DIY beaded snowflakes with diagrams, photos and videos. Large selection of snowflakes with beads Snowflakes made of beads and bugles patterns

Winter is getting closer, and today we will make another product from the “winter” series - a snowflake.
We will need:
- beads No. 10; I took cream-colored beads;
- glass beads size No. 3; I took silver-colored glass beads;
- beads with a diameter of 6 mm; I took cream-colored beads;
- 130 cm of wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm.

We put one bead on the wire and place it a few centimeters from one of the ends of the wire.

We pass the short end of the wire through the bead, from its reverse side.

We tighten the wire and thus fix the bead with a wire loop. We only need this so that the bead does not “run away” from its place during the weaving process. After we finish weaving, we will unravel this wire loop.

We carry out further weaving only on the long end of the wire. First, we collect 1 piece of glass bead and 12 beads onto the wire.

Pass the wire through the first bead in the opposite direction.

We move the set close to the bead and tighten the wire. We have a loop made of beads.

Now we put 12 more beads on the wire,

then we pass the wire in the opposite direction through the first bead from this set.

We move the beads close to the product and tighten the wire - we have a second loop of beads. A piece of glass bead and two loops make up the first tier of weaving.

Next, close to the first tier, we make two more similar tiers one after another, each of which consists of one piece of glass beads and two loops of beads.

After we have made three tiers of weaving, we need to make another loop of beads. To do this, we again collect 12 beads on the wire.

and pass the wire in the opposite direction through the first bead from this set.

We tighten the wire. We have a twig that will be the ray of a snowflake.

To continue weaving the remaining ray branches, it is necessary to bring the wire to the base of the bead. To do this, we pass the wire sequentially, first through all three pieces of glass beads, and then through the bead.

We carefully pull out the wire - our branch has become denser and more even.

Next, in the same way, one after another, we weave 5 more exactly the same branches-rays on the wire, placing each subsequent ray close to the previous one. For each branch-ray, we first collect a bead, then immediately a piece of glass beads and 12 beads, after which we continue weaving in the same way as we weaved the very first ray. In total, a snowflake should have 6 such branches-rays.

After finishing the weaving, you need to untangle the loop of wire around the very first bead and twist both ends of the wire together so that the first and last beads are close to each other and there is no gap between them. Large selection of snowflakes with beads.

Many different snowflakes and their weaving patterns

Flat snowflakes

Snowflake No. 1

The snowflake is made of gold and pearl-pink beads with a diameter of 4 mm. Carry out the product in accordance with Fig. 21. When weaving the last rows of snowflakes, you can use a needle, since the hole in the beads is quite large. Be careful not to twist the wire, as this will create small knots and the wire will break easily in these places. It is advisable to go through the last row twice so that the product is sufficiently rigid and holds its shape. The finished snowflake has a diameter of slightly more than 7 cm. You can also use fishing line for weaving.

Finally, thread the gold thread through any of the outermost gold beads, tie a small knot, and then you can hang the snowflake on the Christmas tree.

1st row, cast on 16 beads, alternating gold and pink beads. Close the beads into a ring (Fig. 21, a).
2nd row - consists of 8 rays, 3 gold-colored beads in each ray (Fig. 21, b, c, d).
3rd row - also consists of 8 rays and each has 5 pink and 3 gold beads, forming a picot (Fig. 21, e, f, g, i, i).
4th row - just like the second row, consists of 8 rays but 3 gold beads in each (Fig. 22, j-l).

Snowflake No. 2

This snowflake is made of gold beads with a diameter of 4 mm and 2 mm and pearl pink with a diameter of 4 mm. How to make a snowflake is shown in Fig. 22. When finished, this product has a diameter of 9 cm.

1st row - collect 4 gold beads and lock them into a ring (Fig. 23, a, b).
The 2nd row consists of 4 pink beads (Fig. 24, a, 6).
The 3rd row has 4 rays, each of which consists of 5 pink beads (Fig. 25, a-c).
The 4th row also consists of 4 rays with 3 gold beads in each (Fig. 26, a. b).
The 5th row is formed by eight rays, each of which has a picot of three large beads and three small beads. In this?/1st row all the beads are gold in color (Fig. 27, a-e).
The 6th row has 8 rays with 3 pink beads in each (Fig. 28, a-c).

Large selection of snowflakes, 9.9 out of 10 based on 31 ratings

New Year's snowflakes

To work you need to take:

Gold and blue beads
- blue crystals 5 mm
- golden beads 2 mm and 4 mm in diameter
- golden bugles
- fishing line

Snowflake weaving pattern:

Little snowflakes

To make snowflakes (Fig. 11) you will need about two low beads; here you can combine artificial ones with gems. You will also need brass or copper wire.

Description of work

Place eight beads on a wire about 50 cm long, leave a piece of wire about 10 cm long on the left side. Connect both wires together so that a loop is formed from the beads, and twist the wire around the beads by 1-2 mm.

String 6 beads onto the working end of the wire. Pull the wire back through the first of 6 beads and pull it taut. Pass the wire through the next bead of the inner ring and string 6 beads again (Fig. 12).

Continue in this manner until you have eight heifers (Fig. 13). Finally, connect both ends of the wire together, twist them and trim off the excess. This snowflake, like all subsequent ones, can be used as an independent decoration and as an element of pendants and garlands (Fig. 19).

Based on this snowflake, you can make a number of new ones if you partially change the size of the beads (Fig. 14, 15) or increase the number of beads (Fig. 16, 17). You can connect snowflakes into one garland and decorate a window or Christmas tree with it (Fig. 18, 19).

Several options for weaving snowflakes

Such beautiful and uplifting snowflakes that will perfectly decorate and prepare your home for the new year. They will create the mood and fill the place around you with a fairy tale!

To weave these snowflakes you need to take:

White matte beads No. 10 or 12
- blue matte beads of the same number
- blue matte beads for the center of the snowflake and accents
- fishing line, wire, depending on what is more convenient for you to weave

Snowflake weaving pattern:

Each of these snowflakes starts from the center. You need to weave a round base, the same for three, and then make different branches and snowflake crystals for each. The diagram clearly shows the movement of the thread; the number of beads strung is not always indicated, but you can see it in the photo of the finished snowflakes.

A few more beautiful snowflakes

Unlike previous snowflakes, these ones already use a more diverse material.

What you need for weaving:

White bugles
- pearl beads 3 mm, 4 mm and 5 mm in diameter
- white beads No. 10
- blue beads or beads No. 10
- gold beads or beads No. 10
- blue bicone crystals 4 mm in diameter
- wire and fishing line

Snowflake weaving patterns:

All four of these snowflakes weave differently. Following the diagram you can repeat the weaving process. And decorate the Christmas tree with them for the New Year.

Today you will be presented with a rather difficult master class; we will learn how to make a snowflake from beads and its weaving pattern for beginners with step-by-step photos. It will take a lot of time and effort to create an even and elegant craft. Of course it is much easier than from beads.

The following materials were used to make snowflakes from beads:

— N10 beads of turquoise (primary) color – 2 grams;
— beads N10 silver color – 16 pieces;
— beads N8 silver color – 8 pieces;
— silver bugles – 16 pieces;
— pearl-like beads (diameter 4 mm) – 32 pieces;
- wire 0.3 mm.

Weaving snowflakes from beads

We start weaving a snowflake with a small cross made of beads. We collect 3 turquoise beads and close the “cross” with a silver bead. We tighten the weaving.

We tighten the weaving. At this stage, the center of the weaving has shifted, because we will continue to weave in a circle. One turquoise bead between the pearl beads is the center of the snowflake, everything below is its ray. At the left end of the wire we collect 1 turquoise bead, 1 silver bead and 3 more turquoise beads.

We pass the same end of the wire again as we weave into silver beads.

We pull it up, forming a “picot” (picot is a protrusion made of beads). Next, we collect one turquoise bead on both ends of the wire and close it into a pearl.

Pull up and repeat the previous step. Again we make a picot at the end of the wire farthest from the center (left). The center is already clearly visible and begins to wrap itself in a circle.

Again we put 1 turquoise bead on both ends of the wire and close it into a pearl. We received the third ray of the first row of snowflakes.

We continue to weave rays in the same way until we get 8 pearls. In this case, there will be only 7 rays. To weave the eighth ray and raise the snowflakes to the second row, we collect 1 turquoise bead on one end of the wire (closest to the center) and pass into the first of the collected pearls.

We tighten the weaving, making sure that a circle is formed and the weaving does not stretch in length or width. Again, we put a turquoise bead on each end of the wire and close it with a turquoise bead too. The first row of snowflakes is ready.

For the second row we collect 1 pearl bead, 2 turquoise beads, 1 silver and 1 more turquoise.

We pass the same end of the wire along the weaving into the first of the collected turquoise beads. A “pico” with a silvery top is formed.

We collect 1 pearl, go through the outermost turquoise picot bead of the previous row, and again weave a ray of the second row: 1 pearl, 2 turquoise beads, 1 silver and 1 turquoise.

Let's pull it up. We collect a pearl and go to the top of the next “pico” of the previous row.

We admire it. We continue to work. We make the rays of the second row in a circle. You can do this with one end of the wire, or with both, moving towards each other with each new ray.

When 7 rays are completely ready, then to move to the third row you need to do the following: collect one pearl on each end of the wire and close the “cross” into a turquoise bead.

The second row of beaded snowflakes is ready. It looks like this:

If you are going to make earrings or a pendant, then you can finish at this stage. The diameter of the snowflake is now 3.5 cm. For the Christmas tree decoration, you need to add 1 more row. At one end of the wire we collect 1 turquoise bead, a bugle bead, a turquoise bead, a pearl, a turquoise bead, a silver bead and 1 more turquoise bead.

With the same end of the wire we pass into the pearl bead in the opposite direction.

For symmetry, we collect 1 turquoise bead, a bugle bead, a turquoise bead and pass into the adjacent silver picot top of the previous row. We tighten the weaving, we get the first ray of the third row.

In the same way we make the second ray, moving in a circle.

We make sure that there is no free “bare” wire left at the vertices (marked in red in the photo). The weaving should be tight.

We continue to weave the snowflake in a circle.

When the seven rays of the third row are ready, then, unlike the two previous rows, we will finish the eighth ray not at the top, but at the side. We completely collect the necessary beads for the eighth ray...

... tighten the weaving and twist both ends of the wire at the base.

Cut off the excess wire. We twist the twist to the center of the snowflake. Thus, all the tops of the rays look identical and neat, and the very end of the weaving is not visible. If everything is done correctly, then the twisting will be almost imperceptible. The reverse side of the snowflake should look like the photo below. The twist is marked in red.

The beaded snowflake is ready!
You can complement it with a couple and give a gift to a loved one - handmade Christmas tree decorations.

Or you can make several versions of snowflakes and add them to ready-made New Year’s gifts for family and friends.

Winter has already come into its own, so today we will make another winter-themed product - a snowflake.
For it we will need:
- glass beads size No. 3; I took blue glass beads;
- beads size No. 10; I took light green beads with a pearlescent tint;
- beads size No. 8 (you can take even larger beads); I took blue beads;
- wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm.

So, let's go directly to the master class. First we make the middle part of the snowflake.
We take a wire 160 cm long, put one large bead and four pieces of bugles on it and place the set on the wire so that the tip of the wire about 10-15 cm long remains on the side of the bugles.

Take the short end of the wire and pass it through the bead from the other end of the wire.

We tighten the wire, trying to keep the short end of the wire approximately 10 cm long. We have a bugle bead loop at the base of which there is a bead.

All further weaving is carried out only on the long end of the wire. We no longer need the short end of the wire; we will secure and cut it at the end of the weave.

and pass the wire through the nearest lower section of the glass bead from the previous loop in the direction from top to bottom (that is, to the base of the loop) and then immediately through the bead from our last set.

We tighten the wire - next to the first loop of glass beads we get a second loop.

Next, we weave three more loops in the same way, so that we get five such loops in total. Let me remind you that for each loop we collect one large bead and three pieces of bugles.

We connect the loops into a circle. To do this, first we collect one large bead onto the wire.

and pass the wire through the nearest lower piece of glass bead from the very first loop in the direction from bottom to top (that is, from the base of the loop outward).

Then we put two pieces of glass beads on the wire

and pass it through the nearest lower piece of glass bead from the last woven loop in the direction from top to bottom (that is, to the base of the loop) and then immediately through two beads: the last bead cast on and the bead from the very first loop.

We tighten the wire - we have the middle part of the snowflake, consisting of six loops woven in a circle.

Next we weave the rays of the snowflake. Before this, we pass the wire through the nearest piece of glass bead, that is, we bring it to the outer border of the middle part of the snowflake.

First we weave a small ray. Let's break its weaving into 3 steps.

Step 1. We put two pieces of glass beads and one small bead onto the wire

after which, holding this bead, we pass the wire in the opposite direction through the piece of glass bead closest to it.

We move the set close to the product and tighten the wire.

Step 2. Place one piece of glass bead and one small bead onto the wire.

Again, hold the bead and pass the wire in the opposite direction through the piece of glass bead.

We move the set close to the previous one and tighten the wire. We straighten two pieces of bugles with beads so that they look in different directions from the very first piece of bugles in this ray.

Step 3. For this snowflake ray, we just need to make the tip, and then bring the wire to the base of the ray. We collect one piece of glass bead and one small bead onto the wire,

hold the bead and pass the wire in the opposite direction through a piece of bugle bead from the last set, after which we immediately pass the wire through the very first piece of bugle bead in this ray.

Carefully pull out the wire - the first ray of the snowflake is ready.

To continue weaving, we pass the wire through the nearest piece of glass bead located along the perimeter of the middle part of the snowflake,

and then we begin to weave the second ray of the snowflake. This ray is made similarly to the first one, only it will be larger in size. We start weaving in the same way as in the case of a small ray - we perform the first two steps. We have the first tier of a large ray.

Next, we repeat the first two steps again to get the second tier of a large ray - exactly the same as the first.

All we have to do is make a tip for this ray, and then bring the wire to the base of the ray. We use a similar technique as in the 3rd step when weaving a small ray: we collect one piece of bugle bead and one small bead onto the wire,

We hold the bead and pass the wire in the opposite direction through a piece of bugle bead from the last set, after which we immediately pass the wire sequentially through two pieces of bugle bead that make up the axis of this snowflake ray.

Carefully pull out the wire - the second ray of the snowflake is ready.

Again, to continue weaving, we pass the wire through the nearest piece of glass bead, located along the perimeter of the middle part of the snowflake, in the direction of its free part.

Several master classes on weaving snowflakes. By making snowflakes of various types, as well as using beads and glass beads of different colors for them, you can create a real fairy-tale snowstorm!

P.S. Don't want to miss our new master classes?

The most logical New Year's bead decoration would be a snowflake. There are an incredible variety of patterns for beaded snowflakes: from the simplest for beginners to incredibly complex ones, consisting of several tiers. As a connecting element, you can use fishing line, wire, thread, as well as pins and the most common glue.

#1 Quickly made snowflake from beads: make Christmas decorations with your own hands

For those who have absolutely no time to prepare, a snowflake made of wire and beads would be an ideal option. To create such a masterpiece you will need: wire, glue or thread (for fastening the wire), beads or beads. Cut several identical pieces of wire (3 or more), fasten them in the middle (with glue or thread), and string beads onto the free ends. The snowflake is ready!

#2 Quick snowflake made from pins and beads: DIY New Year’s craft

For such a snowflake, it is best to have in your arsenal not only beads, but also other beads of different sizes. You will need: pins, fishing line, beads of different sizes, scissors and glue. Below see step-by-step photo instructions.

#3 Master class from beads: making a snowflake for the New Year with your own hands

So, let's complicate our product. This snowflake has its own manufacturing pattern that must be followed. You will need: fishing line, scissors, beads and beads. See below for a detailed diagram of the snowflake.

#4 Snowflake made of beads: master class with step-by-step photos

For beginning craftswomen, this New Year's snowflake pattern will be a great start. The tools you will need are: fishing line, scissors, needle, beads. It is better to take beads in two colors, so the craft will look more impressive.

#5 DIY snowflake made of beads for the New Year: diagram

To make such a craft, you will need several types of beads: this way the snowflake will look incredibly realistic. See below for a detailed diagram with bead sizes.

#6 Bead crafts for beginners: snowflake pattern for the New Year

To make such a snowflake you will need beads of different sizes and colors, as well as fishing line. A detailed beading diagram is described below; the diagram also shows the sizes of beads that should be used in making this New Year's craft.

#7 New Year's bead craft: DIY snowflake pattern

And another unusual pattern for a New Year’s snowflake that you can bring to life with your own hands. A detailed diagram is described below indicating the sizes of beads required for the craft.

#8 Snowflake pattern made from beads: making New Year’s crafts from beads

Another quite simple, but at the same time charming snowflake pattern from their beads. You will need fishing line and beads of different sizes and colors. A detailed manufacturing diagram is shown in the photo below.

#9 Beadwork: snowflake pattern

Any needlewoman can make such a charming craft. It might be a bit difficult for beginners, but nothing is impossible. Below is a detailed diagram that will help you master the beading technique.

New Year's Angels made of beads

An angel is rightfully considered another symbol of the New Year and Christmas. You can make cute angels from beads, and then decorate a Christmas tree or house with these beautiful crumbs. You can give an angel made of beads as a gift to people near and dear to you so that it protects and helps.

#1 Simple angel made of beads and wire: master class with step-by-step photos

A very simple angel that even beginners can make. It will take about 10 minutes of your time and your cute beaded angel for the New Year is ready! See the step-by-step photo master class below.

#2 New Year's angel made of beads: making crafts for the New Year with your own hands

Another variation of bead crafts on the theme of angels. The pattern is quite simple. You will need: wire, scissors, beads and beads of different sizes, a chain or ribbon. Below see step-by-step photo instructions for making the craft.

#3 Angel made of beads: do-it-yourself New Year’s crafts

A more complex version of a Christmas angel made of beads. You will need patience and experience in creating masterpieces from small glass beads. See the step-by-step master class with photos below.

#4 Cute angel made of beads and beads with your own hands: diagram

Here is another diagram of an angel made of beads and wire. Very similar to option number 1, but there are small differences that make the craft more realistic. See the photo below for the diagram.

Christmas tree made of beads

The most important attribute of the New Year holiday, without which it is simply impossible to imagine it, is the New Year tree. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to acquire a large green beauty, you can replace it with a miniature Christmas tree made of beads. Here you will find master classes on making a Christmas tree from beads for both beginners and beadwork professionals.

#1 Simple Christmas tree made of beads and wire: New Year's crafts from beads for beginners

Even a child can handle this New Year’s craft. By the way, beads develop fine motor skills well, which is useful not only for children, but also for adults! Step-by-step instructions with photos are given below.

#2 Christmas tree made of beads: making crafts with children

Another option for a simple New Year’s craft that you can do with your children. The Christmas tree will turn out bright and cheerful if you use beads of different colors and sizes. See the step-by-step master class below.

#3 We make a Christmas tree with our own hands from beads and glue

This craft can become a very original decoration or even a gift. You will need glue, construction paper and scissors. Draw the silhouette of the future Christmas tree on paper. Then carefully glue the beads along the contour. wait until it dries and cut out the finished product. The work is painstaking, but if everything is done correctly, the result will be indescribable beauty!

#4 Beaded tree: master class on making a Christmas tree

A miniature Christmas tree made of beads will be an excellent decorative element. To create it you will need two types of wire, a lot of green beads and red beads of a slightly larger diameter. See the photo below for a step-by-step masterclass.

#5 Beadwork: masterclass on making a Christmas tree for the New Year

From beads you can make such a cute Christmas tree pendant, which, by the way, can be hung as a toy on the New Year tree. You will need wire, green beads, white and orange beads. See the step-by-step masterclass with photos below.

#6 Making a Christmas tree from beads with your own hands: diagram

You can also make a small Christmas tree in this way: You will need a toothpick or other thin stick, beads and fishing line. According to the pattern, weave several cross-shaped bases with a round hole in the center. The bases must be of different sizes. Next, string them onto a stick, starting with the largest ones. The top can be decorated with beads of a different color.

#7 Christmas tree made of beads: masterclass + photo

Let's complicate the task. In this masterclass you will learn how to make a Christmas tree from beads and wire. For this craft you will need wire and beads of two colors (green and white). Make each branch separately, and then twist them together and get a fluffy Christmas tree. Detailed photo instructions are given below.

#8 DIY beaded Christmas tree pattern: making New Year’s crafts

Another Christmas tree pattern made of beads and wire. Additionally, you can use multi-colored beads of different sizes, which will look like Christmas tree balls. The diagram is described in detail in the photo below.

#9 DIY mini Christmas tree made of beads and beads

Miniature Christmas tree made of beads and beads. Suitable for more experienced craftsmen. A detailed diagram is shown in the picture below.

#10 Christmas tree made of beads: master class with step-by-step photos and diagram

Another version of a Christmas tree made of beads and wire. At first glance, some of the Christmas tree making workshops in our article are similar. And indeed it is. They are similar, but the execution techniques are different. Experienced craftsmen will immediately notice the difference, but for beginners we recommend that you strictly follow the instructions and carefully study the MK.

#11 Christmas tree with beads: masterclass with photos

This version of the green beauty is a little simpler than the previous one, but in general the manufacturing scheme is similar. You will need fishing line, green and white beads, and step-by-step beading instructions.

#12 Christmas tree made of beads: step-by-step masterclass

For the most experienced needlewomen we offer a master class on making a Christmas tree from beads. Very painstaking work awaits the craftswoman when creating such a masterpiece. Each branch is made separately and then wound onto the main stem. See step-by-step photo instructions below.

See also:

In the pre-New Year bustle, sometimes there is no time for the Christmas tree: crowds in stores and at specialized Christmas tree markets discourage anyone from purchasing a fluffy beauty. However, in order to have a real Christmas tree in your home, you don’t have to buy it. From this article you will learn how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from scrap materials. We have collected for you more than 20 […]

Other New Year crafts made from beads

For the New Year, you can make other crafts from beads, for which you have enough imagination. Well, what are the New Year holidays without gifts, Santa Claus, pine cones, sweets, wreaths, stars? All this and much more can be made from beads with our step-by-step master classes.

#1 New Year's bell made of beads: master class with photos

A beaded bell would be an excellent New Year's decoration. To create it you will need wire, beads and beads, scissors, a safety pin, chain or ribbon. See step-by-step MK with photos below.

#2 Peppermint candy made from beads: doing beadwork for the New Year

You can also decorate a New Year tree or interior with themed mint candies made from beads, which we know well from Hollywood films. The weaving pattern and step-by-step master class are shown in the photo.

#3 New Year's gift made of beads: making crafts with your own hands

A craft gift will look very symbolic as a decoration. You will need wire, beads and beads of different sizes. Master class with step-by-step photos, see below.

#4 Santa Claus made of beads: diagram and master class

Well, what would a holiday be without a kind old man delivering gifts? Here we will make a bourgeois colleague of our Santa Claus. The scheme is simple, suitable for beginners. You will need red black and white beads.

#5 Master class on beadwork: making a New Year's cone from beads with your own hands

Well, what is a Christmas tree without pine cones? Now we will tell you how to make a bead cone with your own hands. To do this, you will need a foam oval blank, brown or golden beads, and fishing line. For beginners, such a craft will be difficult: they will have to spend a lot of time and effort. But experienced craftswomen will love the New Year's cone made of beads. See the step-by-step masterclass below.

#6 Master class: weaving a Christmas wreath with beads

Usually the front door is decorated with Christmas wreaths, sometimes they are also hung on the wall to create a festive atmosphere. But you can make a small wreath of beads and use it as an element of New Year's decor. See beading instructions below.

#7 DIY beaded Christmas wreath: MK with photo

There can be a great many variations on the theme of a Christmas wreath made of beads. Having gained a little experience, you will be able to generate ideas for patterns on your own, but for now, take note of our crafts and patterns.

#8 Beaded wreath for the New Year: master class on beading

Well, the most complex version of a beaded wreath. You will have to try, but the result will exceed all expectations. With such a craft, there is no shame in going on a visit, taking a wreath as a New Year's souvenir.

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Preparing for the New Year is sometimes even more enjoyable than the celebration itself. The whole family, including the youngest residents, can take part in the interior decorating process. You can decorate an apartment or house for the New Year holidays in a variety of ways, but recently New Year's wreaths, which we know better from romantic Hollywood Christmas films, have become very popular. However, fashionable […]

#9 Beaded star: do-it-yourself New Year’s craft masterclass

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Bead jewelery

It’s worth preparing thoroughly for the New Year: you need to decorate not only the Christmas tree or the house, but also your loved one. You can make incredible themed decorations with your own hands from beads and illuminate everyone around you with a good mood. By the way, you can make identical jewelry for friends, sisters, or mother and daughter. In general, turn on your imagination and go ahead - create!

#1 New Year's snowflake pendant: making decorations with your own hands, MK

It is relevant during the New Year holidays, and in general with the beginning of winter, to wear handmade themed winter jewelry. You can make this snowflake pendant from beads with your own hands following the instructions in our master class.

#2 New Year's pendant Christmas wreath: master class on making

A pendant in the form of a Christmas wreath will also look relevant on the eve of the Christmas holidays. You will need beads of two colors and fishing line. You can hang the pendant on a cord or on a chain.

#3 DIY Christmas snowflake earrings made of beads: step-by-step master class with photos

New Year's holidays are just around the corner, which means it's time to think about dressing for the holiday itself. It would be nice to appear at a gala evening in a unique handmade jewelry. With the help of this MK you can create beautiful themed winter earrings with your own hands.

#4 Simple, quick and easy beaded earrings: diagram + step-by-step photos

If you don’t have time, but you really want a handmade themed decoration, you can make these simple earrings in the shape of snowflakes. You will need: wire (6 identical pieces), beads or beads. For one earring, take three pieces of wire and twist them in the middle to form a solid six-pointed structure. String beads onto the ends and secure. Add a hook and the earring is ready!

#5 DIY beaded earrings for the New Year: step-by-step instructions with photos

You can make these cute earrings in the shape of fir branches yourself using our detailed photo instructions.

#6 DIY beaded Christmas deer earrings: MK with photo

You can make funny earrings in the shape of deer from beads with your own hands. The scheme is very simple, even beginners can handle it. But such a product looks very funny, and most importantly - thematic!

#7 DIY earrings in the shape of a New Year’s wreath: weaving pattern

Beaded jewelry can be diluted with additional decorative elements, for example, ribbon, as in this master class. The result is an original product, which you can’t even tell that it took just over 10 minutes to make!

#8 Bead decoration: making flat earrings with your own hands

To make gift-shaped earrings you will need three types of beads and wire. We weave the base from square flat beads. Bugles and small beads will be needed for the bow. See the step-by-step master class below.

#9 DIY beaded jewelry: Tutorial on weaving earrings

And here is another variation on the theme of beaded earrings in the form of a Christmas wreath. You will need beads of two colors (green for the base, red for decoration), fishing line and our diagram.

#10 Beaded earrings: DIY mistletoe leaf, MK + photo

Earrings can also be made in the form of mistletoe leaves. The scheme is incredibly simple, so novice craftswomen can safely get to work. See the photo below for a step-by-step masterclass.

A beaded brooch will also become a themed New Year's decoration. In this master class you will learn how to embroider a beaded brooch in the shape of a bullfinch. You will need beads of four colors, stones for the eyes and chest, and rhinestones for decoration.

#12 Bead embroidery: making a New Year's mask with your own hands

You can embroider a New Year's mask with beads. To do this you will need a blank openwork mask. And then embroider it to your taste with beads of different colors.

Beaded crowns

For the New Year, you can make chic beaded crowns for little princesses. Small glass beads look like real gems for the New Year's holiday, a small snowflake or princess will look unique. In addition, a beaded crown can be made together, keeping the child busy and the mother happy!

#1 Master class on how to make a crown from beads: the crown of the Snow Queen

You can make a real Snow Queen crown with your own hands from beads and seed beads. The work is painstaking and will require a lot of effort and time from you. However, the result is worth it: see the step-by-step master class with photos below.

#2 Snowflake crown made of beads: MK + photo

You can make a headband with a snowflake for a small snowflake, which will look like a real crown. See below for a detailed diagram and step-by-step master class.

#3 How to make a crown from beads and beads: MK princess crown

Detailed diagram for making a princess crown from beads and seed beads. Treat yourself and your little princess with a handmade product.

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