is at his fingertips. At six or seven years old, the development of fine motor skills in children is integral.

Hello colleagues! I bring to your attention a continuation of the review of games that are made with your own hands from scrap materials for development.

Speech development is the most important process for every child. Its features determine not only the ability to express one’s thoughts, but also the ability to communicate effectively with others and influence the success of learning at school. This is why it is so important to conduct speech therapy sessions with children five to six years old. It’s good if parents not only use the help of specialists, but can also independently organize classes with their child at home.

Typical speech disorders in children 5-6 years old

Most older preschoolers have difficulties with:

  • mastering sonorous and hissing sounds;
  • sound analysis of words;
  • development of narrative speech;
  • writing a story and descriptions.

Of course, such problems can be minor, only slightly different from the age norm, and serious, up to. It is necessary to contact a speech therapist in any case, but the supportive work of parents at home is also very important.

It is worth noting that regular speech therapy exercises and classes for children 5-6 years old are useful for every child at home, because they help to master literacy faster.

Rules for speech therapy classes at home

The success of home lessons depends not only on the availability of the necessary aids and a work plan agreed upon with the speech therapist. The organization of classes itself is very important. Here are a few simple rules that will help you achieve excellent results:

  • All speech therapy exercises for children should be carried out regularly, but a little at a time. You shouldn’t try to do articulation gymnastics, play speech games, or fill out a workbook right away. It is better to devote a few minutes to each type of exercise, rather than having a whole “speech therapy day.”
  • Do not force them to complete tasks under pressure; educational activities for children should resemble a game. Come up with a simple plot (for example, a journey into the universe of sounds), prepare small prizes (stickers, paper stars), and arrange physical exercises.
  • Praise and support the little student if he makes even the slightest progress. Focus on achievements, even small ones, gradually progress will become more and more obvious.
  • Find good workbooks for home practice. They should not only be professional in content, but also bright, colorful, and exciting. It is ideal if the tasks have interactive elements (the opportunity to add something, draw something). Such material makes it possible to interest a preschooler and clearly shows him the “path traveled” and success.
  • Don't expect instant results, be patient and gentle perseverance. The process of setting, consolidating, and differentiating sounds is complex; it takes months even for experienced speech therapists. Follow the plan and the results will gradually appear.

Speech therapy exercises for practicing at home

All speech therapy exercises can be divided into three large blocks, each of which needs to be given attention and carried out regularly:

Development of phonemic hearing

The ability to distinguish sounds by ear seems natural, but if you ask your preschooler to spell a word, you will see gaps.

For children 5-6 years old, there are a large number of special games and exercises that help develop. These include:

  • selection of words starting or ending with a given sound;
  • counting sounds in a word, determining the syllable structure;
  • drawing up a sound diagram of a word;
  • inventing rhymes and short poems;
  • pronouncing speeches and tongue twisters.

Thoughtful speech therapy classes for children 5-6 years old make it possible to make all the sounds of their native language obedient and easy.

Finger gymnastics

Fine motor skills of the hands help speech activity, so older preschoolers must do it without fail.

Of course, for children 5-6 years old, the exercises should be complex, with a script, in verse. It is useful to select sets of exercises for both hands at the same time, synchronous. Don't forget to use "helpers":

  • small massagers (rubber balls, rollers, cones);
  • scissors for cutting;
  • plasticine;
  • origami paper.

Also remember that all types of needlework, construction, any creativity are excellent outside of individual classes.

Articulation gymnastics

Starting with the letter L

Hard ones are also often difficult for children 5-6 years old. If the baby has already learned to pronounce it alone, in isolation, then it’s time to start working on automation in speech. The following exercises are suitable for this:

1. “Say it nicely”

Offer your child several images of words starting with L. Ask him to pronounce the words beautifully, emphasizing the desired sound with his voice.

2. “Toys for Larisa”

Ask your child to collect gifts for the Larisa doll. Tell her that she only likes things that begin with L. For this exercise, you need to select small objects or pictures in advance; all words should not begin only with L.

3. “One-many”

Invite your child to name words with L in the singular and plural. In the workbook for the sound L (author Kostyuk A.V.) there is a whole table with pictures for this exercise (lesson 20).

4. “Find the Sound”

Invite your child to draw up a diagram of the word and mark the place L on it. If it is still difficult for your child to independently determine the number of sounds, then first you can do several similar exercises from the workbook.

5. “Tongue twisters and nursery rhymes”

Use nursery rhymes, tongue twisters and poems with words that contain L.

Speech therapy games for preschoolers

Maltseva Elena Mikhailovna, teacher-speech therapist, Severokommunarsk Secondary School, Severokommunarsky Kindergarten, Severny Kommunar village, Sivinsky district, Perm Territory

Description of work: Speech therapy games to overcome ODD are intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age. During the games, children consolidate knowledge on lexical topics “Furniture”, “Berry”, “Mushrooms”, “Vegetables” in an entertaining way. Similar playing fields can be prepared for other lexical topics. Games can be used for individual and subgroup work. This material will be useful to speech therapists in preschool and school institutions, educators, primary school teachers, as well as parents when playing the game at home.

Target: consolidation of acquired knowledge in classes in an entertaining game form.

check the strength of children’s assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities;
learn to apply them in practical activities - games;
cultivate interest in speech games and the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: cube, chips, playing fields on lexical topics.

Playing field on the topic “Furniture”

Rice. 1

Playing field on the topic “Vegetables”

Rice. 2

Playing field on the theme “Berries”

Rice. 3

Playing field on the theme “Mushrooms”

Rice. 4
Rules of the game: From 2 to 3 children can take part in the game, and in an individual lesson - a speech therapist. The child throws the dice and makes a move on as many cells as there are dots on the dice. The game starts from the lower right field. The one who reaches the gift first wins.

Option 1:

The game can be made more difficult. If the speech therapist’s question is answered incorrectly, the child skips a turn.

Option 2:

The game can be complicated if you take into account the symbols (yellow circle - “give way”, green square “return to the beginning”, red triangle - “extra move”).
Different versions of the game provide different levels of difficulty, which allows it to be used for children of different ages and levels of speech development.

Game “Name the Object”

Target – expansion and replenishment of vocabulary on a lexical topic.
Progress of the game: The child throws the dice and makes a move on as many cells as there are dots on the dice. Names the object that is depicted. The turn is then passed to another child. The one who gets to the gift first wins.

Similarly, you can play with children on the lexical topics “Mushrooms”, “Furniture”, “Berry”.

Game "Who is bigger?"

Target – practice selecting definitions for nouns.
Progress of the game: The child throws the dice and makes a move on as many cells as there are dots on the dice. Names the object that is depicted on the playing field, and then selects attributes for this piece of furniture, for example, a table - desk, wooden, old, kitchen. The child must select at least 3 signs. The turn is then passed to another child. The one who gets to the gift first wins.

Game "Tender Words"

Target – formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes.
Progress of the game: The child throws the dice and makes a move on as many cells as there are dots on the dice. Names the object that is depicted, and then calls it affectionately, for example, a table is a table. The turn is then passed to another child. The one who gets to the gift first wins.

Game "Delicious jam"

Target – formation of relative adjectives.
Progress of the game: The child throws the dice and makes a move on as many cells as there are dots on the dice. Names the berry, and then names the jam made from this berry, for example, raspberry - raspberry jam. The turn is then passed to another child. The one who gets to the gift first wins (see Figure 4)

Game "Bragging"

Target – developing the skill of forming noun forms in the genitive plural.
Progress of the game: The child is asked to name a piece of furniture with the word a lot, for example, I have a lot of chairs.

Game "One - several"

Target – changing a noun by number.
Progress of the game: Children take turns throwing the cube and making a move on as many cells as there are points on the cube. The children are given the task: name the object in the plural.

Game "First Sound"

Progress of the game: The child is asked to identify the first sound in the name of the presented picture.

Game "Last Sound"

Target – formation and development of sound analysis.
Progress of the game: During the game, children are asked to name the last sound in the name of the picture on which it is located.

Game "Blue - Green"

Target – formation and development of the ability to distinguish between hard and soft consonants.
Progress of the game: The child is asked to identify the first sound in the name of the picture presented, then lay out a green stone if the first sound is a soft consonant, a blue stone if the first sound is a hard consonant.

Similarly, you can determine the first and last sound in the names of pictures based on other lexical topics “Mushrooms”, “Furniture”, “Berry”.

Game "Slogarik"

Target – formation of syllabic analysis and synthesis of words.
Progress of the game: During the game, children are asked to determine the number of syllables in the name of the picture on which it is located. The task can be complicated: the child is asked to come up with a word that begins with the same syllable as the object in the picture, For example, ka empty - ka tank.
Similarly, you can determine the number of syllables in the names of pictures for other lexical topics “Mushrooms”, “Furniture”, “Berry”

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language - this is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors! Handle this powerful tool with respect.

I. Turgenev

Let's automate the sound L.

Print and play!

A game

"Tell me little word"

Goals: develop auditory attention, sense of rhyme.

Progress of the game. We read the poem, the children listen carefully and finish the last word.

Once in the deep dark mud

The fishermen caught fish

And I found them online

Evil green...(crocodile).

The shell is as strong as granite,

He will protect his enemies

And underneath he knows no fear

Slow... (turtle).

Do you hear the mighty stomping?

Do you see the long trunk?

This is not a magical dream!

This is an African... (elephant).

Game “Whose, whose, whose?”

Goals: to form a grammatical structure of speech (formation of possessive adjectives from


Progress of the game. Invite children to look at pictures depicting animals of the north and hot countries and ask

name the signs of animals.

For example:

The bear has ears (whose? which?) are bearish, and a tail (whose? which?) is bearish.

The seal has the head (whose? what?) ... The successful paws (whose? what?) ... The walrus tusk (whose? what?) ... The deer has antlers

(whose? which?) ... The penguin has a beak (whose? which?) ...


This is an entire site dedicated to educational games for children from 2 to 10 years old. Each game is thought out to the smallest detail and will allow you to directly develop all the child’s mental processes, speech, reading skills, motor skills, and creative abilities.

The site has easy navigation and a flexible system of discounts for subscriptions, and all games can be purchased on disk and used at any convenient time, even in the absence of the Internet.

Games for children

Mersibo specialists